Stroke or apoplectic seizure: symptoms, reasons

Stroke or apoplectic seizure: symptoms, reasons

Violation of blood circulation of a brain which is provoked by various inflammatory processes in a brain or other pathologies is called a stroke. Unfortunately, for the current time the stroke occupies one of the first positions among causes of death. Further in article the speech about the first signs and symptoms of this phenomenon, about ways of its prevention and so forth will go.

As looks in life or how to define: the first signs

To render the expeditious help to the person, thus having kept him life, it is necessary to be able to distinguish a stroke in due time. The therapeutic window during which it is necessary to normalize blood circulation is within 4-6 hours. At the same time, the help to the patient will be rendered quicker, the probability that it will be possible to cure and recover him his state is higher.

Important! Out of time rendered help can become the reason of a lethal outcome.

It is known that the stroke belongs to those phenomena which have an effect unexpectedly in this connection it is impossible to be prepared for it. But it is possible to distinguish on a number of signs it as there are certain symptoms which indicate blood circulation violation. First practically peracute deterioration in the general state, a so-called prestroke is always observed. Pressure increases, signs of oxygen starvation begin to prove, the area of a brain is supplied with blood in insufficient quantity. Treat the first symptoms and signs by which presence at the elderly man or the woman it is possible to determine suspicion of a stroke:

  • headaches and dizzinesses, heavy feeling and noise in the head, can be present distortions of hearing and sight;
  • problems with an articulation, the speech is violated, phrases untied;
  • sudden violation of work of short-term memory, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness;
  • feelings of weakness in muscles of brushes and fingers of hands and also in feet of legs, numbness of facial muscles which can often have the unilateral form;
  • obvious violation of gross motor skills and common problems with coordination of movements, for example, awkwardness in the course of walking, difficulties in deduction of vertical position of a body.

The stroke is most dangerous that not always its signs can be regarded and analyzed correctly. To carry out diagnostics of symptomatology of a stroke, experts recommend a certain rapid test for carrying out. It is that the person who has a suspicion of a stroke, ask to try to perform some operations:

  • to smile. At a smile very large number of facial muscles and as the stroke is characterized two gets into gear - or unilateral numbness of face muscles, the patient to smile or will not be able at all, or the smile will be unilateral;
  • to raise hands to top and to delay them some time in such situation. If blood supply is broken, because of the weakened muscles such task will not be able to the patient;
  • to say a name and a surname or to repeat any sounded phrase. Thus it will be possible to estimate an articulation and an opportunity to speak in general.

If such rapid test confirms fears concerning the approaching stroke, it is necessary to call the ambulance urgently.


Experts divide two types of a stroke on the basis of the reasons for which such phenomenon arose:

  • Ischemic stroke. Such form the most widespread. It can be shown as a result of blockage of vessels which provide intake of blood to a brain, a clot of blood or full-fledged blood clot. For this reason of a cage cannot receive any more the necessary volume of oxygen and nutrients because of what, without carrying out special measures, die off.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke or apoplectic seizure. Answering a question, what is it, we will specify that this phenomenon develops in connection with a rupture of aneurysm of a brain. Blood begins to accumulate gradually in fabrics which are nearby then press on nervous tissue, breaking its integrity. Symptoms which can indicate a gap are very severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, doubling in eyes. Consciousness loss is sometimes possible. In certain cases headaches at the patient can arise within 2-3 days to the attack.

Whether you know? By scientists it was established that people who love and often use tomatoes, are exposed to strokes much less often. It is connected with the fact that as a part of tomatoes there is a lycopene which is powerful antioxidant and is capable to diminish viscosity of blood, thereby minimizing the probability of developing of blood clots. The pleasant fact is that lycopene is present not only at fresh tomatoes, but also at tomato paste, canned food, tomato juice and so forth. Substance also contains in watermelons and grapefruits (red and pink), but already in much smaller concentration.

What provokes

Can cause violation of a cerebral blood-groove:

  • arterial hypertension and pathological changes in blood vessels;
  • failures in a hormonal background in the presence of mastopathy and a polycystous syndrome;
  • migraines which have often an effect hard are transferred and are sign of long spasms in blood vessels of a brain;
  • increase in amount of estrogen as a result of reception of oral contraceptives, at a gestation, at the use of hormonal medicamentous medicines and so forth;
  • long smoking;
  • presence of arrhythmia, heart diseases (both congenital, and acquired), diabetes;
  • frequent and long stresses, infectious diseases and so forth.

The risk of a stroke reduces vitamin C and chocolate.

Pre-medical help

At identification of the first symptoms of a stroke, in particular, of hemorrhagic, it is necessary to call the ambulance first of all. Phone dispatcher should describe most in detail those symptoms which are observed at the patient.

At that time, while arrival of the doctor is expected, follows:

  • to lay the patient on any surface so that legs were located below an upper body;
  • the victim is recommended be not to moved;
  • if the person is in the room, then it is recommended to open a window in order that fresh air came to the room. At the same time it is necessary to take off those clothes which too close or hot from the victim;
  • if there is a need, it is necessary to clean a mouth of the patient, to drink and eat he cannot give at this stage;
  • with need and skills the victim can make artificial respiration and indirect massage of heart.

Inaction consequences

The stroke, how many those consequences to which can give inaction in such situation is dangerous not so much. Problems and complications which can arise because of a stroke there is, a lot of, in this connection it is important to help the patient in time. Carry to the most widespread complications:

  • Hemiparesis. To it decline of muscular force which covers that half of a body which is from the opposite side to the struck brain hemisphere is characteristic.
  • Hemiplegia. Forces in muscles in one half of a human body are absent completely.
  • Central prozoparez. Facial muscles are exposed to defeat, especially often it is the lower part of a face — a cheek and a lip. Also on this background the asymmetry of a mouth and as result, a problem with the use of food can develop.
  • Aphasia or dizartriya. It is defect or violation of the speech which it is characteristic or loss of ability both to speak, and to perceive the speech, or partial defeat of the device of the speech as a result of which organs of speech have limited mobility.
  • Ataxy. Violation in the correct coordination of movements.
  • Apraxia. Basic, main skills of the movement are lost.
  • The sense of smell, hearing and sight are exposed to violation.
  • Violation in sensitivity. The patient does not feel a part of the body, her morbidity, influence as cold on it and heat.
  • Depression.

It should be noted that each of the above-stated manifestations can be expressed both it is stronger, and is weaker. Also complications are pathologically irreversible and such which in the long term can stop. In general, it depends on the size of the struck part of a brain, on that, how fast the help and also, naturally, from quality of treatment was rendered to the victim.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Treatment after a stroke is carried out in stationary conditions. A task of doctors is restoration of the general condition of the patient and also fight against those diseases which could be caused by damage of blood vessels. Such occur among medicamentous means which are used in the course of therapy:

  • hypertension medicine;
  • medicines which increase blood coagulability;
  • enzymes with proteolytic properties.

Treatment at an ischemic attack on a brain consists in use:

  • drugs which expand vessels;
  • the medicines helping to improve microblood circulation;
  • means which lower blood clotting;
  • diuretic medicines.

In certain cases there is a need for surgical intervention, but only when there are signs of existence of squeezing of a brain a hematoma, or in that situation, when there is no an opportunity to remove puffiness of a brain. Surgical treatment is recommended also at suspicion on risk of repeated hemorrhage.

Whether you know? As showed results of inspection of more than 300 thousand patients, stroke probability at people who have tendency to depressions, about 45% higher. According to opinion of scientists, people who treat with excess gravity all vital disorders people gloomy and strict are more inclined to various unhealthy habits (to smoking, overeating and so forth), besides they have stresses more hard, as results in wear of blood vessels in a brain.

It is known that any disease it is much simpler to warn, than to cure. The stroke is not an exception too. We offer several recommendations which observance will help to reduce risk of manifestation of a stroke significantly:

  1. It is desirable to limit amount of the used fats and salt.
  2. In the presence of diabetes it is always very important to control a sugar level indicator in blood.
  3. The refusal of smoking is the key to healthier activity.
  4. You should not abuse alcoholic beverages.
  5. It is recommended to introduce in the everyday life of sports. It is not obligatory to be engaged in it professionally, it is enough to carry out at least a small amount of physical exercises from time to time.
  6. It is necessary to keep indicators of arterial blood pressure under control.
  7. It is obligatory to get enough sleep as the sleep debt often is a predecessor of problems with a metabolism and the provoker of a hypertension.
  8. It is necessary to watch the weight, to adhere to healthy nutrition.

Important! It is necessary to include in the daily diet vegetables and fruit as they will help to reduce risk of developing of atherosclerosis that often and is responsible for a stroke.

The stroke, undoubtedly, belongs to a serious illness. But the correct, adequate therapy will present chance to the patient to live fully and after an attack. You should not perceive such diagnosis as a sentence. It is necessary to adhere to those recommendations which will be provided by the doctor, to lead a healthy lifestyle and also to show consideration for the feelings. Thanks to it it will be possible to overcome a stroke and to live fully.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
