Fight against the Green Serpent"

Fight against the Green Serpent"

Health Hits: 235

society constantly there are disputes on whether alcohol intake is one of the most terrible human defects. Opponents of alcohol motivate the views with harm of alcohol for health, problems in family, danger driving and other. Supporters of the opposite camp claim that alcohol helps to remove stress after the unlucky and long working day, to become more relaxed in communication, to start new acquaintances, etc. Anyway, but the fact of the use in itself of alcoholic drinks does not say obviously that the drinking person "bad" or "vicious".

Several cases in the history (the Prohibition in the USA in the 30th and the Prohibition in the USSR in the 80th) showed that global fight against alcoholism is rather inefficient and leads only to increase in production of moonshine alcoholic beverages which affect health of citizens much worse, than usual alcohol. Therefore the campaign for reduction of number of the drinking people has to take place more sophisticated.

Long time influence of alcohol on a human body was considered especially from the physiological point of view, studying the chemical processes happening in an organism. Only rather recently mental factors of alcoholism became more powerful at treatment of this disease. It is known that if in an organism there are no irreversible changes, then it is cleaned from consequences of alcohol poisoning at most within three weeks. That is, in principle, any chemical dependence has to be removed in this time. But practice shows that everyone manages to get rid of this addiction in three weeks not. So the psychological aspect of this problem plays not the last role if not main.

The simplest and most effective way is elimination of this dependence at the earliest stage. For this purpose it is necessary to define that thin and almost imperceptible side which separates the healthy person from the patient. There are many opinions in this respect, but most of psychologists distinguishes the following signs of transition from a healthy state to sick:

  1. Hungover syndrome in the mornings. It is shown not only by the bad physical health peculiar to any poisoning, but also mental changes: depression, feeling of aimlessness of life, sometimes even feeling of close death.
  2. Binge with predictable regularity and the statement drinking that he "drinks, but at any time can throw".
  3. Despair syndrome. All events begin to be presented to the person defective, deprived of sense if there is no alcohol. In any situation all actions of such person come down to the aspiration to drink quicker.

If in time not to notice transition of this conditional border, then the drinking person is expected by the whole set of troubles - from violations of physiological functions of an organism before defeat of its most important bodies. During this period the identity of the person begins to break up, violations in mentality and logic begin. It is almost impossible to return the person to the normal state in the usual ways in such situation and in such cases there is a need for medical intervention.

What measures need to be taken if you found these disturbing signs in yourself or in close people? First of all, the person in such situation has to realize accurately that he is sick. Recognition of a problem is the first step in its elimination. The vast experience of all researchers of this problem shows with all evidence that else any person did not get rid of this habit without desire, own on that. No pressure of the family or the sanction of the administration play here, in effect, any role. It is one of those exceptional cases in life when the person is confronted before a problem of own choice. In many cases frank recognition of presence at itself of this problem conducts to the fact that people resolutely change the lifestyle and stop drinking. Of course, not each person has such amazing will power therefore psychologists advise to adhere to certain useful tips:

  1. There is a reliable way of removal of stressful situations, doubts and disorders. The thoughts, plans, the action program committed to paper lead your inner world to consent, and vague representations and the assumptions to concrete, seen by eyes, realities. Take yourself for the rule to conduct something like the diary of the actions. Implement plans and report — so you will be able to analyze and very quickly obtain the evidence of your sequence and according to good result. Also look for and study special literature on your problem. By means of such self-checking you with ease win against "a green serpent".
  2. Do not give in to temptation. You can on full use all pleasures of life, but remember that the minute weakness desire to drink "only one glass" can destroy all your efforts to stop drinking.
  3. Others experience. Better than training at the mistakes there can be only a training at others mistakes. The same concerns experience of people who already managed to win against this artful dependence. Do not hesitate to visit special societies and clubs where people with similar to your problem live. Also you can call by the telephone hotline and by the contact phone number of the International league of sobriety and health and to ask for suggestions. Even if the first experience of communication was not successful – do not lower a hand: look for new acquaintances, new clubs, new people. With assistance of adherents it is much easier to get rid of this problem. Much are helped by communication with the priest, some priests can help with certain problems better than some psychologists.
  4. Help of relatives. It is much easier to struggle with this heavy dependence by means of close people. Consider that you were lucky if near you there are close and tolerant people understanding your problem and wishing you success. Anyway it is impossible to hide the disease and to become isolated in it as a turtle in an armor. It is necessary to talk about your trouble frankly to the loved one, it is the best of all with that whose opinion you value, to tell it everything and to ask for suggestions. Let him know about each your step on the way to healing, watches process - in this case support of people who appreciate and care for you is simply invaluable.
  5. Help to "colleagues by misfortune". The person always becomes such what he is seen by people around. In understanding of this phrase the solution of psychological motivation of the majority of our acts is concealed. You have to seek to become such that not only people around thought of you well, but also to follow this formula. Very effectively the method of "the senior companion" works. In every way help your acquaintances, too the person interested to get rid of a similar illness. Your authority on their eyes will not allow you to stretch to a glass.
  6. Help of the expert. Without wasting time, at the same time address professionals, to those people who it is better than others know how, actually, to help you. For a start address to district clinic where there have to be a psychotherapist and the narcologist, consult to them. If you consider that your case heavier, carries an individual shade, obviously expressed personal character, address the psychologist. Do not ignore this point of the program under any pretext - look for experts who will be able to help you. Remember that your problem was born not yesterday, and there are many people, capable, and, the main thing, ready to help you. But it is necessary to address only the checked experts whom the people who got rid of alcohol addiction can recommend.
  7. Free time which you spent on alcohol earlier needs to be taken with something useful. It can even be harmless dependence on, for example, plentiful tasty food, juice or sweets. In this case any more not to diets. Psychologists advise for a while to become the gourmet, to organize to themselves from each meal a celebration. For mentality such replacement - rescue, and for a body - a fine opportunity shortly to put on a sports suit and to be engaged in run in the fresh air. Sports activities and a contrast shower after them extremely quickly clean an organism from alcoholic slags, clear up consciousness and cause the strengthened desire and farther to be healthy. Besides any time spent for sport extends your life at least on as much.
  8. Vital changes. Tell yourself that ahead at you only new. If you decided to begin new life, to exchange entirely, then it does not make more sense to cling to old, to be afraid to change the company with which you drank. Replace everything that only can be replaced, beginning from appearance before changes of character. Leave the former company of the drinking friends. [br/] Change whenever possible and habitats. If there is no opportunity to go with close people to a travel, strongly move inside: look for new work, new occupations, new friends; in a word, replace a life rhythm with intensive, load yourself to the maximum, you do not spare. Through the shortest time you will be struck by unexpected opening: these gestures for certain will yield the most unexpected results connected with career, with new acquaintances and other. Your efforts anyway will not go to waste.

Also do not believe any alarmists and seducers that it is impossible to win against alcohol. From those who firmly wanted to win all won.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
