The Ayurvedic systems of improvement very closely bind in themselves spiritual and physical clarification. One of ways of such clarification is the system of posts of an ekadasha.
On belief of Hindus, ekadash it is capable to help with prevention of many illnesses and also to cure existing.
What is it?
All of us periodically give rest to the body and we unload a brain. And our stomach constantly works — we we eat, we drink. Many heard about ekadash, but not all know, what is it. Ekadasha is one day of rest from food and water. This day falls on the 11th day of the moon after a full moon and a new moon. These days are the best not only for cleaning of an organism, but also for meditation. Hindus believe that fasting days help an organism to self-repair, be cleaned from hazardous substances, have the rejuvenating effect and prolong the person life.
Whether you know? In the world the number of the people supporting Hinduism is 14-15% of total population.
As they say in the writing, Ekadasha is the goddess of lunar day created by the Supreme god Vishna. Esteeming this goddess, people can be cleaned from sins and achieve inner world. In days of an ekadasha it was allowed to Paparusha's sin to hide in thickets leguminous, and since then it is considered that consumption these days of fruits leguminous is acceptance of a sin.
Ekadasha: advantage or harm
Any kind of medical starvation has adherents and opponents. Before resorting to such clarification, it is necessary to understand possibilities of the organism well.
About advantage
There is an opinion that ekadash are able to help with relief of symptoms of asthma, hypertension, diabetes, allergy, stomach diseases. The main idea — in the absence of food from the outside an organism begins to use internal resources, and thus destroys the saved-up carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It leads to a conclusion of slags and toxins that helps improvement of cages.
Important! Future mothers and women who nurse and also during intake of heavy drugs cannot observe a post.
Harm and side effects
Doctors, admirers of classical school, categorically against such starvations. The theory of existence of slags is not confirmed with science. Doctors consider that one-day dry starvation can undermine the immune system, cause dehydration, break work of heart. Starvation during a heat is especially dangerous and at hard physical activity. It is necessary to remember that loss of 10-20% of moisture conceals danger to human life. Even those who regularly observe posts, agree that at the beginning there are headaches, dizziness, nausea, pressure decline. However gradually the organism gets used and symptoms are not shown.
There are diseases at which dry starvation is strictly forbidden:
- gout;
- urolithic disease;
- thrombophlebitis;
- tuberculosis;
- malignant tumors.
Rules of observance of medical starvation
To minimize risks of side effects, it is necessary to be prepared for starvation in advance. Not the last role is played by a moral spirit. But the body also needs preliminary preparation.
How to enter
Some days before a post it is necessary to refuse heavy food, to eat, generally porridges, vegetables and fruit. Food is eaten in the small portions. It is desirable to carry out clarification, for example, by an enema.
What can be eaten: holding of a post
The full post helps to be cleaned from sins completely, however with that for whom complete starvation is unacceptable, it is possible to eat certain food and to drink water. Many are afraid to observe ekadash as they do not know what can be eaten.
During an ekadasha it is possible to use:
- all fruit and nuts;
- vegetable marrows, potatoes, pumpkin, garden radish, cucumbers, olives, lemons;
- buckwheat;
- dairy products.
Food should not comprise cereal and bean. Also it is impossible to eat: tomatoes, honey, red beet, mushrooms, spinach, onions, cabbage, garlic.
Important! It is possible to eat during a post only houses — no restaurants and cafe are allowed.
Exit from an ekadasha begins after ascension of the sun. At first drink the added some salt water, at the rate of 1 tsp of salt on 0.5 l. It is possible to add lemon juice to water. Then, several minutes later, it is possible to eat banana. In day of an exit from a post it is better to refuse greasy and fried food.
Whether you know? Refusal of products — that is not all: Hindus believe that during a post it is impossible to have a shave, sleep in the afternoon, to talk to weavers, laundresses and drunk, is from bronze ware.
The received benefits
Hindus consider that the post of an ekadasha is equated to visit of the holy site in the period of an eclipse of the sun or the moon. The fasting person receives in many krat a big award, than from the made donation or a sacrifice. The one who though once completely observed a post, deserves the same benefits as though he fed one thousand needing every day for 60 thousand years. Observance of an ekadasha gives in 10 times more of the benefits, than distribution of 1000 cows to brahmen.
Calendar of an ekadasha
For convenience of fasting there is a special calendar with the indication of dates of the holiday Uttkhana Ekadasha.
In 2017 the posts fall on such dates:
- October 1, 15 and 31;
- November 14 and 29;
- December 13 and 29.
In the first quarter 2018 the days of posts of an ekadasha get for such dates:
- January 12 and 27;
- February 11 and 26;
- March 13 and 27.
Before deciding on holding of such posts, it is necessary to be prepared well both physically, and spiritually. What spirituality you would not apply, the main thing is a belief. Then everything will do good and both moral, and physical will bring satisfaction.