Vitamins: is or is not?

Vitamins: is or is not?

any, even poorly educated person, knows well that in his daily food there are not enough vitamins. And, to be healthy, beautiful, attractive and other, simply well it is absolutely necessary to accept various vitamin complexes.

I do not argue, sometimes there are really not enough vitamins. If, for example, several months to live on Far North and to eat only seal fat and meat, then the organism will begin to suffer a shortage of vitamin C. Even the one who never watched advertizing will be able to define it: bleeding of gums and loss of teeth will very unambiguously report that in an organism something not as it should be.

And if breath is fresher, shiny hairs and an opposite sex causes quite certain dreams? Let's distract a little and we will remember what function of vitamins B an organism. It is obvious that this function not nutritious - several milligrams, and even microgram will not be able to sate the young growing organism (as well as not growing old, however). Means, vitamins are so-called biologically active molecules; in other words, their task - regulation of processes in an organism. So if breath is fresher, shiny hairs and an opposite sex causes quite certain dreams, then vitamins to you, most likely, is enough.

But we will assume that you decided to make breath fresher and in general to podvitaminitsya. For this purpose there are two ways: to rest lightly upon vegetables-fruit-fresh products or to make attack on the nearest drugstore. The second way seems simpler and effective: it is much simpler to eat dozen dragees, than dozen apples. But whether there will be from a dragee an advantage?

It is known that an organism - piece very choosy. The situation when, apparently, the same substance appears for it absolutely necessary, terrible poison is quite usual. There is it because many organic molecules have so-called isomers. The most bright example of isomers are gloves from one couple. Externally they seem identical, but to put on a glove for the right hand left it will not turn out. Here and organic molecules happen for the right hand and for the left hand; also try to mix them!

The compatibility of vitamins among themselves - here is more detailed information on vitamins

It is natural that in an organism only those isomers which are necessary to an organism - either right, or left are synthesized. What, however, cannot be told about organic synthesis at the pharmaceutical enterprise - where mix of isomers, as a rule, turns out. And any can be influenced by effect of the wrong glove, having got on the right glove on the left hand and vice versa.

But if you think that it is the only lack of pharmaceutical vitamins, then you are mistaken. An organism - a being economical therefore together with necessary vitamin it produces the substances which are repeatedly strengthening effect of this vitamin. Naturally, the factory knows nothing about these amplifiers; and in general - the final product has to be most cleaned from impurity.

At last, and the checks of effectiveness of factory vitamins which began recently show more and more convincingly that there is no special advantage of them, except harm.

So if you decided to navitaminitsya, eat apple, but not a tablet. It will be more useful.

We advise article: B1 vitamin as it is one fundamental vitamins.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
