rash or acne – quite often found phenomenon among broad masses of the population, especially at teenage age. It is recommended to use an integrated approach forever to get rid of this unpleasant disease.
For treatment of eels the traditional medicine usually recommends to use some herbs, garlic and a burdock are basic of which. Their use, and especially in the early periods of a disease, yields positive results. For this purpose a few roots of a burdock from which broth prepares and it is applied inside in the small portions undertake. Garlic tincture also gives noticeable effect which prepares independently, or is bought in cosmetic departments of shops or supermarkets, or in drugstores. Dispensing – 20-25 drops in 2-3 times a day. It is possible to apply tincture locally – 1 time a day. Except tincture it is possible to use pounded mix also.
Well several herbs infusion – a burdock, roots of a bergenia, violet flowers (50-75 grams) and walnut leaves (75-150 grams) help. All collecting is filled in with halfliter of water and begins to be boiled then leave for 12-14 hours. The received tincture is taken on a half-glass by 3-4 times a day before meal.
If on acne rash white or yellowish spots then, there came the time of cosmetic cleaning are noticeable. After it it is recommended to oil the processed sites of a St. John's wort. For improvement of regeneration of an integument usually use a calendula or tonics – garlic or violet tincture.
It is recommended to apply tincture from collecting herbs to improvement of metabolism – roots of a burdock, a devyasil, a grass of a St. John's wort, flowers of a violet, sheets of cowberry, walnut and a birch. For this purpose all listed compound gather in a container (a teapot with a dense cover or a thermos) and are filled in with boiled water halfliter. Insist usually within 3-4 hours then tincture is ready to application. 2-3 times a day before meal are used on a half-glass. The term of such method – month.