"The products containing sulfur in a large number

"The products containing sulfur in a large number

Health Hits: 172

The balance of vitamins and minerals in an organism plays an important role for the person. There are such useful substances, accepting which, we gain visible or notable effect at once. For example, magnesium normalizes a dream, calcium strengthens bones and teeth, group B vitamins favorably influence nervous system and so on. And there are not less important and useful minerals, filling up reserves of which, we do not notice result at once, but at the same time their role in work of bodies and the systems of the person is slightly not less. One of such macrocells is a sulfur about which the speech will go today.

For what it is necessary and what influences in an organism

Sulfur is one of minerals, irreplaceable for the person — it means that it is not developed by an organism. It is possible to fill up its stocks only due to consumption of food in which it contains.

The macrocell is present at a blood system, is a part of such amino acids as methionine and cysteine. Cellular structures, hormones, enzymes also cannot do without this substance. Sulfur is involved in processes of biosynthesis of antioxidants, vitamins of group B and amino acids.

Important! With care people should treat a microcell with diseases of digestive system.

Also sulfur is necessary for:

Daily requirement

Daily the adult needs to receive 1 g of sulfur with food, and it is not difficult at all as the macrocell contains in available products which are regularly present at our diet. It should be noted that at teenage age and also at strong physical activities the need for substance increases up to 3 g a day.

Learn what role in a human body is played by macrocells: calcium, chlorine, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.

Signs of deficiency

The lack of sulfur of an organism can be distinguished on the following signs and symptoms:

  1. High arterial blood pressure, tachycardia.
  2. The dry, shelled skin, fragile nails, dry and dim hair.
  3. The increased sugar level in blood.
  4. High level of cholesterol in blood.
  5. Allergic manifestations.
  6. Diseases of kidneys and liver.
  7. Systematic muscular and articulate pains.
  8. Problems with a chair, in particular, locks.

Important! The surplus of the considered element meets extremely seldom and cannot arise because of consumption of products which support him. Can be the cause of a surplus of substance or long contact with gaseous compounds of sulfur or its entering into an organism in the violent way.

What contains sulfurs most of all in

For maintenance of balance of substance in an organism it is rather balanced to eat: the macrocell contains in many products which enter our daily diet. Generally its source is proteinaceous food — if to speak about meat, then substance contains in chicken, a turkey, low-fat beef and pork. Also fish, seafood and mollusks will help to fill up sulfur reserves. For example, in 100 g of a humpback salmon, pikes, sardines, a grouper, a flounder and a catfish the standard daily rate of substance (1050 mg) contains. Let's consider what else products are a source of this element for our organism.

Dairy products and eggs

As for animal products then it is worth mentioning eggs as 2 eggs a day (these are on average 100 g) provide a daily reserve of sulfur. At smaller quantities there is a macrocell and at dairy products: most of all it — in 100 g contains in hard cheeses 260 mg of sulfur that makes 26% of daily requirement. In milk and its other dairy products it is not enough — about 28-35 mg.

Whether you know? Sulfur is involved in medicine and pharmaceutics: it is a part of medicines from allergies, eczemas, arthritises and arthroses and also is used as independent medicine.

Grain, grain

Buckwheat, millet, rye, corn grits, rice, porridge and barley are rich with this macrocell. Also substance contains in all bakery products.


Peas, haricot, soy and lentil belong to products which differ in the high content of sulfur — in 100 g bean from 150 to 244 mg contain.

Learn why minerals are necessary for a human body: iron, iodine, zinc, manganese, chrome, molybdenum, cobalt, fluorine, selenium, nickel, vanadium, pine forest, tin, silicon, vanadium, rubidium.

Nuts and seeds

Good source of substance are nuts, namely almonds, walnut, cashew and cocoes and also such seeds as sesame and sunflower seeds of sunflower.

Fruit and berries

At watermelons, melons, pineapples, bananas, pears, apples, plums, peaches and apricots there is a considered element too. Still carry berries, namely a gooseberry, currant, raspberry and a wild strawberry to substance sources. It should be noted that concentration of a microcell in berries and fruit not high: from 2 to 18 mg on 100 g.

Whether you know? Tears which flow like water during cutting of onions are provoked by sulfur which contains in it in large numbers. Bulbs absorb substance from the soil, and then carefully transfer it to us.

Vegetables and greens

To maintain balance of a macrocell in an organism, it is regularly necessary to eat vegetables and greens — especially all species of cabbage, onions, potatoes, beet, eggplants and garlic. And still you should not ignore greens as in spinach, sheet salad, green onions and leek there is a sulfur too.

Now you know that sulfur is daily necessary for our organism for maintenance of the vital processes. Presence at a diet of absolutely available products will allow to maintain its balance and to avoid deficiency. Eat properly and God bless you!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
