Chaber treats those plants which find the application in several spheres at once. This fragrant grass is used not only as seasoning, but also as decorative and a herb. We will also try to understand all its useful properties.
Description of a plant
Chaber (Latin of Satureja) treats the family Chaber of the Yasnotkovye family. This annual semi-shrubby plant with a branched and upright stalk which average height is 40-50 cm. In the nature it is widespread in the Mediterranean. Leaves lanceolate, flowers kolokolchaty various coloring: bluish, rose-white, lilac. Fruits represent roundish nutlets.
Important! Quite often confuse a chaber and a thyme, but these are different plants though both views are actively used both in cookery as seasoning, and in cosmetology and medicine.
Cultivation and care in house conditions
This grass is grown up on personal plots, both as an ornamental plant, and for consumption in the form of seasoning. At disembarkation to the open ground select well lit site. To quality of the soil the chaber is not choosy, but on fertile soils he feels better, its productivity increases and the aroma amplifies. Care for a plant consists weeds and regular watering at a distance.
Grow up a chaber and in the conditions of the apartment. Plant seeds in pots, at the end of March or at the beginning of April. The grown-up sprouts on one are replaced in separate pots not less than three liters. Pots dispose in well lit places, such as window sills or loggia, closely to windows. At a lack of light arrange artificial lighting — it can be necessary during the winter period.
We advise to read about medicinal properties and application in traditional medicine of such herbs as a thyme, a goutweed ordinary, coltsfoot, a yarrow a marjoram, a St. John's wort, a melissa, ivan-tea, a calendula, a clover, a tansy, a wormwood, rosemary, a horsetail and a sage.
The soil has to be supported in pots moderate and damp. Excessive, as well as insufficient, watering leads to death of plants. Feed up a chaber complex fertilizers for houseplants. Let's note that indoors the chaber can grow all the year round.
Whether you know? At the time of the Roman Empire the notable Romans during the festivals carried wreaths from a chaber. Besides, this spice replaced to the Roman commoners expensive black pepper because of what it was called a peppery grass.
Chemical composition
The chemical composition of this grass is interesting. It contains the following organic matter:
- karvakrol, belonging to the class of monoterpenid of phenol — it substance has a pleasant smell and taste and also slows down development of some pathogenic bacteria;
- tsimol, belonging to the class of aromatic hydrocarbons — possesses a slight citrus smell, it is in pure form used in perfumery and the food industry;
- borneol, belonging to terpenic alcohols — it is widely applied in perfumery compositions and as a fragrance for products of household chemicals;
- the cineole representing monocyclic terpene — is applied as antiseptic and expectorant means in medicine.
Nutrition value
Caloric content of 100 g of a dry product is 272 kcal. 23 g of carbohydrates, 6.7 g of protein and 5.9 g of fats are a part (on 100 g of a product).
The plant also contains vitamins A, B1 and B6, With, SS.
The plant and minerals is rich. In it contain in the greatest numbers (on 100 g):
- calcium — 2132 mg;
- potassium — 1051 mg;
- magnesium — 377 mg;
- phosphorus — 140 mg;
- sodium — 24 mg;
- iron — 38 mg;
- manganese — 6 mg.
Useful properties
The popularity of a chaber is caused not only by his tastes, but also a set of other useful properties touching digestive system. He improves digestion and increases appetite, possesses protivogelmintny, diuretic and bile-expelling actions, helps at a meteorizm. Use it and as antiemetic.
Besides, this grass normalizes pulse, functioning of kidneys and a menstrual cycle, increases male potency. With its help it is possible to get rid of dry cough. It has positive impact also on nervous system. It is considered that thanks to the use of a chaber the working capacity, both physical, and intellectual increases.
Preparation and storage of a plant
Leaves can be used fresh. For this purpose select young leaflets on a plant top. Mass collecting begins prior to blossoming or at its beginning. Plants cut off, leaving in the soil of cutting in 10 cm, collect in small bunches and dry on a draft. The dried-up plants crush. Store a ready-made product in glass or china which is densely closed. Tanks with a product need to be held in the dry dark place.
Application in cosmetology
In cosmetology the essential oil received from a chaber is actively used. It is applied at an alopetion — a pathological hair loss. It is useful to use this oil also in the preventive purposes for strengthening of bulbs of hair.
Besides, oil is used for disposal of eczemas, dermatitis, an acne.
Essential oils — perfectly look after hair and skin. Learn more about cosmetology properties of essential oils: cedar, tea tree, fir, orange, sandalwood, rosemary.
Use in cookery
As seasoning the chaber approaches a set of products: to meat, mushrooms, meat rolls, sausages, potatoes. Some kitchens of the world use it when salting and in marinades. Add this fresh grass and to salads.
Whether you know? It is considered that the chaber (called there a chubritsa) is most popular in Bulgaria in comparison with other countries of the world. In this country it is added nearly to all dishes — from meat to various sauces.
Use in traditional medicine
In traditional medicine this grass is applied to simplification of a state at various diseases. So, it is used at tachycardia and a headache as bactericidal means, at cystitis.
The chaber is widely applied and at various diseases of digestive tract, skin diseases, to disposal of worms and also at catarrhal diseases and dry cough.
Important! It is necessary to apply folk remedies with care, especially at serious diseases. It is extremely desirable before reception of such means to consult with the doctor especially as at some diseases the use of this plant is excluded.
Contraindications and harm
It is impossible to use this seasoning at exacerbation of diseases of a liver and kidneys, ulcer of stomach and duodenum, atherosclerosis, a thyroid gland disease, a cardiosclerosis. Besides, the individual intolerance of this plant meets. Its use is excluded and at pregnancy.
As we see, the chaber, besides great tastes, has also medicinal properties, but, of course, it is, first of all, the seasoning enjoying deserved popularity in many countries of the world. It is absolutely simple to grow up it on own site or even in the apartment that made it quite popular among gardeners. At its use as remedy it is necessary to remember contraindications.