Hawthorn: than it is useful how to collect and dry that can be made how to make and how to drink

Hawthorn: than it is useful how to collect and dry that can be made how to make and how to drink

Health Hits: 189

Hawthorn are called fruits of a prickly bush which eat also for production of medicines. They contain substances, useful to a human body, such as vitamins and organic matter with acid properties. Their positive impact on heart, nervous system, vessels, reproductive function is proved. About what the hawthorn is still useful and as to use it, read in this article.

Chemical composition of fruits of a hawthorn

For the purpose of therapy apply fruits and inflorescences of a hawthorn. Let's consider that at them inside.

Though the full structure of these bodies of a plant is not studied yet, is proved that are stored in berries:

In inflorescences are available:

Valuable properties are available also for other bodies of a herb. So, in leaves there are about six organic acids, essential oil, flavonoids. In seeds — fat oils, amigdalin, giperozid.

Whether you know? Long since was considered that at a hawthorn not only therapeutic action, but also mystical. So, ancient Greeks was are sure that the plant is capable to protect them from diseases, and their dwelling from evil beings. Therefore hung up boyaryshnikovy branches over entrance doors to the houses.

Than it is useful to an organism

Having studied the chemical composition of berries of a hawthorn, it is possible to learn what benefit they bring for a male and female body. In general vitamin A content in fruits indicates that they positively influence organs of vision, integuments, the immune system, reproductive function. Beta carotene represents excellent antioxidant. Vitamin C increases protective forces of an organism, promotes digestion of iron.

Besides, the minerals and other substances concluded in bush berries positively affect functioning of cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, nervous, digestive systems. Means from fruits allow to get rid of head pain, arrhythmia, tachycardia, insomnia, to normalize arterial blood pressure, to adjust work of a cardiac muscle, to intensify brain and warm blood circulation. The hawthorn is advised those who have problems with the metabolism, excess weight increased by sugar level in blood. This irreplaceable means for those who live with diagnoses atherosclerosis, an urolithic disease, epilepsy.

Boyaryshnikovy means long since is considered senile syrup. It is recommended to drink to people of the senior generation for treatment and prevention of diseases, characteristic of this age.

Except, actually, boyaryshnikovy tincture on alcohol, in pharmaceutics there are some more medicines among which main components there is a hawthorn. It:

For men

Boyaryshnikovy tinctures and teas will be useful to representatives of a strong half of mankind if they have following problems:

The hawthorn is ranked as plants with the proved effect of strengthening of potency. Regular consumption of tea from boyaryshnikovy berries is capable to restore considerably the sexual strength of the man thanks to the fact that drink promotes strengthening of blood circulation in an inguinal zone and also reduces stress most of which often is the reason of temporary impotence.

Important! Means on the basis of a hawthorn can help only at an easy form of erectile dysfunction. Severe forms it is necessary to treat serious medicines. Boyaryshnikovy teas in such situations register only in quality of additional therapy.

For women

Reception of means with the main active ingredient in the form of extract of a hawthorn is prescribed the women staying in a climax stage. The fact is that serious hormonal reorganization which is characteristic of this time weakens heart and provokes violations of its work. Thanks to the fact that boyaryshnikovy folk remedies lead to improvement of sokratitelny function of a myocardium, expansion of its vessels and vessels of a brain and thus support female heart prevent developing of a myocardial infarction, brain stroke.

Except this effect, medicines from bodies of a curative bush are also drunk at plentiful periods and for establishing reproductive function.

But not all women can use even such at first sight harmless drink as tea from a hawthorn as it can bring both advantage, and harm. So, means from this medical bush are strictly forbidden ladies in situation and to the women who are carrying out feeding by a breast.

Read also about medicinal properties of a thyme, cornflower, bearberry, a calendula, a wormwood, a hyssop, sage, a sea-buckthorn.

National recipes

In this section we chose for you the most widespread curative recipes. In a selection various dosage forms are presented: broth, infusion, tincture, tea. At once we want to note that berries of a hawthorn bring both benefit, and harm therefore as to accept them, it is necessary to specify at the doctor.

Important! Incorrectly picked up doses can result in negative side effects. Therefore reception of means with a hawthorn, as well as any drugs, has to be controlled by the doctor.


Broth on an equal basis with tea most often is used for the purpose of therapy. It is important to know how it is correct to make a hawthorn that it became effective for heart, vessels, nervous system.

For this purpose the tablespoon of the crushed berries is put in the enameled capacity. Then add 200 ml of boiled water and place capacity on a water bath on a quarter of hour. Then broth is brought to room temperature and passed through a small strainer or a gauze. Cake is wrung out. Add so much boiled water that the volume of liquid was a 200-millitrovy glass to broth.

Broth is drunk on a half-glass twice or three times a day. Recommendations about reception — for half an hour before using food.

Hawthorn decoction, except warm problems, also helps at asthma, cough, short wind, from elevated pressure.

Infusion of fruits

Infusion is drunk at diagnoses heart failure when the cardiac muscle does not work for full force, coronary heart disease, with the preventive purpose of development of a myocardial infarction, stenocardia, at atherosclerosis.

For strengthening of reduction of a cardiac muscle prepare infusion from the following recipe: to mix one glass of the crushed berries with a glass of boiled water, to leave for insisting for 30 minutes. To drink after filtering, adhering to the scheme: daily on 0.5 glasses in the morning and before going to bed.

With the preventive purposes prepare such infusion: to put mix from one teaspoon of the crushed berries of a hawthorn and a teaspoon of a motherwort in a glass of boiled water. To leave for insisting for 60 minutes. After filtering to drink on a third of a glass. The recommended reception time — in 60 minutes prior to food.

At stenocardia drink infusion which stayed in a thermos for night.

Boyaryshnikovy infusion does not need to be drunk on an empty stomach as it is fraught with emergence of spasms in a stomach.

Spirit tincture

Spirit tincture is implemented in pharmacy chain, however it can also be made independently. Here is how to make hawthorn tincture in house conditions:

  1. To take 25 g of berries and to mix from 100 ml of alcohol or vodka.
  2. To preserve the container with liquid in the place without light and humidity for a month.
  3. After insisting to drink till 30-60 drops three times a day. Reception is recommended in 30 minutes before starting food.

Tincture on alcohol is registered at uneven heartbeat, stenocardia, cardioneurosises, insignificant pressure jumps, depressions, stresses, epilepsy.

Tincture of a hawthorn can render both advantage, and harm. It is necessary to take it with caution and in the recommended doses, after consultation of the doctor. If to accept it on an empty stomach, then it will provoke a spasm of a stomach or intestines and vomiting. If after its acceptance to drink water, then development of intestinal colic is possible.


Tea is had at cardiac illnesses, prostatitis, the general fatigue, a stress. He is trained from 20 grams of berries on a glass of the water which is just brought to boiling. Drink twice a day — till a breakfast and till a dinner. Reception is planned in 30 minutes prior to food. To taste domeshivat honey.

Also at heart failure such collecting is very useful:

To make as simple tea drink.

For irritable people rescue boyaryshnikovo-hunting drink will begin — to put one tablespoon of mix in a glass of the water which is just brought to boiling. To drink later a quarter of hour.

Masks for skin

Boyaryshnikovy masks perfectly help to fix such skin problems as oily, dry skin, acne rash, irritations. Cosmetics allow to adjust exchange processes, blood circulation, to rejuvenate integuments, to give them a healthy look, to narrow pores.

Here several recipes of masks:

  1. The toning mask. To rub a small piece of a vegetable marrow on a grater that the tablespoon turned out. To Domeshat a teaspoon of juice of boyaryshnikovy berries. To grease with mix a face. 20-30 minutes later to make washing off. After the procedure the person needs greasing by nutritious cream.
  2. For fat integuments. To connect a teaspoon of boyaryshnikovy juice to three tablespoons of cottage cheese (low-fat) and a curdled milk tablespoon. For 20 minutes to apply mix to face skin.
  3. For dry skin. To mix a teaspoon of boyaryshnikovy juice with two tablespoons of milk. To impose a mask by means of the gauze moistened in mix.
  4. Against wrinkles. To prepare mix from two tablespoons of juice of a hawthorn, two tablespoons of milk. In mix to moisten geranyevy leaves and to impose them on an eye area for 20 minutes.
  5. Under eyes. To prepare mix from a tablespoon of the root of parsley and a teaspoon of boyaryshnikovy juice which is passed through the meat grinder. In mix to moisten gauze tampons which to put to an eye area for 15-20 minutes. To finish the procedure warm washing.

Preparation of medical raw materials

For achievement of desirable medical effect it is necessary to collect and prepare raw materials properly. We suggest you to get acquainted with several councils as it is necessary to collect hawthorn fruits.

When to collect

Gathering boyaryshnikovy berries is made in dry weather in an early autumn. A deadline of collecting — October.

How to dry

After gathering berry carefully touch, leaving only drugs, suitable for preparation. It is necessary to get rid of the dry, damaged, rotten fruits. Then berries dry up at a temperature of +50 °C. At the same time they have to change color to more dark and be wrinkled. To taste they will be sweetish, with the knitting effect.

As well as where to store

Storage of dry medical raw materials is carried out in fabric sacks, packages from paper, boxes from a tree. Tanks from other materials do not approach. The maximum period of storage — two years of date of drying.

Also berries can be frozen. After they are touched and washed, they are placed on a towel for dehumidification. Further display in densely closed plastic containers and place in the freezer.

Contraindications and side effects

As well as any means making curative action medicines from a hawthorn have a number of contraindications. So, they categorically cannot be accepted:

It is carefully necessary to drink boyaryshnikovy broths, teas and tinctures that who along with them takes the sedative medicine and means which are slowing down a warm rhythm. Such combination can result in the enhanced effect.

That who is subject to pressure decline, recommend instead of means from fruits to drink broths from inflorescences.

If people from group to whom these means are contraindicated accepts them, or will drink too high dose, emergence of side effects is possible. To the person it can become bad, can feel sick him, perhaps, he will open vomiting or pressure will sharply decrease. Also the head can be turned, be observed the general weakness, drowsiness. Allergic reactions are possible.

The use of a hawthorn long time in excessive doses attracts oppression of nervous system, delay of a warm rhythm.

Whether you know? The hawthorn as a herb is used throughout five centuries. It began to be applied as astringent. Later, already in H_H a century, opened its krovoochistitelny action. And since XX century, the hawthorn proved as medicine at cardiovascular diseases.

Now you it is aware, than the hawthorn is useful and that it is possible to make of its fruits. Means from its bodies are very useful at various illnesses. However it is necessary to be very careful at their use as they have a number of contraindications and can provoke a set of side effects. Self-treatment in this case can provoke serious consequences for health. Therefore before an initiation of treatment folk remedies it is necessary to see consultation the attending physician.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
