Vitamins for health of the woman"

Vitamins for health of the woman"

That youth and appeal as long as possible remained with the woman, the set of several factors is necessary: tranquility, excellent mood, good emotions and... availability of vitamins B organism. They are responsible for strong nails, a thick hair and long eyelashes, healthy elastic skin. The organism can extract so substances and minerals necessary for it from food (meat, cottage cheese, milk, fruit, vegetables, fish). But sometimes the condition of a human body demands more solid portions of useful substances. To avoid avitaminosis and to support health and beauty, physicians recommend preventive intake of vitamins or vitamin complexes.

Necessary vitamins for women

Practically all vitamins are necessary to a female body, but among them there are six main which are responsible for healthy skin, voluminous shiny hairs and strong, not fragile nails.

Whether you know? Appropriated to newly opened vitamins letters for their name. Why after letter E the small letter To followed and where all intermediate letters were gone? They were mistakenly appropriated to vitamins of group B or mistakes in discoveries.

Properties of vitamins

E is an antioxidant which supports and stimulates production of hormone of estrogen in the woman's organism. The shortage of this hormone can make a ladies' figure mannish. He heads fight against aging and malignant new growths.

With — too is antioxidant and also the conventional vitamin which is responsible for beauty. Ascorbic acid destroys such substance as melanin. Absolute sign of an acute shortage of ascorbic acid in an organism is emergence of a set of dark specks on skin (birthmarks, freckles and pigmentary spots).

And (Retinolum) — is responsible for elasticity of skin, its shortage can bring to:

  • to cracks on heels and hands;
  • to dry skin of hands and persons;
  • to the bleeding zayeda in corners of lips.

The N — is necessary for health of mucous membranes of the person and his integument. He contains in such products:

  • baking (beer) yeast;
  • to liver (pork, beef, mutton, bird's, rabbit);
  • peanut nutlets.

D — fully participates in beauty and fortress of tooth enamel, nail plates and hair. Also he is responsible for that bones of the musculoskeletal device remained not fragile and firm.

Group B vitamins — are responsible for nervous system of the person. If the person lacks them, it can be subject:

  • to depressions and insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • to nervous breakdowns, hysterics;
  • to feeling of "sand" in eyes and to falling of visual acuity;
  • to loss of eyelashes and hair.

The shortage of B9 can cause failure in genital function, both women, and men and to provoke problems with conception.

Age of the woman and vitamins

If to compare a strong and fine half of mankind, then the female body needs slightly smaller portion of vitamins, than the man's organism — the muscle bulk of women and their growth usually is less. In life of the woman there are some periods when the shortage of useful substances can become critical. These are the periods of pregnancy, feeding of the baby and the period of a climax. In each of such periods the organism needs different types of vitamins and their different quantity.

The age of the woman matters at emergence of deficiency such too. For example, the kid needs vitamins for normal intellectual and physical development, and to the growing old organism calcium or vitamin K is more important. Entering an aging time, the human body slows down process of a metabolism and partially ceases to acquire useful substances. Therefore to elderly people increase doses of intake of vitamins.

Important! The use of vitamins, as well as use of medicines, has to be carried out only after consultation with the doctor observing the specific woman. Glut is dangerous just as avitaminosis, and can provoke a severe allergy. Vitamins A, D, K, E (fat-soluble) are not completely removed from an organism and can collect in process of the use, and it can form the basis to a gipervitaminoz or even intoxication.

Women after 30

At thirty-year age the young women are active and full of strength: they work in business, on production and at home, fall in love and marry, give birth to children (quite often the second and third). Active lifestyle is filled with various stressful situations for an organism (psychological and physiological). They are at peak of youth and reproductive age. Let's understand what vitamins will provide good results for health of women from thirty to forty years. Are necessary for support of an organism to ladies of this age group:

  • group B vitamins — B6 helps to smooth symptoms of a premenstrual syndrome (PMS), will give battle to insomnia and will lower a stressful threshold, and B3 (RR or nicotinic acid) promotes decrease in quantity of cholesteric plaques in blood, well affects cardiovascular and nervous system;
  • And — is responsible for good sight and fortress of bones of a skeleton;
  • D — weakening painful feelings at heavy monthly, participating in strengthening of bones and an integument;
  • E — as this age is included into the period of fertility of an organism, the vitamin E and folic acid contributing to conception and the subsequent normal pre-natal development of the baby are necessary for women enough. Vitamin E is necessary also for formation of collagen and fibers of elastin which support a healthy and attractive type of women's skin. Presence at a vitamin E organism at enough reduces risk of developing of a stroke or heart attack, provides stimulation of cells of a brain, interferes with free radicals to get into organism cages and by that removes aging.

Whether you know? Young fir-tree needles infusion served people as the supplier of vitamin C in severe Siberian winters. With its help escaped from a scurvy and avitaminosis. Also ramsons or berries of cowberry rich with ascorbic acid could save life to the patient with a scurvy.

In what products it is possible to find necessary vitamins:

  • vitamin E is in vegetable fats — in seeds of pumpkin, a flax, sunflower, in the sprouted wheat seeds, in a liver of cattle and bird's eggs (quail, chicken);
  • folic acid or B9 — the hint is in the name, "folium" — in Latin means "sheet". That is, this useful substance is present at greens (sheet green cultures): spinach, broccoli, lettuce leaves, a Brussels sprout, an asparagus and also in haricot, beans, soy, cereal cultures. It is also in proteinaceous products, such as calf's and pork liver, cod liver, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cream);
  • B3 can be received, having included in a diet milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, kefir, colostrum, whey, beer and grain yeast, root crops, a liver;
  • the pyridoxine or B6 takes an organism from fresh (not undergone heat treatment) fruit and vegetables. Except products of plant origin the pyridoxine is in a meat offal (livers, kidneys, lungs, heart, a stomach).

Whether you know? Having eaten only couple of ripe bananas, the person fills up the vitamin reserve on 400 mkg of B6 vitamin (pyridoxine).

Women after 40

At forty-year age the woman enters the period of gradual reorganization of all organism — preparation for the end of the genital period begins (climax). Not to grow old prematurely, for women it is important to provide itself with the necessary vitamins. Results intake of vitamins A, C and B12 in good results.

Activity of each of these vitamins is concentrated on several problem sites in the woman's organism.

  1. Vitamin A is called still Retinolum. It plays an important role in normal functioning of organs of vision and a blood system, the structure of the musculoskeletal device. Presence at an organism of Retinolum provides beautiful hair, elastic skin. Retinolum is responsible for emergence of new cages in an organism and enhances immunity to viral diseases. At all the remarkable properties Retinolum is the only vitamin with which it is possible to get poisoned at overdose. Therefore any means which contain retinoids it is necessary to apply only on doctor's orders.
  2. Vitamin C is extremely necessary for women after 40 years as at this age skin begins to wither, and the first wrinkles appear. It is the first sign that skin loses elasticity. Ascorbic acid will help to cope with this trouble. The organism produces by means of ascorbic acid collagen which promotes that skin long remains elastic and young. Ascorbic acid improves complexion, does not allow to become thinner to walls of blood vessels and strengthens capillaries. The woman who eats many products with the high content of ascorbic acid is ill less often, the organism simply does not react to many types of viruses.
  3. Cyanocobalamine or B12 is well dissolved in water and not removed quickly from an organism, and gradually collects. For people after forty years the presence of B12 at an organism is vital. It is the activator of work of leukocytes, it helps to work more effectively to ascorbic acid and promotes functioning of a liver on processing of unnecessary fats. It plays not the last role in formation of a strong bone basis. The cyanocobalamine use well affects the central nervous system of the person, interferes with insomnia and depressions.

In what products it is possible to find the necessary vitamins:

And — it is possible to find only in the proteinaceous products having fats. Dairy products: fat sour cream, butter and cream. Fish products: fat sea and river fish, red caviar and cod liver. Pork liver and eggs of hens. It is necessary to remember that else before discovery of vitamin A beta carotene was already known. It is in green cultures, root crops and fruit — leaves which thin skin and pulp have brightly yellow or orange color (apricots, carrots, paprika). After consumption, beta carotene turns into Retinolum. It is promoted by a metabolism in a human body. If it is possible to get poisoned with Retinolum at the use in large volumes, beta carotene at overdose unless will give a yellow shade to skin and, for a while (for 7-10 days).

With — for some reason the first that comes to mind about it, is lemons and oranges. But main source of ascorbic acid at all not a citrus, but berries of a dogrose and sea-buckthorn, blackcurrant. In large numbers antiscorbutic vitamin is in the Bulgarian sweet pepper and sauerkraut. Ascorbic acid collapses when heating products to a certain temperature therefore it is desirable to use the products supporting her in the raw.

B12 — can fill up its stocks in an organism, having included calf's and pork liver, meat cutting and sea fish in the daily menu. Is in these products of cyanocobalamine most of all. It is possible to find it and in vegetable products, but its quantity will be many times less, than in animal products. B12 is in a sea cabbage, soy products, hop or yeast on hop, spinach. To vegetarians B12 which they receive together with food suffices, they should take the pharmaceutical drug with cyanocobalamine.

Whether you know? In the man's organism vitamin D is inseparably linked with production of testosterone. Therefore, the more the man is on the sun, the it is more at it than testosterone. What logically follows from that the men loving the sun have a keen interest in a female.

Women after 50

After fifty years in life of the woman there comes the menopause, its time to give birth to children irrevocably left, the organism reconstructed for functioning in other mode. At this time the body begins to wither, the figure changes, the organism almost does not produce estrogen. The female body has deficiency of calcium, bones become fragile and fragile. Therefore to choose good vitamin complexes for women after 50 years, it is necessary to consider that they have to contain calcium and vitamin D. Necessary vitamins:

  • And (Retinolum) — is obligatory to reception, it strengthens the blood arteries and vessels which are growing old, become thin, interferes with developing of gynecologic diseases and pathologies;
  • vitamin K helps with digestion of calcium in an organism and strengthens bones. Without additional entering of this substance into an organism the musculoskeletal device of women after fifty becomes predisposed to changes. He is responsible for a health of teeth, an integument and work of kidneys. Its shortcoming causes bad blood clotting, shadows under the eyes;
  • To D — it is necessary in order that people at this age felt fresh also active. It is developed on the sun, interferes with dehydration and siccation of integuments, detains from washing away from an organism calcium and interferes with development of osteoporosis. It is valuable to ladies of this age the fact that it considerably facilitates course of a climax;
  • F — is very useful to the growing old dry skin, it softens it and cleans from age brown spots and freckles. It brings unnecessary cholesterol out of blood, helps lipidic exchange with integuments and their regeneration, does not allow to increase to the mass of fat cages. Thanks to vitamin F, blood well circulates on a blood system, it serves as an obstacle for puffiness, hair and skin receive good nutrition;
  • B12 — too is very necessary and important for women of this age group — it regulates the cleaning work of a liver and does not allow to collect to fats;
  • E — it is necessary as long as possible to keep femininity — with its help an organism produces collagen and elastin therefore skin will remain fresh and elastic longer. This substance is antioxidant, strong on action, it stops process of cellular aging in an organism of the elderly person, helps work of a worn-out cardiovascular system, promotes maintaining good memory and active work of cells of a brain. If this substance is enough, then it serves as an obstacle for formation of a cataract in the eyes;
  • Group B vitamins — promote normal work of digestive tract that often becomes problematic for this age group as at this age the metabolism in an organism almost slows down.

Fifty years become a certain boundary, passing which the woman enters the fall. This factor becomes the reason that it begins to pay special attention to a condition of the health. Age changes appear not only in appearance, but also in health of the woman. Therefore people after fifty years need to take not separate forms of vitamins, but the balanced complexes at which there are all necessary ingredients.

From where it is possible to receive necessary vitamins:

By D it is developed under the influence of sunshine, but, in case of need, the organism can develop it also. Daily ten minutes on the summer sun will cover daily need of the person for this substance. During the winter period the shortage is filled, including fat fish and yolks of eggs in the menu;

Vitamin K a human body can quite develop, its synthesis too occurs by means of saprofitny bacteria in intestines. It is possible to fill up a lack of substance from the outside, using vegetables with a green color of a thin skin and pulp (haricot in pods, olives, spinach, paprika and broccoli). In carrots and other root crops concentration of this substance it is insignificant it is small; F is a lot of in the cod-liver oil and oils received from plants (podsolnechn"

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
