Treatment of osteochondrosis yoga: whether it is possible to be engaged, useful properties, exercises

Treatment of osteochondrosis yoga: whether it is possible to be engaged, useful properties, exercises

The yoga is regarded by many as religion or spirituality, but actually its asanas can help with the solution of corporal problems that will only improve the state of health. We suggest you to consider option of use yogichesky the technician at osteochondrosis and other diseases of a backbone in its different departments.

Understand defeat of tissues of backbone as this medical term and as result, intervertebral disks which begin to be squeezed. Over time their elasticity decreases even more, and the nervous terminations of a spinal cord begin to suffer.

Study nuances in application of yoga at backbone hernia.

If at initial stages of development of an illness of people painful manifestations and small puffiness often disturb, then over time the problem only amplifies and can even become the disability reason. Recently the disease rejuvenated and more often occurs in young people up to 20 years.

According to opinion of doctors, as the main reason for development of osteochondrosis the wrong load distribution on a spine column because of what in separate parts the deformation of cartilaginous tissues is observed acts.

Learn for what joints and ligaments need collagen.

  • stoop;
  • backbone curve because of injuries or the postponed diseases;
  • frequent uncomfortable position of a body;
  • raising of heavy loads;
  • sedentary life;
  • deficiency in an organism of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals that significantly breaks exchange processes;
  • hereditary factor;
  • overcooling and the postponed infectious illnesses;
  • stress and shocks;
  • regular trainings by strength sports;
  • hormonal violations;
  • sharp changes of position of a body;
  • getting injured, falling, bruises.

Loss of intervertebral disks is sometimes possible, but it is more often it is connected not with a disease, and with a raising of heavy objects at right angle to a body.

It is important! If it is necessary to transfer something, it is desirable to raise weight from situation on cards that will protect a backbone from excessive loading.

Osteochondrosis symptoms quite often confuse with symptoms of other diseases of the musculoskeletal device, but if they not single and differ in complexity, then there are all bases to believe that it is osteochondrosis.

  • the sharp, cutting or shooting unpleasant feelings in a backbone which can be eliminated only with special medicines;
  • feeling of numbness in legs and hands;
  • muscular spasms;
  • the amplifying migraines which usually begin with occipital area and extend in temporal and parietal;
  • ache in legs;
  • neck pain which becomes more intensively at any turn of the head;
  • emergence before eyes of color specks (so-called front sights):
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • spasms of arteries in feet;
  • decrease in temperature of legs and their chill;
  • the increased or lowered sweating.

Often osteochondrosis backbone zones as they differ from the others in bigger mobility are surprised cervical and lumbar. In certain cases intervertebral disks begin to stick out outside, and the strong discomfort causes only their promotion back. This phenomenon is also called sciatica.

Whether you know? To warn problems with a backbone, women should pay attention to the handbag: you should not fill it to the full, regular carrying weight in 3 kg and can easily lead to a curvature of a spine column more. The optimum weight of such accessory — 2 kg, and are desirable that its handles had average length.

Whether it is possible to play sports at osteochondrosis — a frequent question from people to whom this problem is not by hearsay familiar. Of course, active occupations run or power exercises will be contraindicated, but here occupations with quiet movements can pay attention. As good option for support of a body in a tone the yoga can be used.

  • extension of a muscular framework and giving of bigger elasticity to it that, in turn, saves from pain at the slightest change of position of a body;
  • improvement of food of the damaged disk;
  • undervoltage in nervous backs on the damaged site;
  • improvement of a condition of a spine column that is noticeable even in a bearing;
  • normalization of physical and psychological state of the person, improvement of mood;
  • increase in immunity.

The main thing what it is worth paying attention for achievement of positive effect to — correctly picked up poses as not all asanas are equally useful at osteochondrosis, and some of them can aggravate a situation only. As far as performance of such exercises will help and whether they help in general, depends on features of a course of an illness.

Learn, than such food are useful: gelatin, chicken pads, jelly.

Undesirable consequences of performance of asanas are possible at serious pathologies of joints what the doctor has to report to the patient about.

  • oncological processes in the anamnesis;
  • sharp course of any illness;
  • reduced body temperature;
  • recently undergone operation.

If you faced the specified problems in the recent past, but the doctor nevertheless allowed to practice asanas, then it is possible to carry out them, but with constant control of breath. The muscle strain is closely connected with each breath and an exhalation of the person therefore all movements are carried out smoothly and measuredly. Sharp breakthroughs can quite lead to injuries of muscle tissue.

Osteochondrosis of a cervical and chest otel meets more often the others, however it does not mean that people have no other problems with a waist or a backbone in general. Some exercises help to get rid just seeing, but most often they can be united in the complex helping to eliminate all unpleasant and painful manifestations connected with progressing of a disease. Let's give an example of several effective exercises for different departments of a backbone.

Pay attention to useful properties of officinal herbs: marsh sabelnik, repeshka of ordinary.

That performance of asanas brought steadily effective result and for a long time saved you from a disease, all exercises need to be carried out for half a year, since one occupation a week and gradually leading up their quantity up to 5–6 times for a similar period. This recommendation concerns also a problem in other zones of a spine column, but the regularity of performance of exercises in this case will depend more on features of a course of an illness. Such will be the most popular and safe poses for the beginning yogis with problems of cervical department:

  • Vrikshasana. From a standing position (a leg equal and together) we raise a foot of the left leg up and we set it against intense inside of a hip right that the triangle turned out. Resting the left heel against the right hip, it is important to tighten a foot most close to a crotch. The stomach at the same time needs to be pulled in, and to put palms together near a breast (as during a prayer, but it is obligatory that elbows looked in the parties). As much as possible we take away a knee of the raised left leg back. An exit is carried out from an asana by cultivation of hands in the parties, with the simultaneous direction of a knee of the left leg forward and its lowering on a floor. Hands fall to the last turn;
  • Trikonasana. Being in upright situation, widely we place legs that the foot of the left leg looked to the left, and right it was turned a little inside. At right angle we lower palms down, and then we part hands in the parties, trying that they stopped at the level of shoulders. Deeply inhaling, we bend to the left, keeping the specified position of hands, and we put a left hand on a shin, it is the closest to a floor surface (if you can, it is possible to rest a palm against a floor behind a shin). The right hand at this moment is directed up and turned by a palm forward (the same right angle has to turn out). From this situation we turn the person up, twisting a neck a little. An exit is carried out from an asana on a breath by a simple raising up. Similar movements are carried out also in an opposite direction.

Whether you know? When training the military personnel of America the program of trainings included also the exercises of yoga which are used here as morning exercises. In the Russian Federation its separate elements are applied when training swimmers-submariners and also intelligence agents and rescuers.

  • Parivritta Parshvakonasana. From upright situation (legs are located more widely) we develop a body and feet to the right (the left foot can look a bit more to the left) and we bend the right knee at right angle in relation to a floor (as at attack forward). Hands with direct palms are parted in the parties and, exhaling, we carry out twisting of a trunk that the left hand reached the right knee or got on the site over it. We lower a palm on a floor from an external part of the right foot and we extend the right hand to the right. We hold a trunk not less than half-minute, keeping at the same time equal and quiet breath. The case raising up on an exhalation with simultaneous turn and connection of feet together will help to leave an asana. Then we carry out the same movements, as earlier, but only in an opposite direction. The correct performance of Parivritt Parshvakonasana will help to extend a backbone and to eliminate a pain syndrome;
  • Parshvottanasana. Again we hold upright position and we try to be brought up by the top up, at the same time taking away elbows and shoulders back, connecting palms behind the back. We place legs more widely (approximately on one meter the friend from friends), we deploy the case together with feet to the right, however, the left foot has to appear a bit more to the left. Having exhaled, we bend to the right leg, trying to get the head a knee. So we hold a trunk within 30 seconds, controlling breath and tightening knees. Exhaling, we hold initial position, just rising up and developing a trunk. After that it is possible to execute similar movements in the opposite direction. Parshvottanasana's advantage consists in development of flexibility of a backbone and disclosure of coxofemoral joints though it not bad helps to get rid of stoop;
  • Bkhudzhangasana (she is Snake). This exercise demands rather strong bend of a backbone therefore people who are sure of its flexibility can carry out it only and have no contraindications to similar loadings. Technology of performance following:
    1. We lay down on a stomach and we hang the head down.
    2. We place palms from two parties from a breast, having directed fingers forward.
    3. We lift top of a trunk and we cave in back, without tearing off a groin from a floor and deeply inhaling.
    4. We are late in such situation for 1 minute, and then smoothly we fall to a starting position.

Important! At injuries of a basin or a disease of bodies of the pelvic area Bkhudzhangasan as at its performance the impact on this part of a body increases should not practice.

In spite of the fact that these asanas are very simple performed by, they are capable to bring considerable benefit to an organism, especially at osteochondrosis.

When performing asanas for lumbar department special attention should be paid to breath which in this case has to be diafragmalny, that is with involvement of a muscular layer of an abdominal press (it rises and falls).

  • Tadasana. Provides the following technology of performance:
    1. We hold upright position and we reduce a foot together.
    2. We rest toes against a floor surface, well feeling it.
    3. We relax hands and freely we give down.
    4. We look forward, having moderately pulled in a stomach.
    5. We develop shoulders back so that to achieve the maximum disclosure of a thorax.
    6. We try to breathe a stomach, being at the same time tightened by the top up.

Tadasana is useful not only at osteochondrosis. She perfectly approaches for a role of morning exercises, helps to wake up, gives a cheerfulness charge, and all this when strengthening an abdominal press;

Important! In the course of performance of this asana control movement of body weight. It has to be distributed evenly on all foot, but not be localized in any one its part.

  • Parigkhasana. We go down on all fours and we take the right leg straightened in a knee aside. Finger-tips of the right hand we reach for her foot, inclining a trunk after a hand. Half-minute later we adopt the initial provision again and we prepare for performance of the same actions, only in the opposite direction;
  • Shalabkhasana. As well as the previous asanas, this promotes decrease in painful manifestations in a waist and even helps with process of restoration of vertebral disks. Technician of performance Shalabkhasana simple: it is necessary just to lay down on a stomach facedown, to get hands for a back and, having connected them in the lock, to raise a trunk up. Having reached the maximum deflection, we detain the case in this to the top point and we keep how many it will turn out.

Osteochondrosis of chest department has the features therefore when choosing asanas of yoga it should be taken into account the state. There are several useful exercises promoting disclosure of chest department and disposal of a pain syndrome.

  1. In Tadasang's position (it was described above), we develop outside of a palm and we cramp together shovels.
  2. We throw back the head back as far as it is possible.
  3. We try to hold such situation as long as possible, smoothly carrying out all movements.

Pay attention to vitamins for joints and ligaments.

Ordinary Tadasana will be not less useful, than profound: the first promotes alignment of a backbone on all its length, and the second stretches it a deflection. In either case this good start for treatment of osteochondrosis yoga.

Yoga for chest department of a backbone: video by the Yogi — really good option of strengthening of health and normalization of a psychologo - an emotional condition of the person, but to derive only benefit from it, is important to carry out correctly all exercises and to listen attentively to the organism: at the slightest discomfort of occupation it is better to stop.

Cervical osteochondrosis began in 23, I escape yoga, at first the yoga for a backbone, passed to Hatha yoga now - effect remarkable. Find the good teacher and forward.


cured after began to practice yoga two times a week at the professional instructor. As soon as took a break, problems began. Just now for some reasons I do not go two months. Since September I will surely go again.

And so only did not smear on a neck, the massage warming any procedures, vitamins pricked, still something a saw - result 0.

The truth gave small simplification physical therapy, the fact that there some device process the place, but again not especially.

Ciganka app=forums&module=forums&controller=topic&id=286680&do=findComment&comment=9819710

I here too heard responses from some acquaintances that they started going to yoga and not only that nerves calmed, so also back pains at them practically disappeared. Only I do not know, the yoga helped or auto-suggestion?


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
