For what polyvitaminic complexes, and features of their application are necessary

For what polyvitaminic complexes, and features of their application are necessary

In the conditions of a modern rhythm of life it is difficult to overestimate usefulness of polyvitamins. Constant haste, poor nutrition, a sleep debt, a disease, bad ecology — all this has negative effect on our organism so it demands additional support. Vitamins are appointed to the children and adults pregnant and feeding, to the athletes and people who underwent operations. Polyvitaminic complexes there is a big set for today and to understand as far as it is necessary personally for you and what medicine it is better to choose, it is necessary to understand everything in more detail.

What is it

Polyvitamins belong to medications. Vitamins, minerals and additional substances are their part. If the tablet contains more than one vitamin, it can already be considered polyvitamin.

The main objective of such medicines is to provide the person with all necessary nutrients which have to be in an organism, but which do not come to it or arrive in insufficient quantity.

The person at the different moments of existence needs different substances. It depends on a set of factors: food, health, age, a way and living conditions, the suffered injuries and diseases. Respectively also the structure of complexes differs.

The increasing popularity is gained presently by multivitamins. They consist of a set of components, often even contain a full range of the minerals and substances necessary for full activity of an organism. Taking such drugs on only one tablet a day, it is possible to protect itself from negative impact of the external environment, stresses and feeling sick.

Composition of polyvitamins

Polyvitamins differ by names of medicines, but similar, most widespread components enter a basis of most of them. In general, 13 main vitamins and 10 more vitamin substances are involved in medicine. The others are variations from already existing. If there is a need for any concrete vitamin, it is possible to take in addition the drug with this element or to correct the food so that to receive the necessary set of substances of food. Such vitamins are a part of the majority of complexes:

  • And (is responsible for good sight);
  • In (this group is responsible for a metabolism);
  • With (adjusts immunity);
  • D (factor of children's growth and basic function of adults);
  • E (supports nervous system);
  • R or an omega-3 (feeds a brain and heart).

These are the most widespread elements without which the human body cannot fully function. Coming to blood, they are very quickly exhausted, and independently, unlike vitamin D, are not developed by an organism. Therefore it is very important to fill up their quantity in time.

Whether you know? For the purpose of replenishment of deficiency of iodine in an organism entered iodinated salt into use. From this point the level of average IQ around the world grew.

Also in polyvitaminic complexes various auxiliary components which help to be acquired better to vitamins are used, and still impact to tablets color, relish and a smell.

various minerals, such as iron, phosphorus, and otherare included. Besides independent action, they promote the correct digestion of vitamins.

The quantity of any given element in polyvitamin depends on its appointment. For pregnant women it is one dose, for children — another, for elderly people — the third. The main principle of a dosage — only to add standard daily rate of necessary substances, all other quantity has to come to an organism with food.

Release forms

As a rule, vitamin medicines receive from natural products. Only in certain cases they are synthesized in vitro, but generally is a product of natural origin. For example, vitamin A is received from a liver of fish, group B is got from yeast, E — from grain and soy crops, and vitamin C as it is not strange — from rose flowers. There are several forms of production of polyvitamins for different age. The most widespread of them are:

  • Tablets. They are most convenient in application, are longer stored, do not demand special conditions.
  • Capsules. Practically the same, as tablets, are only dissolved in an organism quicker and are usually covered with a special cover that simplifies their swallowing.
  • Powders. They are good the fact that they mainly do not contain any additives capable to provoke allergic reactions.
  • Syrups. Generally such form is applicable in children's vitamins not to force kids to swallow of tablets or capsules.
  • Liquids. Liquid polyvitamins can be dissolved in water or any other drink and to use to people at whom process of swallowing of firm products is complicated.
  • Chewing candies. Gelatinous jelly candies in the form of animals with different tastes, usually are produced for children.

When polyvitamins are necessary

What is polyvitamins and for what they are necessary, we already considered. Let's find out in what cases children and adults need to accept them.

For children

If to consider an ideal situation, then vitamins have to come to the child's organism as a result of the balanced food. Such products are obliged to be present at a diet:

  • milk and fermented milk products in the form of cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, yogurt;
  • vegetables and fresh fruit;
  • products rich with protein: chicken, eggs, meat;
  • grain: oats, rice, buckwheat.

But such ideal situation, unfortunately, meets very seldom. Not always there is an opportunity to provide to the child good nutrition. Just in that case pediatricians also recommend to resort to the help of polyvitamins with minerals for children. Besides, children need to accept them in such situations:

  • when they do not eat regularly fresh products;
  • when touch in food;
  • at diseases of intestines and digestive organs and also at asthma;
  • when a large number of semi-finished products or fast food is eaten;
  • if the child the vegetarian or suffers from intolerance of dairy products.

It is separately possible to allocate cases when children need intake of vitamins B result of treatment. In that case additives support the organism weakened by a disease and help to be restored quicker.

Learn what vitamins are necessary for a liver, heart and vessels.

For adults

There is a number of indications for use of vitamins by adults:

  • increase in the weakened immunity as a result of the postponed diseases;
  • fast fatigue;
  • bad condition of an integument and hair;
  • constant stresses;
  • high physical activities;
  • advanced age;
  • chronic diseases.

And it is only a small part of the reasons from all list.

Whether you know? To astronauts in a diet add clay for strengthening of bones in zero gravity to NASA. The minerals which are contained in it help to be acquired better to calcium.

It is necessary to increase immunity and to accept polyvitamins to such categories of adults:

  • to pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • to people with chronic diseases;
  • to athletes;
  • to people with difficult working conditions;
  • to people at advanced age.

Elderly people especially need additional food of an organism. It is connected with the slowed-down process of digestion of food, with age features of an organism and also with the available chronic diseases.

Doctors recommend to adults reception of such complexes:

  • Multi tabs immuno plus with a full range of necessary substances, vitamins A, In, With, D and folic acid;
  • Vitrum which contains 20 important minerals;
  • Centrum with 25 vitamins and fine antioxidant characteristics;
  • Revit, Komplivit, Immunal.

Basic rules of the choice of polyvitaminic complexes

The human health therefore when choosing polyvitamins it is also necessary to consider all nuances which there is a lot of depends on correctly picked up medicine.

There is a wrong opinion that the more vitamins and minerals enters one tablet, the better. It in a root not so. All just the opposite: the bigger amount of vitamins is acquired at the minimum availability of minerals. And vice versa — additional elements will be absorbed much better, being together with the minimum dose of vitamins. At the same time it is better to drink the last in the morning, and macrocells — in the second half of day. Also doctors advise to choose additives which are dissolved gradually. It is connected with the fact that different substances are soaked up in different parts of intestines and if each element is dissolved in the right place, the effect of medicine in general will be much higher.

Popular medicines and their characteristic

Vitamins are necessary to both children, and adults, and especially people of advanced age. The pharmacological companies are not tired to develop all new medicines, considering not only features of development of children's and adult organisms, but also physiological differences of men's and female floors. Let's consider advantages and distinctions of complexes of vitamins for men, women and children.

For men

In view of the fact that the male body essentially differs from women's, it respectively is reflected also in the nutrients necessary for men. For example, the stronger sex has no additional requirement for iron as they do not experience blood loss as women. But they need to strengthen musculoskeletal function more, and for this purpose phosphorus, calcium and iodine as well as possible approach. Vitamins K and B12 help to provide male muscles with energy. Men are subject to risk of development of heart diseases with age. Producers of medications considered this moment and for men included necessary minerals which strengthen heart in structure of vitamin complexes and clean vessels.

For the stronger sex it is possible to distinguish such from popular complexes:

  • Alphabet for men. Medicine contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, taurine and a L-carnitine. The complex strengthens the general tone of an organism, improves work of a reproductive system, increases physical endurance. The daily dose from three tablets provides effective prevention of all body.
  • Opti-men is a complex of sports vitamins. It is intended for men who actively do bodybuilding. The composition of medicine is very different and except vitamins includes amino acids, herbs, seaweed, extracts from vegetables. In general strengthens immunity, stimulates work of a brain and reproductive system.
  • Duovit for men — effective medicine of the all-strengthening character. Helps to cope with a physical overstrain, improves digestion of nutrients, fills the shortage of vitamins B result of diets, diseases and the weakened immunity. About one tablet in the first half of day daily throughout all course is accepted.

Whether you know? In vitamin C chili peppers in 400 times more, than in oranges.

In general, polyvitaminic medicines for men exists less, than for women as they do not bear children, do not nurse and therefore need additional support of an organism less.

For women

Producers of polyvitaminic complexes paid special attention to women and features of their organism. They developed medicines for the fair sex which promote improvement of a condition of skin, hair and nails and directly depend on their reproductive system.

Components which women, unlike men, need especially surely are a part of such complexes. It is zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus, In and E vitamins. Also there are medicines for women who are in situation or nurse. They consider the increased need of an organism for certain elements and minerals at these stages of activity.

First of all it is worth mentioning such popular female complexes:

  • Vitrum Prenatal. This complex medicine provides a female body with necessary minerals during pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Are a part the vitamin A improving sight and strengthening teeth, hair and nails, group B vitamins which are responsible for functioning of the vascular system and heart, vitamins C, D, E already folic acid, necessary during this period.
  • Elevit Pronatal — a multivitamin complex which consists of 12 vitamins, 3 minerals and 4 minerals important for support of a fruit and the pregnant woman. Medicine well proved in the market as has all necessary components which ensure full functioning of a female body. Elevit recommend to accept a month before pregnancy planning to reduce risk of development of defects of a nervous tube in a fruit. Medicine is taken since morning with food once a day.
  • Komplivit for women the 45th plus — a complex for women which is aimed at maintaining activity and appeal, despite age. Possesses necessary minerals and the vital elements, tsimitsifuga extract for normalization of a hormonal background, motherwort extract for peace of mind and a L-carnitine for control of body weight. Recommended to women in the period of a menopause.

Important! At pregnancy and during feeding by a breast before intake of any vitamins it is necessary to undergo consultation at the doctor.

For children

Children's vitamins, as a rule, are produced in various options for different age:

  • from 0 to 2 years (mainly syrups and soluble powders);
  • from 2 to 5 years (in the form of fruit jelly, pastils, a dragee);
  • from 5 to 12 years.

For children it is possible to distinguish such medicines from popular complexes:

  • Multi Tabs of Baby — is issued for children of younger age in the form of drops. Bottles on 30 ml contain necessary amount of vitamins A, D and Page. Recommend to add to milk or porridge on a drop.
  • Kinder Biovital — the polyvitamins allowed for use from 6 months. Are issued in the form of gel which is very convenient to giving to children of such age. Contain all necessary complex of minerals and elements.
  • Vetoron — is appointed since one year on a drop for the number of years (to every year one drop). The bottle of 20 ml contains And, With also E vitamins.
  • Multi Tabs the Kid — fuller version after Multi Tabs Beybi with expanded number of components (And, groups B, P, E and also zinc, chrome, iodine, iron). Tablets have smack of strawberry. Are accepted on one in day.
  • Pikovit — it is made in syrup and in the form of pastils. Resolved from early age. Vitamins A are a part of syrup, With and groups B, and are added to pastils calcium and phosphorus. Give Pikovit on 2 spoons or 2 fruit candies a day.
  • Centrum — polyvitamins for children of 3 years are manufactured in the USA in the form of sweet tablets with prevalence of calcium or vitamin C and are appointed to children for an immunity raising on a half of a tablet or on whole.
  • Unikap Yu — chewing capsules for juniors with vitamins A, In, S. Naznachayutsya for support of immunity during the winter period on one tablet a day.
  • Alvitil is very popular French medicine for recuperation after a disease. Includes all necessary elements — And, In, With, E, RR, N. Naznachayetsya to children from 5 years on 1 spoon a day.

Use of polyvitamins: precautionary measures

At intake of polyvitamins, as well as at the use of any medicine, it is necessary to observe the instruction and the recommendations of the doctor. It is especially important not to exceed the necessary dosage as in this case does not mean better any more. The element which is in surplus can replace with itself other vitamin and thus break the correct metabolism that in turn will lead to serious diseases.

Also you should not rely on the fact that universal complexes will provide you the necessary dose of necessary substances. All nutritious elements have to come to an organism with food, and polyvitamins are used only as additive, a peculiar insurance. The daily dose in medicine is allowed only in that option if a diet of the person very poor, he adheres to a strict diet, had a difficult disease or takes medicine.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
