Thyme: where grows when to collect from what helps

Thyme: where grows when to collect from what helps

The thyme is also known under one more name — a thyme. This very useful plant applied in traditional medicine. Besides, it is irreplaceable in cosmetology and cookery.

As looks and where the thyme grows

Thyme — a semi-bush with the thin trunks expanding on the ground 5-40 cm high. Green leaves, small, oval. Florets too small, pink-violet, are collected in the form of puchochok on tips of branches.

The thyme is widespread almost on all Eurasia (except tropics), in North Africa and Greenland.

Whether you know? The thyme was considered long since a magic grass. In the Middle Ages in Europe the ladies embroidered on shirts of elects a thyme branch for giving to knights of courage in fights.

Chemical composition

The thyme contains about 1.7% of essential oil with prevalence of phenols — a timol and a liquid karvakrol. In it is and tsimol, borneol, terpinen, terpineol, however, is a little. At a plant there are also tannins, ursolovy, coffee, chlorogenic and oleanolovy acids, flavonoids, gum, bitterness and it is a lot of mineral salts.

Than the thyme is useful to an organism

This plant is very useful both for men, and for women.

For men

The thyme is really valuable to men as it promotes increase in male power, affects potency, improves quality of sperm, prostatitis treats.

Besides the plant has healing and also expectorant effect. It is advised heavy smokers to get rid of characteristic cough. And still this herb is applied in fight against stresses, baldness, to normalization of pressure, it helps to remove muscular spasms.

For women

The thyme is very much recommended to not stress-resistant women who are tormented by migraines, long depressions. Gynecologists advise a thyme at inflammation of appendages or painful monthly. Bathtubs with a thyme reduce fatigue, restore forces. Mothers nursing the kids also need tea with a thyme, it has useful properties for improvement of a lactation and quality of milk. And here it is better for pregnant women to reduce nevertheless the use of a thyme as it can cause a uterus tone. In certain cases it in general is contraindicated to pregnant women. So surely consult to the doctor.

Important! The thyme perfectly treats cold, flu, bronchitis. Its broth is also good in the preventive purposes or for recovering from the postponed SARS.


The thyme is equally good also in traditional medicine, and cosmetology and, of course, in cookery.

In cookery

In cookery the grass is applied and I skin, and dried. It is great seasoning to vegetables dishes (especially from potato or cabbage) and also to soups from peas, lentil, haricot.

Adds light slightly bitter taste and savor to fried pork, mutton, a duck, a turkey, a goose. This spice is put in different cheeses. It is suitable also for pork pastes.

The thyme is quite often added to pastries, it does it more tasty and gives it an amazing smell. The fresh or dried thyme is added to house preservation when salting tomatoes, cucumbers, vegetable marrows and other vegetables.

In traditional medicine

Grass broth is used for the numerous reasons:

  • cold, bronchitis, cough;
  • cardiac diseases, breast pains;
  • liver diseases;
  • as diuretic;
  • stomach or stomach pains;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • the lowered acidity;
  • short wind, hypostases, tumors;
  • nervous diseases, insomnia;
  • anemia;
  • craw (increase in a thyroid gland);
  • rheumatism;
  • uterine bleedings, before childbirth or at a maternity fever.

In cosmetology

The thyme perfectly looks after the fine and limp hair injured because of coloring or a wave strengthens and recovers a marigold. Extract of a thyme tones up, renders antimicrobic effect. It is added to creams, lotions, shampoos. Also it is good against an acne.

Aromavanna with a thyme favorably affect the general health, increase mood. Often oil of a thyme is used for a fragrance of creams, soap, lipsticks, lotions, toothpastes.

Collecting, drying and storage of medical raw materials

It is necessary to collect a thyme so far it blossoms — since the end of June prior to the beginning of August. It is the best of all to do it in dry weather when the thyme dries from dew. Accurately cut off tops together with leaves and florets, put in baskets or paper packages. It is forbidden to pull out a plant with roots as it will not be able to breed any more. Especially for the medical purposes you need only its land part.

Important! Collecting and putting a thyme, you watch that it was not pressed and was not kneaded. Also pay attention that the rough stalks damaged, the unhealthy, eaten by insects plants and also insects or their larvae did not get to a basket.

It is the best of all to dry a thyme on the attic or in a shadow under special canopies. The main thing that in this place there was a good ventilation. Lay out it on paper or natural not really dense fabric. One more option is to connect a thyme in small puchochka and to suspend them.

To use dryers in this case do not advise as at the accelerated drying the plant will lose such important essential oils. If not to do without dryer in any way, surely track temperature inside, it should not exceed +35 °C.

Learn more about useful properties of castor, corn, fir, coconut, linen oils, oils of grape seeds, stones of pomegranate, avocado, a cedar, a dogrose, a tea tree.

It is necessary to dry plants until their small stalks become fragile, and florets and leaflets will not begin to pour. At the end of process do not forget to remove rough small stalks, the deteriorated leaves and other unnecessary impurity from a grass.

Put a thyme in the dry, protected from light place with oxygen access. That the thyme was preserved longer, put it in capacity from glass, paper or fabric sacks, dense cardboard boxes. Polyethylene bags are contraindicated! In them the grass zapret and will lose medicinal properties. If you observe all recommendations, the thyme will remain at you not less than two years.

National recipes

Thyme — just real well of poleznost! Therefore in traditional medicine and cosmetology without it in any way.

For hair

On the basis of a plant prepare broth which is added to hair preparations. It is very simple to prepare it: fill in a spoon of a thyme with a cup of hot water, bring to boiling, 5 minutes later set aside aside, let's infuse 30 minutes, filter and cool.

The received broth is added in:

  • Shampoo with a thyme. In broth add a little soft shampoo (it is possible even children's). Stir, apply on hair, properly make foam. Having washed the head with water, it is quite good will also rinse it broth. It perfectly refreshes hair, saves from the excessive fat content and dandruff.
  • Egg shampoo with a thyme. At dry seborrhea advise to wash the head with the yolk mixed about ½ glasses of warm broth. It cleans hair, perfectly nourishes skin, strengthens roots.
  • Mask with rosemary and thyme. From dry rosemary and a thyme (in an identical proportion) put a spoon of burdock oil and two droplets of eucalyptus oil in broth. Mix. Grease at first roots, and then walk on all length. Cover the head with a film and a kerchief/towel for half an hour. This method is good from dry dandruff, a hair loss.
  • Nutritious mask from a plantain and a thyme. Take on a tablespoon of a dry plantain, inflorescences of a pharmaceutical camomile, thyme and two spoons of a nettle. Fill in all this with two cups of hot water and bring to boiling.
  • Grain mask for hair. And same the crushed root of a burdock fill in a tablespoon of a thyme with a water cup, boil on small fire. Filter and in even hot broth add 200 g of the crushed rye or cereal bread. Mix, knead. Rub warm structure in roots, cover the head with a film and a kerchief/towel for half an hour. Wash away a mask without shampoo use, and after that it is possible to rinse a head of hear with warm broth. Such procedure perfectly strengthens roots, promotes growth of hair, nourishes skin, reduces its fat content.
  • Mask for hair from a thyme. Pound couple of spoons of a dry thyme and fill in with a cup of the mineral water brought to boiling. When all this boils, put away ware from a plate, cool. If you have a dry seborrhea, add to broth on a spoon of juice of an aloe, honey and sour cream. At a problem of fat dandruff include in broth ground oat flakes or black bread, low-fat kefir (all in equal proportions). After the procedure rinse locks with broth of the same herbs. It is better to do masks several times a week.

Rinsing for an oily hair. After washing of the head use one of this collecting:

  • three spoons of oak bark, on a spoon of a thyme and camomile you cook in liter of water of 20 minutes;
  • fill in collecting a St. John's wort, thyme, a linden and yarrow (in identical proportions) with couple of cups of the water brought to boiling, again boil;
  • fill in two table spoons of a pounded dry mountain ash, a spoon of a thyme with boiled water, you weary on fire of 10 minutes.

Improving bathtubs

If articulate and muscular pains, paralyzes disturb or you strongly hurt, prepare strong infusion: 500 g of the dry crushed thyme fill in 2.5 l of boiled water, cover, insist 30-40 minutes, filter and add in a bathtub. Water temperature has to be +37-38 °C. Procedure duration — 10-20 minutes.

At rashes on skin at children, diathesis, for bathing of the weakened kids fill in 5 tablespoons of the dry crushed grass with boiled water liter, densely close, insist two hours. Filter, pour out in water for bathing of the child. The thyme makes the all-strengthening impact, acting as a natural immunomodulator. Medical bathtubs with it are for this purpose applied: boil a plant before receiving the concentrated infusion, pour in a hot bathtub. To take a bath of at most 15 minutes.

At a headache

If frequent headaches disturb, here you will be helped by a thyme too. 1 tablespoon of leaflets and florets of a thyme fill in 250 ml of boiled water, cover, you cook 5 minutes. Condemn, filter, accept infusion on 20 ml three times a day before reception of food.

At joint pains

As it was already told above, bathtubs with a thyme are good from articulate pains. But, besides, for example, at rheumatism, do also massages with essential oil of a thyme. Mix oil with cream or ointment (2-3 drops of oil on 5 ml of cream). Massage can be done also with mix of essential oils of a lemon, a juniper, an eucalyptus, a fir, cypress, a lavender, a rose, rosemary, mint or a sage. All of them are combined with a thyme. But it is impossible to mix more than three oils and to increase a dosage in 2-3 drops. Mass joints until skin reddens, and you will not feel warmth.

At cough and cold

At cough:

  • Put a fresh plant with florets in a liter jar, fill in 500 ml of vodka, insist several weeks in the dark place. Filter. If cough torments, accept infusion on 30 drops of times a day.
  • Mix two-three table spoons of a thyme with a spoon of a marjoram and a spoon of mint, fill in with boiled water, insist night. To drink as tea, fine cough remedy. To children surely dilute broth with water.
  • At cough inhalations help: cover the head with a towel/cover and you breathe over steam of hot infusion of 10-20 minutes. After the procedure be wrapped up and you do not leave the house.

In cold cases:

  • Take on 1 tablespoon of infusion of a thyme, juice of an aloe, honey, mix and drink.
  • By the way, at cold for inhalations the thyme is mixed with other herbs: on 1 tablespoon of a dry thyme, leaves of an eucalyptus and a sage fill in with three cups of boiled water, leave for 15 minutes, filter, you breathe over infusion.
  • Essential oil of a thyme is accepted inside, adding 1-2 drops (no more!) on a half-glass of tea/milk or dripping oil on a sugar piece / in a teaspoon with honey.

For increase in potency

For the men suffering from an early ejaculation there is a chabretsovy drink: fill up two big spoons of a dry thyme in a thermos, fill in them 0.5 l of boiled water, sustain two hours, filter. Drink twice a day for two weeks. Make a pause in seven days — and again complete a course. Apply timyanny oil to increase in sexual energy and endurance, daily rubbing it in a groin and a crotch. By the way, it is possible not only to buy oil, but also to make most: in 15 g of the crushed grass pour a little olive oil, insist month in the dark place. You are treated as much as necessary, rubbing oil as necessary.

Whether you know? Ancient Russia did wreaths for brides of a thyme, and on a holiday of the Dormition of the Theotokos decorated with it icons of the Mother of God as considered a plant sacred.

Recipes of useful tea

Preparations of tea with a thyme:

  • Green tea with a thyme calms cough, removes inflammation. At cold fill in chaynichek couple of spoons of the crushed grass, add 250 ml of boiled water. Put on a water bath for 15 minutes. Wait hour that broth cooled down. Drink a cup of tea for three times.
  • And this tea removes pain, calms nerves, makes anticonvulsant impact, helps men with potency, prostatitis treats. In a teapot fill florets and a grass of a thyme, leaf green tea. Fill in half with boiled water, let's stand 5 minutes. Add still boiled water, filter.
  • The zinc which is contained in a thyme improves work of heart and an urinogenital system. 1:1:3 fill up a grass of a marjoram, mint and a thyme in a proportion in a thermos, fill in with boiled water and wait 12 hours that infused.
  • To make your skin it is better, make usual tea, dosypav a thyme, Donic, a lavender, rosemary, a camomile, a melissa and coltsfoot there (all herbs there has to be an identical quantity). Have tea on 150 ml several times a day.

At tea from a thyme there are a lot of useful properties, but it has also contraindications about which it is also necessary to know.

Contraindications and harm

If you have a gastritis, diabetes, ulcer of stomach or duodenum, you should not take the drugs on a thyme.

At tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia the thyme is used as expectorant means, but if not to adhere to a dosage, the expectorant effect can complicate these diseases only.

Important! Pregnant women need to be very accurate when using a plant, strictly adhering to a dosage, otherwise the threat of an abortion is possible.

From what only the thyme helps! But nevertheless it is an officinal grass and before its application it is necessary to study all contraindications, and it is even better — to talk to the expert. And the most important — adhere to all recommendations. And then the thyme will only do you good.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
