Melissa: from what helps also that treats how to make and use

Melissa: from what helps also that treats how to make and use

The melissa is a both wild-growing, and house plant. Many calls it lemon mint as it has unusual aroma which reminds a lemon a little. Melissa is one of leaders among the relatives in phytotherapy as incorporates essential amount of essential oils. Further we will in detail sort its structure and also ways of use of such plant in various directions.

The percentage of essential oils in a melissa equals about 0.1-0.3%. Among components there are also tannins, bitterness, rosemary acids, flavonoids and pitches. There are separate enterprises which kind of activity consists in the selection directed to increase in level of percentage of essential oils in a plant. In a case with a melissa the level of amount of essential oils can be increased to 0.8%.

Thanks to the large volume of essential oils, the melissa has very pleasant and saturated aroma and taste. At the room temperature such oils have liquid consistence, and as a result even weak warming up quite easily evaporate. For this reason this plant cannot be dried in the conditions of high temperatures.

Learn, than fresh greens are useful: parsley, celery, salad.

Lemon mint well is suitable for performing inhalations in the therapeutic purposes. Oil gets into lungs in the course of breath and has on them anti-inflammatory effect. These oils can also satisfy pain and spasms. For this reason the plant is so often used in traditional medicine as spazmolitichesky means. In addition, in leaflets there are oxygen and nitric connections which provoke increase in salivation and, respectively, stimulate appetite.

Whether you know? The melissa had great popularity among residents of Ancient Greece. There it was used at fight against baldness, for awakening of sensuality and even for exile of snakes.

Melissa is capable to make salutary impact on many systems in an organism. She can kill pain, help to cope with insomnia and also to calm nervous system. Tea on the basis of this plant reduces pressure level, astringent works as anticonvulsant, expectorant. Also infusions and broths help to cope with inflammations and viruses.

  • to improve appetite;
  • to stimulate formation of gastric juice;
  • to reduce pressure;
  • to improve work of digestive system;
  • to normalize a menstrual cycle;
  • to get rid of migraine, insomnia, anemia, a meteorizm, rheumatism and so forth.

For the current time the melissa is used in various spheres: in traditional medicine, cosmetology, an aromatherapy and, of course, in cookery.

Lemon mint is the gentle and at the same time refreshing spice which as it is already known, has very strong lemon aroma. In cookery use stalks of a plant and leaflets, at the same time approaches both a fresh-gathered green part, and dried up.

  • fresh greens are small cut and added to salads, soups, the second vegetable courses as the plant enriches taste and gives unusual aroma;
  • the dried melissa can be applied in preparation of winter salads into which structure, besides vegetables, fish or meat enter. It should be noted that such plant is very well combined with mutton, veal and pork. Also it is often included in ingrediyentny structure for preparation of sauces;
  • as seasoning the considered spice will be suitable for a cottage cheese, eggs and rice dish;
  • it is known to much that the dried melissa is used everywhere for preparation of tasty, fragrant and at the same time useful tea;
  • leaflets are applied at conservation of cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • add spice to home-made drinks, such as kvass, compote, wine.

It is important! Because the melissa loses the aroma very quickly, especially if it is about thermal treatment, then it needs to be added to a dish approximately in 1-3 minutes until the end of cooking, or to enter directly into a ready dish.

In the sphere of cosmetology the melissa is appreciated not less. Lotions and masks, infusions and broths which have medical effect are made of leaflets and can be prepared in house conditions.

In general, the advantage of such grassy plant consists in the following:

  • essential oil — is capable to disinfect skin. Enveloping a cover a peculiar protective film, it kills bacteria and microbes and also normalizes the number of the allocations developed by sebaceous glands;
  • ascorbic acid — significantly improves complexion and promotes smoothing of wrinkles, toning up skin;
  • tannins — remove inflammations and help to get rid of pimples and various rash.

Macrocells which are available as a part of a green part help to normalize amount of moisture in an integument that well works both at combined, and at oily skin. But for dry a melissa it is purely better not to apply terms. In the latter case it is recommended to mix it with a camomile or oils which will help to moisturize the skin. Using a lemon grass in house conditions, it is possible to get rid for several procedures of such problems as a greasy luster, enlarged pores, rashes, pigmentation, unhealthy complexion and so forth. Procedures it is necessary to carry out 1-3 times a week to full elimination of a problem.

Whether you know? The plant received the name in honor of the nymph by the name of Melissa who in Ancient Greece was considered as the patroness of bees and beekeepers.

First of all, folk healers who noticed that the plant possesses a wide range of therapeutic properties began to use a melissa. Perhaps, lemon mint is that plant which is used most often in traditional medicine for preparation of medicinal medicines.

Apply such plant at melancholy, tachycardia, neuralgia. Also it helps to reduce a warm rhythm (if in it there is a need), to appease pain and spasms in a stomach, to cope with dizzinesses. Women like to use a melissa for acceptance of the so-called rejuvenating bathtubs.

Taking a bath it is possible not only to relax and purify skin, but also to cure many diseases.

Popularity at essential oil of a melissa wide and reasonable. It is applied in an aromatherapy and also to create the pleasant and cozy atmosphere in the house. According to experts, steam inhalation of oils favorably influences mentality of the person, relaxing him and calming and also improves a dream.

Learn how to improve the dream: to learn to get enough sleep and cope with insomnia.

Buying oil in drugstore, it is necessary to pay attention that it is medicinal and cosmetic. The second is used only as fragrance of rooms and for preparation of bathtubs, and the first can be used orally.

The melissa is very strong natural medicine, but not to lose all its abilities, it is necessary to prepare and store such medical raw materials correctly. The considered plant unpretentious in cultivation therefore will be able to part it on the personal plot everyone. It is the best of all to pick up the place which is well lit.

It is necessary to start raw materials preparation in sunny and dry weather. If, for example, in the morning on leaves dew drops are noticeable, then it is necessary to collect a product after a lunch that moisture managed to dry up and did not provoke further efflorescence of a collected grass.

Important! In cloudy weather and in the presence of fog it is impossible to collect a melissa.

Collecting is recommended to be begun in June. Leaves of a melissa should be cut off and put accurately in linen bags. Plastic bags cannot be used though it and is much more convenient because even the short contact of a plant with such material can negatively affect quality of raw materials.

Process of drying of a melissa, in general, same, as well as in case of preparation of other grassy plants. It is possible to dry a product on the street and indoors, the main thing: in both options to avoid direct hit on leaves of sunshine. If not to track it, plants will quickly turn yellow and will lose the flavoring characteristics. And in the dark place the leaflets, on the contrary, will remain green and will not lose useful qualities.

It is important! If drying is conducted indoors, then it is necessary to watch that the air temperature indicator did not exceed +35 °C there.

In the natural way the melissa can be dried in two ways.

  • If preparation of a large amount of lemon mint is planned, then it is better to connect previously it in bunches that the products took less places and she was convenient to be collected subsequently. Bunches have to be not too large that a green part could be dried evenly. On one bunch will be to take about 10 stalks of a melissa enough. Ready bunches should be hanged out on a rope which gains a foothold previously in the room. If drying is conducted on the street, then it is necessary to watch closely that on plants moisture did not get. Of course, under the open sky it is impossible to hang out a melissa, but even under a canopy during a rain the products will not be protected from moisture completely therefore in bad weather it is necessary to bring raw materials to the room.
  • If the plant is prepared in insignificant quantity, then it is possible to do without bunches. A fresh-gathered green part of a plant needs to be spread out to a table or any other plain surface which is covered previously with white paper or fabric. In this case it is better to crush beforehand a plant scissors on medium-sized pieces that raw materials were better dried. Periodically it is necessary to stir slowly preparation.

The option of drying of a melissa in an oven should be chosen only when other options not of a realizuyema. For example, if there is no place for drying indoors, or on the street bad, rainy weather. Also this option will suit people who have not enough time for preparation.

It is necessary to include an oven on very low temperature (about 60 degrees, not above). A green part of a plant needs to be spread out to a baking sheet and to put in the heating-up oven.

Important! The oven door during all process of drying of a melissa should be held slightly slightly opened.

The plant dries about 2 hours. Then it is necessary to switch off an oven and to finally dry a grass in the conditions of room temperature. The shade of a plant will change anyway, but if to carry out drying qualitatively, the melissa all the same will be pleasant green color. Also the aroma and useful substances will remain.

Before sending raw materials for storage, it needs to be prepared in addition. First of all, it is necessary to grind a plant in palms to reach consistence of small shaving. Such shaving just is also put in glass jars then close dense covers.

On each can it is recommended to paste a sticker, where to specify the name of a plant and year when preparation was carried out. It is necessary not to mix a melissa with other plants which were prepared and also to understand when raw materials already become unsuitable to use. It is possible to use such product during 1 year, in rare instances — during the 2nd.

Important! It is impossible to use for storage of a dry melissa containers from plastic and other materials of artificial origin.

The set of national recipes which cornerstone the melissa is is known. We offer to acquaintance the most popular and often used from them.

For a solution of the problem of insomnia it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of a svezhesrezanny grass and to fill in it 2.5 cups of the begun to boil water. Then it is necessary to wrap up and leave capacity to infuse within 30-40 minutes. Further the medicine should be filtered and it is possible to use before withdrawal for sleeping.

In this case the pressure of a lemon plant will perfectly work. It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon with the hill of a melissa on a half of a teaspoon of boiled water. It is the best of all to prepare a pressure in capacity from clay. It is necessary to Naparivat means during the whole night, having left it in the cooling-down oven. The ready medicine will be suitable both for the internal use, and for acceptance aromavann.

Learn that to do at a headache and what the reasons of its emergence.

To get rid of the bothered cough, inhalations best of all will approach. It is necessary to mix several drops of essential oil with honey, to enter there a small amount of water and to breathe over capacity within 15 minutes.

The considered plant also well helps with therapy of inflammation of gums. It is necessary to take 8 tsps of a dried grass and to insist in 2 glasses of boiled water about 4 hours. Medicine should be used for carrying out rinsings of a mouth.

We advise to learn what products can do much harm to your teeth whether chewing gum can replace a toothbrush and paste.

4 tablespoons of a dry product undertake and 0.5 l of the begun to boil water are filled in. It is necessary to draw all this about 30 minutes, to filter and use in the form of compresses to affected areas of a body.

The main contraindication to application of medicines on the basis of a melissa is the individual intolerance of a plant, including presence of an allergy. Also, according to the recommendations of doctors, you should not use such infusions that who has arterial hypotension.

  • stomach ulcer;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases which are connected with central nervous system;
  • pregnancy;
  • liver failure;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • age up to 3 years.

Summing up the results, it should be noted once again those properties which are possessed by a melissa. The plant can be used in various directions, at the same time making exclusively favorable impact on an organism. Anyway, excessively you should not use means on the basis of a melissa even to those who have no contraindications.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
