Pitt (bile): main qualities and features of a dosha

Pitt (bile): main qualities and features of a dosha

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According to Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine of India, all material world, as well as a human body, consists of five elements: air, air, fire, water and earth. These elements in a human body are grouped in three main types of vital forces (dosha) which regulate all functions of activity. Let's talk in this article about Dosch of Pitt.

According to Ayurveda, in the basis of a dosha of Pitt there are elements of fire and water. Its name is translated as the fact that it is capable to digest, bile is connected with biochemical processes in an organism. In living cells all the time goes imperceptible burning of substances, and this process happens in the water environment. Therefore Dosch of Pitt actively reveals itself in acids and is in a stomach and a small intestine, a liver and a spleen, endocrine glands, blood and a lymph, eyes, grease and sweat glands.

This Dosch influences digestion, thermal control, visual acuity, thirst and appetite, skin color, body density, comprehension process by reason something.

If Poet it is excessively active, it leads to the following:

Whether you know? A system Ayurveda — the most ancient school of medicine. The earliest Ayurvedic treatise Charaka-samkhita was written about 2500 years ago.

Pitt it is characterized as fluid, sharp and sour, easy, sharpness, damp, oily, hot.

Pitta's people have an excellent digestion and great appetite, the missed meal fairly spoils them mood. Body temperature can be a little higher than normal, do not love hot weather, strongly sweat and drink a lot of liquid. They have a great sight, but their eyes are badly transferred by sunshine, as well as skin. The integument is inclined to inflammations and allergic reactions, has birthmarks. They have a moderate fatigue and normal duration of a dream (8 hours). They easily fall asleep and quickly wake up. Sleep tight, but can wake up, for example, at night to go to drink waters.

Important! In Ayurveda the treatment begins only after definition of a dosha. The same disease at people with different type can be treated in different ways.

At them any allocations of an organism are plentiful: urine, kcal (usually thinnish), sweat. The first two usually have yellow color. Sweat can have a strong unpleasant smell.

People with Pitt's prevalence are very vigorous and active, and it leaves a mark on their appearance.

People have Pitt's dosh proportional average features, an ostrovaty nose and a chin. A shape of a face in the form of a heart, on cheeks the flush is frequent.

Eyes can be gray, green, light-brown or brown, brilliant, with the penetrating look. Proteins can have a yellowish shade and easily redden at an overstrain.

Hair can be fair, red or reddish. Usually they early turn gray, can thin up to appearance of a bald head. Face skin, as well as all body light, thin and soft, easily burns in the sun, is inclined to rashes and reddenings. On it often there are freckles or birthmarks.

Skin at people with prevalence of a dosha of Pitt thin, oily, brilliant, it is frequent — problem. For the description of races with dark color of hair, skin and an eye work not all these criteria.

People like Pitta have the average growth, an average constitution and classical proportions. Having excellent appetite, they do not gain excess weight, it at them almost same many years. Pitta has usually moderately developed muscles or build of sports type, well developed thorax. Bone structure too average, they have average hands and average feet. These extremities usually warm and often sweat. On a body there are birthmarks (quite often red color) and pigmentary spots. They will seldom stoop, they have a sports sure gait.

People under the influence of Pitt's dosha are vigorous, imperious, sure and successful. Among them there are a lot of scientists and researchers, lawyers and politicians, athletes. They are good speakers, administrators and psychologists.

Prefer to adhere to the schedule, are accurate, all affairs finish. Despite average fatigue, Pitta often happen workaholics. Always remember that it is necessary for them. Any resources use for any purpose and are able to distribute them correctly. All their decisions are thought well over, but can bring inherent in them an azartnost and tendency to risk. Demands a high payment for the efforts and usually receives it.

Whether you know? Many Ayurvedic methods successfully joined practice of modern medicine. It is diagnostics on pulse and breath, diets, clarification by enemas, some water procedures (acceptance of medical bathtubs and douche).

Achieve goals, like to control everything, are able to press the authority. They have well put convincing speech, accurate statement of thoughts, they are witty. Have the opinion which can be defended. They are vigorous and active, fearless and resolute. The leaders who are not afraid to take the responsibility with great organizational abilities. They well developed discipline and punctuality, are able to focus on the solution of problems well. From them great heads turn out.

Have the acute inquisitive mind getting into the essence of any problem.

Balanced Pitta — the loving spouses and good parents.

If Dosch of Pitt it is debalanced, then negative lines are shown: sharpness and irritability, irascibility and aggression, jealousy and vindictiveness. At such people all are guilty of their failures, except them, they quite often become house despots, rude and bilious. Raged to Pitt it is heavy to calm down. Often Pitta's people become excessively fanatical, they want to devote all in the belief and to draw on the party. Their opinion can be persuasive, they can not reckon with people and their needs.

Besides owners of this dosha can put on airs, they are quite often very ambitious and vain. Quite often unreasonable arrogance and arrogance do not allow them to apologize when they are guilty. It can forgive others to them too not always.

Not to have problems with health and the world around, people with finish Pitt have to follow Ayurvedic recommendations about a way of life, food and physical activities.

People at whom prevails Pitt despite love for active life, should not turn into workaholics. It is known that the workaholism strongly tires, such way of life negatively affects health and private life so-so hardy Pitt. Unfortunately, it quite often happens to them. They need to develop balance between work and rest, to adhere to a balanced diet and the mode, not to forget about a dream. It is necessary to avoid the conflicts in collective, to learn to control splashes in anger and to adhere to quiet line of conduct. It is useful to be engaged in meditation and to master technology of relaxation.

Whether you know? Now the Ayurveda is the official system of treatment on an equal basis with the traditional European system of medicine in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal.

This type of people badly transfers a heat, but cold to them is not terrible. Therefore Pittam it is impossible to overheat in the sun and also in order to avoid dehydration it is necessary to use enough water. The cold shower or a cool bathtub will be useful in hot season. It is possible to practice hardening of an organism by means of douche by cold water, bathings in an ice-hole. Good effect will be had by walks before going to bed, especially near the small river, a pond or other source of water.

The most favorable climatic conditions for accommodation and carrying out rest — a cool windy arid climate. It is recommended to live in the place with availability of water and diverse vegetation. The countries which are the most suitable for Pitta's accommodation: Far East, Norway, Ireland, etc. It is better to choose clothes quiet pastel tones.

To support an organism in a tone it is possible to be engaged: fitness, bodybuilding, run, crossfity, occupations in gym, swimming, yoga or sports walking.

For people like Pitta it is important to follow a certain daily routine.

Recommendations about a day regimen for Pitta:

Pitas by the nature love sport and physical activities. During sports activities they dump excess energy. But, choosing as what sport to do, they have to avoid overheating during performance of physical exercises. They prefer team games with passion and risk. Therefore it is recommended to them to do swimming, skiing, figure skating, speed skating, soccer, aerobics, run, mountaineering, etc.

The yoga set of exercises is developed for Pitt's people. The recommended asanas allow to cool their ardent temperament and remove stress. So, for balancing of a dosha of Pitt enter a yoga set of exercises: Surya Namaskar (or the Greeting of the Sun complex), Chandra Namaskar (or the Greeting of the Moon complex), an extension the Kitty, Vipari Karani (or a pose of the bent candle), Shavasana (or a corpse pose), etc.

Also are very important for achievement of balance and tranquility to people of fire of occupation meditation. Practice of yoga of knowledge or self-knowledge (Vedanta, Vipasan's Zen) will help to avoid irascibility and frequent quarrels. The anuloma of a vilom (this full yogovsky breath) is better to choose technology of breath, sitat or lunar breath (through the left nostril).

Among extended the practician of yoga, it is necessary to call still such as: Ayengara, Mandala, Mule of a bandh, Jalandhar bandha, Uddiyana of a bandh, Fly yoga, Bhakti yoga, akroyoga, kriyya-yoga, prana yoga and yoga-challenge.

It is useful to do massage or self-massage with use of the oils having the cooling effect in the morning. This coconut, olive or oil gi and also essential oils — a lotus, pink, santalaceous, a jasmine, vetiver and other.

Like Pitt it is desirable for people to take cool baths or a shower, the contrast shower is useful. It is very good to swim for a while for them at the sea, in the lake or the small river in the summer.

Cool, heavy and dry food is recommended to people of a dosha of Pitt for food. To exclude whenever possible hot, easy and fat food. To prefer the sweet knitting and to bitter tastes. To limit sharp, salty and sour in the consumed dishes.

Important! An important step in practice of Ayurveda is the healthy nutrition suitable for a dosha. The person at healthy nutrition is not ill, and the person with improper feeding will not be helped by no drugs.

It is necessary to use minimum strong tea, coffee, red meat, eggs and sugar. It is desirable to refuse completely consumption of alcoholic beverages, in particular beer. It is better to exclude the fried food which is especially made on a fire from the menu.

It is recommended to include the following products in the food allowance:

For this dosha the starvation and strict long diets are inadmissible, but it is possible to arrange fasting days on crude vegetables and fruit.

Pitt the bitter, poslablyayushchy and promoting digestion herbs approach. Such, as: aloe, gentian, barberry, buckthorn, rhubarb, pursha, saffron, Sena. There will be a consumption of milk gi, a rose or a block grass which softly remove all superfluous of intestines quite enough.

Bram, bringarazh, a sandal-wood tree, a rose, lotus seeds, a shlemnik, a passionflower, a chrysanthemum and a hibiscus will be able to calm and cool Pitta's fire.

The Ayurveda does not welcome the use of synthetic vitamins. Has to receive the necessary vitamins and minerals of people from food and herbs. People with Pitta's prevalence should give preference to food and additives with the high content of vitamins D, E, calcium, magnesium, zinc. The uterine milk, beer yeast, juice of an aloe, spirulin and tonics of type of a chavanprash will be useful to them. They should avoid flower pollen. When choosing herbs it is necessary to consider concrete having got sick

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
