Thistle oil: what treats and from what helps how to accept in the medical purposes

Thistle oil: what treats and from what helps how to accept in the medical purposes

The nature generously shared with us the wealth. Even the ordinary-looking prickly weed in actual fact can be a powerful herb. And if to look round around, then such types will meet much that gives the chance to use them as valuable raw materials. Let's consider one of such means, having learned, than it is useful and where the oil received from a thistle is applied (it a thistle).

Chemical composition

Distinctive feature of this product — the high content of substance of a silimarin which is mix of a number of glycosides (a silikristina, a silibina and others). Such components play a role of the antioxidants protecting a liver.

As for other ingredients, among them appear:

  • vitamins A, B, D, F, K, E (the last here especially there is a lot of — about 45 mg / 100 of weight);
  • linoleic Omega-6 acid and olein Omega-9 to which share in fatty acid balance not less than 83% fall;
  • lipids in the form of arakhinovy and begenovy, palmitic and stearin acids;
  • flavonoids as quercetin;
  • the chlorophyll which is giving to oil greenish color and acting as the amplifier of immunomodulatory properties of other components;
  • carotene and its derivatives in small shares;
  • minerals are presented in the form of macrocells by zinc, magnesium, manganese and also selenium. Are available also phosphorus with calcium, but already in much smaller quantities.

Important! The saturated structure gives an effect maximum at separate reception. If along with a thistle other herbs are used, it can create additional load of the systems and bodies weakened by a disease.

This list one look suggests an idea of remarkable useful qualities of this material. Let's dwell upon them.

Treatment-and-prophylactic properties

At competent processing from widespread prickle receive a product which has such properties:

  • neutralizes inflammatory processes in a liver;
  • strengthening cell membranes of this body, promotes their protection and restoration;
  • minimizes damage of a liver as result of diseases;
  • works as bile-expelling;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol and maintains normal blood clotting;
  • protects all groups of bodies from influence of toxic agents and carcinogens (it is a merit of antioxidants);
  • normalizes motility of intestines;
  • has soft laxative effect;
  • working with fats, makes active a metabolism, in parallel removing the accumulated slags;
  • thanks to unique structure slows down cell aging in all organism;
  • heals affected areas and removes inflammations in a GIT.

Already having an idea that popular oil from a thistle treats, it is possible to remember also its preventive properties. The use of such means reduces risk of development of atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis, strengthens protective qualities of an organism and helps it to be restored rather after long diseases.

Whether you know? In old times over an entrance to the house often hung up the wreaths from a thistle designed to keep out evil spirits of the dwelling (what points also the name of a plant to).

The same concerns also improvement of health after difficult operations or a long course of chemotherapy (not to mention banal cold).

Application in different spheres

Of course, doctors and cosmetologists could not ignore so valuable liquid the — in these industries oil is used very widely. But about everything one after another.

In medicine

The processed thistle is applied mainly as a powerful gepatoprotektor. Treatment of polytypic hepatitis and toxic injuries of a liver seldom does without medicine on its basis. Moreover, it helps to cope even with boundary processes — an extensive fat gepatoz or tsirrozny defeat. This structure and for urgent treatment of poisonings is used (its acids are capable to neutralize even poison of a white toadstool).

Gastroenterologists appreciate a thistle and the soft action allowing to remove symptoms of stomach ulcer and gastritis, colitis and a stable lock. In turn dermatologists use also the excellent healing effect — at treatment of extensive burns and wounds the bandages impregnated with this oil are applied.

Their obvious advantage — in lack of burning sensation on skin. This feature allows to apply such means even to the children suffering from psoriasis or dermatitis.

Important! Having recorded a bandage, be convinced that it does not press vessels.

One more devil of liquid — its external use at treatment of anal cracks and hemorrhoids. The plant and in gynecology was useful: with its help treat an erosion of a neck of the uterus and inflammatory processes in a vagina.

In cosmetology

Thistle oil found broad application and in the sphere of cosmetology long ago.

Learn how apply essential oil of orange, a peach, lemon, a dogrose, avocado in cosmetology, coconut oil, fir, oil of grape seeds, corn oil, castor oil, oil of sprouts of wheat, a cedar and linseed oil.

Saturated, but at the same time the soft structure most often undertakes in quality:

  • care products for skin of any type;
  • stimulator of regeneration of a cellular layer of skin (especially after a burn or UF-radiation);
  • anti-aging additive for work with mature, cracked and dry dermy — at the same time with normal moistening also the elasticity is restored;
  • additions to cosmetics from suntan and for care for zones of a decollete and a neck;
  • the moistening element of face packs;
  • important attribute of baths which struggle with dryness of skin;
  • one of components of massage mixes of the radio plan;
  • let's note also advantage of the silimarin helping with skin care during a menopause.

Some producers include this means also as additive for children's cosmetics. Such series of products are intended for children aged from 2 years.

In cookery

Those who prefer healthy food use oil for seasoning of salads and porridges, vinaigrettes and even pilaf. The pleasant smell does it by excellent additive for pasta.

Whether you know? In 1986 in Great Britain released a coin of 2 pounds. On it the thistle inflorescence was rapped out.

Much less often this means goes to pastries — pies, pancakes and bread. And to that there is an explanation: at heat treatment a part of useful connections disappears (though the taste of products can please many). For the same reason liquid is added to salads just before the use.

The product is considered high-calorie (889 kcal / 100). Despite this, many use it and as a part of the dietary menu — the specified size is compensated by easy assimilation and improvement of a metabolism.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine appreciated possibilities of medicine — in Network the mass of recipes will without effort be found. We will stop on the most effective and approved by scientific pharmacology.

At hemorrhoids

In this case liquid is entered rektalno, by means of enemas or special turund. Pay attention that the procedure only is carried out after the cleaning enema (this indispensable condition) is already made.

For single input 30 ml there are enough. The course of treatment provides daily input (on once a day) before treatment or at least notable simplification. The same scheme is applied also at extensive cracks of a rectum and also ulcer colitis.

Important! It is possible to receive from a grass oil and by own efforts. For this purpose 2 tablespoons add a semyanok to 2 glasses of olive oil. Such mix on a water bath of 20 minutes cooks, then there are a sediment and decantation.

Happens that for some reason similar method cannot daily be used. Then it is necessary to grease at least back pass (that will replace a full enema).

At skin diseases

Extensive burns and wounds, ulcers or system diseases like psoriasis treat in the simplest way:

  • on the problem site the gauze napkin moistened in oil is imposed;
  • after that from above place the fixing bandage which it is necessary to carry 1-1.5 days;
  • standard course — no more than 14 procedures. If the result became noticeable, but full healing did not come, they are repeated with a break in a month.

At gynecologic diseases

The colpitis, endocervicitis and other diseases connected with inflammation of a female genital tract can be neutralized, having applied mix of oils of a thistle and a tea tree: from a thistle add only 3 ml of tea structure to 100 ml of means.

Preparation is entered intravaginalno, the syringe with the removed needle (in it there have to be 3 ml of liquid). The procedure is carried out strictly for the night, within 3 weeks. If necessary the course can be duplicated according to the same scheme and with the same break.

For a liver

Interests many as it is correct to accept thistle oil for successful treatment of a liver. Topical issue, reception of so strong gepatoprotektor demands accuracy in doses.

And they change depending on a type of violation and its stage. So, normalization of work of bilious ways and the liver requires double reception of 1 tsp of oil (directly at meal time).

Whether you know? This flower is considered one of symbols of Scotland.

But it will help at periodic heavy feeling. For more serious diseases (the started hepatitis or cirrhosis) and also at extensive alcoholic defeat of norm of reception reconsider. Here the same teaspoon is necessary already three times a day, for half an hour to food.

The result is usually shown a month later after start of a course. For further treatment it is necessary to take a break for 7-10 days. This frequency not bad helps also people, suffering from cardiovascular diseases or stomach ulcer.

For face skin

Oil of a thistle took a place of honor among means of house cosmetology, and all thanks to the advantage for the person, it is often taken for disposal of wrinkles. It is the simplest to add liquid to tonics or creams — on 3-4 drops on single portion.

Well also applique copes with additions of an efiroly lavender and cedar: on 16 ml of oil about only 2 drops of these components are necessary. In mix the tampon which is put on a face for 10 minutes is moistened.

To get rid of rash, peeling or allergic irritation mix of oils already familiar to us helps — add means from a tea tree to a thistle. Proportion is as follows: 4 tablespoons on 6-7 drops. It is enough to process leather in the morning and before going to bed.

Important! Fans of grass collecting often replace oil with meal (the squeezed-out semyanka). It is useful too, but vitamins B is mute much less.

Having stocked up with patience, it is possible to start process of rejuvenation of cages of an epidermis. Here too nothing difficult — 1 tablespoon inside to wash down with usual water (2 times a day, in 30 minutes prior to food). However, this method will work only in the absence of serious background diseases of internals, in an organism everything is interconnected.

For hair

To return gloss of curls really, having even just applied oil on locks, on all length of hair. They, by the way, can be dirty, it is even welcomed. The only thing — liquid has to get warm previously on a water bath (10-15 minutes).

Whether you know? Peculiar nature of a plant was reflected in the culture of many people of the world. For example, the Thistle award formed in Britain in 1687 took the words Nobody Will Leave Unpunished for the motto.

The truncated tips and loss of separate locks signal that it is time to undertake a vitamin mask:

  • except a thistle, in equal shares liquid honey and fat sour cream undertake (orange oil will be too by the way);
  • all this is carefully mixed and shaken up the blender to a condition of light mousse;
  • the received means is applied directly on hair, washout then warm water. At the same time it is undesirable to work with shampoos — their structure shades effect of acids with which the thistle is rich.

Moistening requires other compounding:

  • at first warm a small amount of olive oil (also other raw materials of a cold extraction will approach);
  • then add a crude yolk to it. Having turned on the blender, shake up preparation;
  • oil in the separate vessel is mixed with lemon juice and honey then both mixes merge in one, diligently mixing;
  • everything is ready: light homogeneous mass will return locks to life, having made them healthy and brilliant.

How to choose upon purchase

Having found out for what drink or in a different way use thistle oil, will not prevent to learn also about rules of purchase of this means.

It is on sale in drugstores and supermarkets. On counters it is possible to see both vials of different volume of liquid, and capsules. If in plans to buy liquid means, pay attention to its color.

Really useful structure always has a chartreuse light shade. Stir up a bubble: the deposit should not be. It is quite good if on packing or in the instruction also the way of production — most useful the oil received by method of cold pressing is specified. But there is a nuance: such product spoils quicker. In this plan it is more preferable than the capsule to internal reception — the dense cover allows to maintain all connections and minerals longer. Well and of course do not forget to look at issue date.

As well as where to store in house conditions

Such medicines try to keep in dark, dry and cool (up to +25 °C) the place. It is desirable that children had no access to stocks.

The period of storage will differ depending on packing: liquid in a small bottle can be held about one year from the moment of release whereas capsules keep the curative qualities 2 years.

Contraindications and harm

Any medicine is good moderately, and a thistle — not an exception. Even before reception the consultation of the doctor who knows better how oil is capable to affect course of disease is surely necessary.

The unambiguous refusal will be received if at the patient are observed:

  • individual intolerance (that in practice happens seldom);
  • stable short wind;
  • any diseases of a liver and gall bladder in an aggravation stage;
  • disorders of nervous system and mentality (the depression also is added to them);
  • intake is strictly forbidden children 12 years are younger.

Important! To check whether the person has an allergy to any parts of a plant, it is very easy: there will be enough also couple of drops for skin. In 15 minutes they are wiped, and the next 2 hours watch reaction. Without having found after this reddening or an itch, it is possible to undertake treatment safely.

In many cases the period of pregnancy at which available oil of a thistle can complicate life to the woman in labor and the kid can be an indirect contraindication also.

The fact is that the mechanism of influence of this plant on a fruit is up to the end not studied, and gynecologists reasonably prefer secure instead of reception. Though in some cases oil is appointed for fight against toxicosis (but besides, it is especially individual). Search with a dose or self-treatment can be led to the fact that strong medicine will do harm. In this case it is shown in various allergic manifestations, problems with a chair in the form of diarrhea or even to a suffocation attack.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
