– one of the major minerals in a human body participating almost in all processes of activity. Daily requirement – 0.1-0.2 mg.
Iodine role in an organism:
- Structural component of hormones of a thyroid gland
- Metabolism maintenance
- Regulation of tissue respiration
- Participation in electrolytic and gas exchanges
- Influence on carbohydrate and fat exchanges
- Regulation of processes of an embryogenesis
- Increase in immunity
- Iron absorption strengthening
- Participation in processes of arterial blood pressure
Iodine sources:
- Seaweed
- Sea cabbage
- Seafood
- Meat products
- The salt iodated
- Milk
- Eggs
- Haricot
- Garlic
- Soy
- Grapes
- Green salad
- Garden radish
- Beet
- Tomatoes
- Potatoes
- Green peas
- Apples
- Oranges
- Cherry
- Eggplants
- Pears
- Apricots
- Gooseberry
- Blackcurrant
- Millet grain
- Buckwheat
- Rice
Signs of a lack of iodine of an organism:
- Fast fatigue
- The increased nervousness and irritability
- Constant fatigue
- Craw
- Hypothyroidism
Consequences of a lack of iodine of an organism:
- Infertility
- Pregnancy pathologies
- Oncological diseases of a thyroid gland
- Intellectual backwardness
- Decrease in growth and development of children
Excess of iodine in an organism:
- Allergy
- Catarrhal diseases
- Small tortoiseshell
Consumption of amount of iodine has to increase at the feeding and pregnant women. It is filled by intake of medicines (Yodbalans, Yodomarin, Iodine asset and others), or additional inclusion in a diet of the products rich with iodine. Also it is recommended to accept a microcell in the conditions of low and high temperatures of the environment (seasons and the localized countries).
Also LifeGid recommends: Fluorine as microcell
There are several measures directed to determination of level of iodine in an organism. In the conditions of clinic – it is the test by means of stationary devices, in house conditions – a usual way with iodine tincture.
Spirit solution of iodine to which the stick with a cotton tip falls undertakes and any site of an integument is processed (except a zone of a thyroid gland). At normal balance of iodine in an organism traces of the applied solution will be noticeable next day, at deficiency – its absence.
Almost similar version of the test with three strips of iodine. Before going to bed the stick applies three lines of different width on an integument then its state is examined the next morning. At disappearance of one strip – the condition of iodine is normal, two – there is a small deficiency, three – it is necessary to check balance of a microcell in an organism and to fill its shortcoming.