Human body – it establishment, for the public good which a great number of subordinates work: bodies and systems. For ensuring the adjusted work of all human bodies they need to be supplied constantly with material for it. So, the organism needs food, water, air, and, of course, constant availability of vitamins most of which arrives with food. Practically all vitamins can be divided into two big groups: those which are dissolved in water and those which dissolution requires fat. In our article we will consider a general characteristic, functions and features of water-soluble vitamins.
What is it: main characteristics
This vitamin group includes useful minerals which at hit in a human body are instantly dissolved in the water living in it and do not collect. Such feature causes the necessity to daily resupply this group of vitamins.
It is quite easy to make it as the necessary enzymes arrive with food. Many people are interested how to reach golden mean, and to achieve that useful substances got in bodies and systems in the necessary quantity, their surplus is harmful too.
To worry about it there is no need as excess vitamins are removed from an organism with liquid.
Water-soluble vitamins – all this minerals of groups B, C, P, H.
Whether you know? The first vitamin which was discovered by mankind, – Page. It a long time saved seamen from a scurvy. But seamen at first did not guess that helps them to reject a disease: in the course of fight against it they investigated that when eat fresh fruit, vegetables and drink lemon juice, the disease recedes, namely the listed products are the real treasure of this vitamin.
Functions of water-soluble vitamins
These vitamins are multipurpose components of the adjusted work of a human body. Their existence – guarantee of high-quality work of bodies and systems.
Let's list the main tasks which are performed by the vitamins soluble in water:
- They are the main catalyst of a set of biochemical reactions in each person.
- These minerals – the integral component of the mechanism of a metabolism.
- Keep human health in a tone. Vitamin B, in particular, replaces animal protein that is especially important for allergic persons.
- They are excellent antioxidants, and respectively protect cages from aging.
- Strengthen immunity.
- Provide high-quality functioning of the central nervous system and permeability of blood vessels.
Important! It is worth remembering that drug intake can lead to the fact that vitamins become inactive therefore during reception of pharmacological means it is necessary to watch especially carefully that food was balanced and useful.
List, main functions and daily requirement
One of the most convenient ways of acquaintance and studying water-soluble vitamins is the table where all necessary information on the necessary microcell is placed (name, a necessary daily dose, function, sources).
We will go in more traditional way. We bring to your attention the list of the most demanded useful substances that are dissolved in water.
Learn for what such vitamins as selenium, D3 vitamin, vitamin F, manganese, thiamine, vitamin D, tocopherol, vitamin H are necessary for an organism.
With (ascorbic acid)
Antiscorbutic vitamin is known practically to each of us since the childhood. Small yellow tabletochka are for kids something like candies, and process of treatment by them reminds an amusing game.
But, despite such playful character, ascorbic acid performs quite serious functions. It helps to get rid of catarrhal and respiratory diseases, promotes increase in immunity, strengthens vessels and bone tissues. Suffering from problems with gums experts recommend to supply an organism with antiscorbutic vitamin.
Sources of vitamin C are a set of fruit and vegetables. The main sources of this microcell are a citrus (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons), a kiwi, sweet pepper, blackcurrant, onions, sauerkraut.
Ideally the person has to receive 100 mg of ascorbic acid a day.
Whether you know? One smoked cigarette destroys from 25 to 100 mg of vitamin C in an organism.
B1 (thiamine)
Thiamine is responsible for carbohydrate exchange, takes participation in the organization of the correct work of digestive system and fermentation, under its influence high-quality work of nervous and cardiovascular systems is carried out. The lack of B1 of an organism can provoke emergence of a set of malfunctions and side effects, in particular, it is nausea, exhaustion, forgetfulness, spasms, even paralysis. During the day the person has to consume 1.1-2.4 mg of thiamine.
For this purpose it is necessary to eat meat, bean, cereals and barmy products.
B2 (Riboflavinum)
B2 is responsible for processes of regeneration of fabrics, preserves an eye retina against an adverse ultra-violet effect, protects integuments, he actively participates in the adjusted work of reproductive function.
Every day the person needs to accept from 1.2 to 3 mg of Riboflavinum which source are flour, meat, fermented milk products, eggs, green vegetables, buckwheat.
The lack of Riboflavinum involves skin peeling, problems with sight, language puffiness and another.
B3 (niatsin)
The human body needs in 13-25 mg of a niatsin a day. He helps a liver and a pancreas to cope with the duties, takes participation in the organization of the correct work of a digestive tract.
It is important! If you notice for yourself a depression, groundless nervous excitement, problems with skin, an ataxy, so you lack a niatsin.
It is possible to supply the body with this microcell, eating meat of birds and other animals, bakery products, mushrooms, grain.
B12 (kobalamin)
The women in situation nursing, mothers know, is how important kobalamin. He is responsible for cellular division, the adjusted work of nervous system, blood formation. B12 in large numbers contains in animal products.
The adult for normal health needs to consume 2-3 mkg of a kobalamin for day. The lack of B12 can provoke problems with nerves, an anemia and other unpleasant diseases.
Folic acid
Any gynecologist will forbid the woman to plan pregnancy without supply of an organism with folic acid (B9), its shortcoming can become the reason of multiple complications both for mother, and for future baby.
Folic acid also contains in such products as blackberry, sauerkraut, pearl barley, chicory, linseed oil, white honey, a kiwi.
B9 microcell, along with the colleague B12, takes active participation in process of cell fission and blood formation too. The digestive tract suffers from a lack of folic acid, the immunity decreases.
Therefore each person needs to watch that his food allowance was balanced, and the eaten food contained all necessary enzymes for normal functioning of bodies and systems.
Whether you know? The Polish scientist K. Funk became the pioneer of vitamins, having separated and having investigated several milligrams of crystal powder from the peeled rice. He also thought up the name vitamins as it is translated from Latin as life. For such opening the scientist became a Nobel Prize laureate. In order that it was simpler to distinguish useful minerals, the next letter of the Latin alphabet was appropriated to each newfound.
For example, sources of folic acid are various grain, cottage cheese, cheeses, mushrooms. During the day it is necessary to provide to own body 4-12 mg of B9.
Pantothenic acid
Precisely knowing what vitamins belong to water-soluble and what their functions, person can protect himself from a set of problems with health.
For example, if you began problems with small arteries, you need to eat beans, buckwheat, fish, a liver, eggs. Standard daily rate of pantothenic acid – 4-12 mg.
Biotin supervises proteinaceous, fat and carbohydrate exchange in a human body, is engaged in a sintezation of fatty acids.
Owing to a lack of biotin hair drop out, the physical activity decreases, the appetite is lost.
To prevent such negative phenomena, it is necessary to eat a liver, eggs (especially their yolk), peanut. A daily dose of biotin — from 30 to 200 mkg.
Shortage of water-soluble vitamins: in what danger?
The lack of water-soluble vitamins B an organism is fraught with emergence of a set of problems and diseases. Hypovitaminosis – extremely unpleasant phenomenon which, depending on what vitaminchik is not enough, can provoke various diseases:
- the deficiency of B1 enzyme declares itself nausea, the general weakness, memory impairment, nervous breakdowns;
- consequence of a lack of B2 – ariboflavinoz, a disease as a result of which there comes oxygen starvation of cages;
- the pellagra, polyneuritis, dermatitis are a consequence of deficiency B3, B5 and B6;
- the lack of B12 provokes foliyevodefitsitny anemia that involves an anemia, problems with digestion and nervous system;
- problems with sight, scurvy at seamen, periodontosis, diseases of heart and lungs are the investigation of a lack of vitamin C.
So, we will sum up told. Quite often the person complains that he began any given problems with health, but forgets that he is to a great extent guilty of it as he refuses to help own organism and does not supply it with useful substances that are construction material for the correct functioning of bodies and systems.
The healthy balanced nutrition and supply of an organism with a necessary vitamin stock will qualitatively affect health and health of any person and will definitely not do much harm.