Interrelation of a disease and mentality or what is psychosomatics

Interrelation of a disease and mentality or what is psychosomatics

Human body – a complex harmonious system in which everything is interconnected. Our brain and nervous system are responsible for processes of activity of an organism. In the people say: All diseases – from nerves, and that is interesting, such statement has scientific justification. Psychosomatics is engaged in studying this phenomenon. Whether psychological state of the person the cause of corporal diseases and why it is worth watching the feelings and mood can become, read in our article.

Sometimes state of mind of the person or just his mentality become the causes of quite real physical diseases: asthma, tonsillitis, stomach ulcer and so forth.

Read also about volume what diseases can cure embraces.

Psychosomatic diseases result from interaction of psychological and physical factors. It does not mean at all that any disease arises for the psychological reasons. For example, during a flu epidemic our organism is exposed to the virus attack even if we do not want to get sick.

However it is necessary to recognize that if at heart you like to receive excess day off or just that you were regretted, sympathized, gave the chance it will be much simpler to relax, to ache a little.

If psychological factors are decisive, it is about a psychosomatic disease (mentality – soul, a somatika – a body). It is necessary to think of the rhythm of life and to look for other sources of a consolation, perhaps, to address the psychologist, to be ill actually unpleasantly, and the advantage in it cannot be.

It is important! If you got sick, immediately see a doctor who is engaged in treatment of a physical disease. It is impossible to waste time, otherwise there can be complications. It is worth addressing the psychologist, only if treatment does not yield result or as an additional measure of treatment, together with traditional.

Somatic diseases, unlike psychosomatic, have no relation to state of mind of the person. They are caused by external factors and demand treatment by traditional methods.

Influence of state of mind on developing of diseases was noticed in antique times, however for the first time the term psychosomatics, or psychosomatic diseases, was entered by the German psychiatrist Johann Geynrot.

At a public lecture in 1818 the scientist explained that it, connecting such somatic diseases as cancer, tuberculosis, epilepsy with the experienced rage and sincere sufferings and also sexual dissatisfaction and problems of the sexual sphere.

Whether you know? I. Geynrot is the scientist whose ideas obeyed yours faithfully, but mistrust as it was impossible to check operation of the mechanism. The scientist was considered the moralist accusing people of sins. Meanwhile its judgments of communication of soul and a body for century outstripped science.

In the next decades many scientists (M. Jacobi, Novalis, F. Nietzsche) developed and improved the theory of interrelation corporal and sincere, but the medicine of that time was not ready to accept their ingenious judgments. Only in 1934-1936 the psychosomatic diseases began to be considered by medicine seriously. Numerous works of such scientists as Denbar, Dzheliffa, Groddek, Wolf served as the reason for that.

Sign figure in studying psychosomatics is the American psychiatrist F. Alexander. He in the middle of the XX century allocated the main diseases which can be caused by an emotional condition of the person, having confirmed it with numerous works.

Today there is no doubt left concerning reality of a problem and though disputes on psychosomatic diseases continue, as the reason of their emergence recognizes set of social, spiritual and physical factors.

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There is a set of various psychosomatic frustration, depending on symptoms they are divided into three big groups.

The disease is reaction to the neurotic conflict – the person at the same time has opposite desire, in his consciousness there is a conflict of own interests which does not manage to be resolved rationally, and there is a feeling of dissatisfaction, experience of loss or failure, awareness of unattainability of the vital purposes.

Course of a disease is influenced by personal qualities of the person, features of his character are shown, influence of the injuring factor is reflected.

Important! Conversion symptoms are most often shown at emotional, creative people. There is a disease because of the overestimated requirements to itself or people around and involves violations of motility and disorder of work of sense organs.

Symptoms have purely symbolical character, demonstration of a disease is way of a solution to the conflict:

  • feeling of fatigue, lack of forces;
  • cuts and paralyzes;
  • psychogenic blindness and deafness;
  • vomiting;
  • inexplicable pains;
  • twitching of extremities.

Whether you know? Negative emotions (fear, anger, grief) force a human body to contract, feel tension whereas positive (tranquility, joy) give to an organism the chance to relax, give feelings of ease and freedom. This mechanism is not only psychological, it has physical impact on work of all bodies and the systems of an organism.

The essence of a disease is that unpleasant emotions go to a body, at the same time the situation becomes rather pleasant as he forgets about emotional loading for the patient and besides draws attention and sympathy of people around.

The person shows all symptoms of a disease which he actually does not have. In most cases process happens unconsciously, however to cure the patient very difficult – he does not trust in psychological roots of an illness and in all ways interferes with treatment.

Are shown in the form of a disease of separate human organs. The patient complains of a set of uncertain symptoms of diseases of all organism. At the same time clinical trials show that the person is quite healthy and no serious violations are observed. But the reason is hidden much more deeply – in subconsciousness of the person. Functional syndromes are shown in a look:

  • the persistent pains which are almost not depending on external factors;
  • violations of work of heart;
  • ponos, locks;
  • conditions of uneasiness.

The people suffering from functional syndromes most often do not suspect about psychological etiologies and are treated as ordinary patients. But traditional treatment can drag on for years, without yielding essential results. Here it is important to address the psychotherapist as soon as possible. Disposal of psychological frustration will eliminate signs of physical discomfort.

Psikhomatoza are reaction of a body to the internal psychological conflict of the person and attract real violations of systems and bodies of an organism. The choice of the struck body depends on favor of the person to a disease. Such psychosomatic frustration belong to this group:

  • hypertension;
  • ischemia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • oncological diseases;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • nonspecific polyarthritis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diabetes of the second type;
  • obesity;
  • ulcer of stomach or duodenum;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • nonspecific ulcer colitis.

Whether you know? The psychosomatic syndrome is connected as with internal factors — violation of health and personal characteristics, traits of character, life experience, and with external, such as problems in family or at work. In most cases at treatment measures for elimination of a corporal disease are taken, forgetting about its prime cause – psychological state of the patient.

It is impossible to self-medicate, it is necessary to see a doctor. The listed diseases not always have the psychosomatic nature, but to find out whether so it, pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The disease arose against the background of the unexpected psychoinjuring shock or chronic psychological fatigue.
  2. The objective reasons for developing of a disease are absent.
  3. At influence of psychogenic factors the disease becomes aggravated.

Psychosomatics takes place when neurosis disappears under the guise of a corporal illness. The table of psychosomatic diseases will help you to understand as psychological factors influence a disease and what emotions should be avoided that to cure it.


Abscess, abscesses, abscesses

Thoughts of the experienced evil, offense, plans about revenge


Family conflicts


Feelings of grief, uselessness, fault, escape from problems


Mix of love, fear and rage; a protest which the person is afraid to express


Fear, fear of the past, escape from life


Inability to protect the rights and advantages


The uncertainty and inability to protect the rights, the person is afraid to live


The person hates himself and the life, the organism does not want to feed with forces that life and sufferings proceeded


Shame and humiliation


Excessive – the person needs protection; absence – mistrust, attempt of to protect

Arteries and veins

Overlapping of a stream of joy in an organism


Excessive self-criticism, desire of to punish, the person is in a condition of the victim


Suppression of sincere feelings, desires to cry


The belief that life is unfair, refusal to see good and to rejoice

Atrophy of muscles

The person puts himself above others and is ready for everything on the way to the purpose


Unavailability to reproduction, the concealed offenses at the parents

Concern, uneasiness

Doubts concerning correctness of course of life


Concern about problems, suppression of emotions


Anger, aggression, belief that aggression – the only way of the solution of problems


Sense of guilt, way to punish itself. Long pains show desire of the person to be favourite and desired. An acute pain – embitternment. Dull ache – understanding that the rage cannot be realized. The drilling pain – desire to revenge and impossibility of its realization. Chronic pain – long embitternment

Head pains

The lack of mutual love, people does not feel as darling


Desire to dominate

Leg pain

Fatigue from work and economy, monetary problems

Knee pain

Impossibility of advance forward

All body pain

Confidence that everything has to be not as now

Sores, wounds

The concealed anger which seeks to come to light


Family disputes, abuse, quarrels; unexpressed claims, anger

Vegetative dystonia

Constant doubts in the forces, discontent with, tendency of to abuse and to offend

Venereal diseases

Sexual fault, linking of sex life with a sin, desire of to punish


The hidden anger, desire to accuse

Gray hair

Excessive fatigue, stress

Wolf cub

Unwillingness to stand for itself

Gases, meteorizm

Unrealized thoughts


Awareness of injustice in relation to


Annoyance, feeling of uncertainty and hopelessness


Burdensome feelings, anger to the past

Hypertension (elevated pressure)

Reestimation of the opportunities, experiences concerning reaction of people around, suppression of hostility

Hypotonia (the lowered pressure)

Underestimating of the opportunities, hopelessness, desire to avoid responsibility

Eye diseases

Unwillingness to see the events, not poured out grief


Unwillingness to hear, denial, isolation


Absent-mindedness, refusal to look around itself

Throat, problems

Excessive restraint, inability to express itself

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Broken links, excessive tension and impossibility of realization


Hopelessness, impossibility to have that you want


Desire of love, its shortcoming, offense about it


Denial, anger

Disk, shift

Indecision, feeling of unreliability in relation to life

Breath, problems

Complex, fear to live and occupy space

Stomach, problems

Fear new, charges of for the events, aspiration to the best by compulsion of to actions


Prejudiced relation, unreasonable prejudice

Female diseases

Denial of femininity and. Censure of sexual communications, belief in their sinfulness


The lack of self-expression, feeling of insecurity, do not allow to cry


Internal torments, unwillingness to be exempted from the past


The squeezing fear and the suppressed aggression


The unsatisfied need to feel as the real man

Heart attack

Hopelessness, awareness of the uselessness

Backbone curvature

Mistrust to life, lack of integrity of nature, attempt to hold old thoughts, internal clips

Stones in bodies

The unrealized emotions which are long constrained and born in themselves

Stones in bile

Bitterness, arrogance, hatred; arise regardless that whether the person hates, hate him or he sees that others hate each other

Stones in kidneys

The person hides the rage that he was considered better and loved


Fear of the future, lack of hope for luck


Desire to declare oneself to the world


Old offenses, nevyplakanny grief, scrolling of the images bringing pain

Intestines, problems

The person feels irritation because of impossibility to compare contradictory aspects of life, hurries with conclusions and cannot find a logical way out

Guts, problems

Fear to release the unnecessary past

Skin, problems

The overestimated attention to opinion of people around; concern, fear of offense


Unwillingness to lead such life, escape from reality


Memories of a strong shock from the past, again it to experience fear


Outdated grief

Small tortoiseshell

Strong small fears, tendency to exaggerate them

Blood, diseases

Lack of joy, inability to listen to the requirements

Cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, paralysis

It to prove desire to be better than others, discontent with because of inability

Lungs, problems

Grief, failure, lack of internal freedom, inability to love and accept life


Suppression of own inspiration.


Excessive care of someone


The excessive severity to itself, diligence is better to prove to be, than actually, the overestimated requirements to itself

Adrenal glands, problems

Infringement of own advantage


Need to realize own value

Nasal bleedings

Desire of love and recognition

Metabolism, problems

Inability to give in all sincerity


Attempt to fill with food sincere emptiness

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Tumors, cancer

Old offenses, indignation, scrolling of these emotions, the overestimated requirements to itself, not permission to itself to show negative emotions


The anger and hopelessness, life loses attractiveness


Obsession with rage and offenses, resistance to vital changes, suppressed irritation


Fatigue from life, emotional wounds, despair


Lack of patience, desire to dominate


Fear of obstacles, criticism, fear of failure, jealousy, offense, thirst of revenge

Premenstrual syndrome

Denial of women's processes, confusion


Belief in own inferiority, inability to understand life


Fear to be upset, denial of responsibility for own feelings


Hypocrisy, fear for the future, physical and spiritual overworks

Multiple sclerosis

Disease of workaholics who do not receive a well-deserved reward; rigidity, lack of flexibility, iron will, fear of failure


Sufferings because of the shortage of love and attention


Internal vulnerability, constant discontent, criticism and self-criticism

Heart: diseases of a cardiovascular system

Deficiency of love for himself and people, lack of joy, feeling that the person does for the sake of love a little; replacement from love heart in favor of career, money; constant tension

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
