Problem of excess weight

Problem of excess weight

almost every third suffers from such problem as excess weight. Any person can have an excess weight (obesity), is not dependent on age. It is important that obesity originates at children's age. Of course, a lot of things depend on heredity. People who had relatives with an excess weight have to treat the food more carefully.

To define if at you excess weight very simply – it is necessary to calculate body mass index. For this purpose your weight is divisible on growth in a square. For example, weight = 80 kg and growth = 170 cm. Therefore, BMI = 80 (1,71,7) = 27, 68.

Later we watch the table

  • Less than 16 Deficiency of weight
  • 16 - 19 Insufficient body weight
  • 20 - 25 Normal weight
  • 25 – 30 Insignificant surplus of weight
  • 30 – 39.9 Obesity 1-oh steps
  • 40 – 49.9//-//the 2nd step
  • 50 – 59.9//-//To 3-it step
  • More than 60//-//4th steps

The most effective and fast solution of the problem of loss of excess weight is the diet. Now from a set of the offered diets, you can choose the most acceptable for you. Nevertheless you should not forget that the correct diet has to be based on healthy food, carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins and lipids have to appear in your diet.

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The chosen diet should not do harm to your health. At correctly picked up diet you will be able not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to remove unnecessary slags and toxins from an organism. It is necessary to enter and leave from a diet smoothly that your organism managed to adapt to a new diet. Optimum loss of weight 2-4 kg a month are considered.

Read also: A diet on a genotype

You should not forget that regular physical trainings have positive impact on loss of weight. The physical activity, in principle, can be any – run, swimming, driving the bicycle. But, of course, most effective if it are correctly constructed trainings directed specifically to a zhiroszhiganiye.

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When performing exercises the energy which he receives from fat of your organism is necessary for a body. Also sports activities increase your level of metabolism. Due to metabolism acceleration, the amount of the energy providing activity of your organism increases. Make trainings a part of your life. And, undoubtedly, you will become more harmonious and more attractive, let, perhaps, at the same time you will not lose in weight gram.

Read also: 7 secrets of an effective training

The basic rules of loss of excess weight are a healthy nutrition and daily physical exercises. Also you remember that everyone can lose weight whether you are ready to apply to it all your forces?!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
