"Magnesium content in products, signs of a shortcoming, property, norm in day

"Magnesium content in products, signs of a shortcoming, property, norm in day

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Among a set useful micro and the macrocells necessary for a human body for normal functioning, not magnesium is in the last place. He is responsible for a set of important and responsible processes, promoting good health of children and adults. Than this macrocell, what its standard daily rate, and what products is remarkable it is better to use for completion of stocks — read further.


In the nature magnesium is presented in the form of the alkaline-earth plastic metal differing in silver-white color. A certain place and in the periodic table of Mendeleyev (it is designated as Mg) is allocated to it, but here in an organism of plants and animals it collects in a modified form: in bodies and fabrics it is presented in the form of various chemical compounds.

Mostly magnesium is concentrated in bones though much it is present also at soft fabrics, however, where it was, everywhere perfectly copes with the functions assigned to it.

So, this macrocell participates in a set of enzymatic reactions, in particular, and with presence of energy saving adenosine triphosphate, but its activity is the most active it is noticeable in the processes relating to energy expenditure.

Learn in what products to contain and than are useful to a human body such macro - and micro elements as selenium, potassium, manganese, zinc, chlorine, silicon, iodine, germany, iron, kolbat and a pine forest.

Besides, magnesium is irreplaceable by production of protein of DNA, splitting of glucose and disposal of an organism of toxic substances. To its help there is faster absorption of vitamin C and components of group B, in particular B1 and B6.

It is worth to remember also that this macrocell increases stability of the growing cellular structures and also directly participates in regeneration processes and promotes transfer of nervous impulses between cages.


Even if not to press in particular impacts of magnesium on internals and their systems, it is simple to notice relevance of its presence also on external manifestations. All list of useful functions of this macrocell looks approximately as follows:

We recommend to esteem how to lower pressure.

Moreover, useful influence of magnesium is noticeable also in the presence of some chronic illnesses. For example, it is capable to normalize breath at asthmatic attacks, emphysema or bronchitis, at the same time acting as excellent prevention of pains in muscles and joints, a syndrome of chronic fatigue and migraines.

Its sufficient presence is also favorable to female representatives as this macrocell is capable to improve health during the premenstrual period.

Interrelation with other macrocells

More than three hundred enzymes in our organism will not be activated without magnesium participation. This macrocell participates in all exchange processes: lipidic, carbohydrate and proteinaceous, and as we already mentioned, it is simply irreplaceable for support of balance of electrolytes.

Whether you know? In pure form magnesium was for the first time received by sir Gemfri Davy who allocated it from salt of mineral water in 1808.

However and that is not all his merits, together with other macrocells it performs a number of not less useful functions.

So, interacting with calcium, magnesium regulates a tone of vessels of a blood system and normalizes processes of reduction of muscles (calcium is necessary for reduction of smooth muscles, and magnesium — for its weakened state promoting expansion of arterial channels). Besides, the interrelation of these two components influences also the hormones operating exchange processes with calcium participation and also at the level of cages influences distribution of calcium on all organism. In ideal option the combination of these two macrocells has to correspond 2:1 (calcium more).

In combination with phosphorus and sodium, magnesium coordinates processes in nervous system and normalizes muscular activity, as for exchange processes of magnesium, they happen to participation of B6, D, E vitamins and potassium. In active interaction with insulin, the described macrocell can increase its contents in an organism.

Magnesium consumption rate in day

Various categories of the population require different daily amount of magnesium. So, for children to six-month-old age this value will be in limits of 30 mg, kids at the age of 6-12 months need 75 mg of a macrocell, to children of a year to three — 80 mg, from 4 to 8 years — 130 mg, and from 9 to 13 — 240 mg. Every day teenagers (14-18 years) need in 360-410 mg of magnesium that is defined by sex.

The consumption rates exist also for adult population:

The need for the specified macrocell increases during incubation of the child and his feeding by a breast. Therefore it is recommended to future mothers to use not less than 350 mg of magnesium though for the women who are giving birth at late age, this value can be in limits of 360 mg.

It will be useful for you to esteem about what has to be food of the nursing mother and also as correctly vitamins for the feeding mothers.

When feeding by a breast, the female body has to receive from 310 to 360 mg of a macrocell, and in this case calculation is carried out exactly the opposite: the woman is younger, the more magnesium is necessary for her.

The increased requirement is observed also at the people who are engaged in hard physical activity or sport. For them the standard daily rate will be about 600 mg, especially at a low threshold of resistance to stress or during the wearisome trainings.

It is important! To learn exact quantity of ions of magnesium in the patient's organism, doctors appoint the test of blood taken from a vein. 0.66-1.07 mmol/l for adults, 0.66-0.99 mmol/l — for people from 60 to 90 years, and 0.70-0.95 mmol/l — for children are considered as normal values, and the age (in 6-9 years less macrocell, than in 5-6 months is required) is also considered.

Signs of shortage

At deficiency of any micro or a macrocell in our organism, this fact will surely be reflected in the general state therefore limiting the magnesium use, it is not necessary to be surprised to emergence of the following signs of its shortage:

Video: the shortage of magnesium in a human body Of course, speaks nobody about 100% of a guarantee of development of the specified problems, but for people with the shortage of magnesium such probability is much higher.

Shortcoming reasons

Quite often decrease in concentration of magnesium in a human body can be observed at a sharp form of pancreatitis, during pregnancy, at limited amount of vitamin D and in some other cases to which carry:

Violation of processes of normal digestion of magnesium intestines can be explained with the following reasons:

Important! The lack of magnesium both others macro - and minerals is often observed at the people who are taking the diuretic drugs or regularly eating food with similar effect. They so quickly leave an organism that they do not manage to be acquired.

To define the exact reason of shortage of a macrocell, it is necessary to visit the doctor, together with it to analyze the diet and to make all necessary tests.


Magnesium is not carried to very toxic macrocells therefore to define a lethal dose rather difficult. However it does not mean at all that uncontrolled reception will not have consequences, prolonged use in the form of vitamin complexes, especially in combination with calcium and phosphorus, often causes poisoning.

Besides, excess in magnesium level blood is also observed at reception of antatsid which part it is, or the depletive used for treatment of patients with a chronic renal failure.

Carry to other reasons of increase:

Usually the slackness, depression and constant drowsiness are the general signs of poisoning of an organism with the specified macrocell, and when using sulfate magnesia during pregnancy, the probability of development of a cerebral palsy in the kid increases several times.

If you found in yourself at least one of the specified signs, it is necessary to see a doctor for further diagnostics. Certainly, reception of vitamin and mineral complexes with the magnesium which is present at them, it is worth postponing until clarification of circumstances.

In what products contains

Practically at all food there are any given macrocells and vitamins, but here is how they are distributed, it is not always known. Let's review examples of the vegetables, fruit and other products differing in the increased content of the magnesium interesting us.

Vegetables and fruit

Fruit and vegetables from time immemorial are considered as a well of useful substances therefore there is nothing surprising that at some of them there is rather large amount of magnesium.

We advise to esteem about what vegetables and fruit the most dangerous as it is correct to wash them what vegetables it is more useful to eat boiled and also why fruit lead to obesity.

Carry to leaders in the maintenance of the specified macrocell:

Besides, much specified macrocell contains in the bean cultures and sunflower seeds of some plants. For example, in half of cup of nuts, sunflower seeds of pumpkin or a vegetable marrow of its 325 mg, almonds — about 136 mg, in one cup of lentil and beans — 148 mg. And also 51 mg of a macrocell are the share of half-cups of a dried fig.

Whether you know? Most of all magnesium contains in bark of Earth and waters of the seas and oceans. So, about 4 kg of a macrocell are the share of 1 cubic meter of salty liquid.


Besides consumption of vegetables and fruit, it is possible to saturate the organism with magnesium and by the use of other known products with its high content.

Treat them:

Besides, rather high content of magnesium characterizes also some favourite by us seasonings: sage, basil, coriander. Only one tablespoon of any of them comprises about 690 mg of mineral. Having added some spice to any suitable dishes, you will easily sate them with an element, important for an organism.

Magnesium — an important and useful macrocell which plays not the last role in our good health. However both its shortage, and a surplus can do much harm to health therefore before passing to the active use of products with the high content of the specified mineral, be convinced that it is necessary to you.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
