We strengthen nervous system vitamins

We strengthen nervous system vitamins

Health Hits: 195

What there were reasons for emergence of a stressful state, the result will be one — violations in work of nervous system begin, the immunity glitches, the person becomes apathetic, sluggish, heart failure develops. At the heart of all diseases connected with nervous system the fact that the organism in a condition of a stress extremely quickly absorbs vitamins of group B lies and further tests in them the strongest shortcoming. To restore health, the person needs to use vitamins for recovery of nervous system.

Symptoms of shortage of vitamins to nervous system

Adults get a stress at work, in transport or in the course of communication with other people. Children have the same deficiency of necessary substances as spend them in the course of rapid growth, mobility and extreme activity.

Both adults and children can lack group B vitamins after the postponed viral diseases or improper feeding.

The constant nervous tension can cause such symptoms:

Observing such symptoms at adults, physicians usually prescribe vitamins for strengthening of nervous system. For children special vitamin complexes in which are considered age, rapid growth and activity of little patients are created.

The reasons that nervous system refuses to work correctly:

  1. Short-reception of amino acids which directly participate in process of transfer of a nervous impulse from a cage to a cage. The main reason — bad or unbalanced food that is often observed at the vegetarians or people keeping to diets.
  2. Oxygen starvation at which work of nervous cages slows down. Oxygen starvation leads to failures in work of nervous system at anemia or asthma.
  3. The constant stressful state causes misoperation of heart and vessels, the hormonal background and work of immune and nervous systems is broken.
  4. Constant noise load (silent or loud) causes nervous tension and exhausts nervous system.
  5. ORZ or other viral diseases subject an organism of intoxication which damages nervous cages.

Whether you know? The famous seafarer James Cook in a long voyage prevented flash of a scurvy among the team the fact that included in a diet of sailors sauerkraut, oranges and lemons.

What can give support to nervous system:

Important! It is considered to be that vitamins cannot do harm to a human body is not absolutely so. Glut of an organism these substances can sometimes cause poisoning. Overdose symptoms: obvious roughness of skin or change of its color, unusual coloring of urine, an ache in bones and joint pain, feeling of the powdered eyes. At the first signs of overdose it is necessary to see a doctor urgently.

Vitamins for strengthening of nervous system

To help a human body with its daily hard work, vitamin support is necessary.

Such vitamins are necessary for nervous system:

  1. Vitamin A (Retinolum) — eliminates insomnia, serves as the activator of activity of cells of a brain, slows down aging (subjecting destructions free radicals), interferes with emergence of stratification of nail plates, excessive dryness of an integument, apathy, weakness and slackness. At an acute shortage of Retinolum the visual acuity can fall.

Retinolum is in cream and butter, cod-liver oil and a white salmon, pork and beef liver, beef meat, crude carrot and potatoes, dried apricots, peaches and apricots.

  1. B1 vitamin (thiamine) — removes nervous tension, alarm, calms the excited states and hyperactivity. Its reception increases attention, helps to remember new information without tension. The lack of thiamine of an organism can cause chronic insomnia, causeless tearfulness and alarm.

Thiamine is present at chicken and quail eggs, fat fish, beef sirloin, nuts, grain crops, beans and haricot.

  1. B3 vitamin (nicotinic acid) — helps to activate brain neurons, interferes with emergence of memory blackouts, absent-mindedness, fast fatigue. Nicotinic acid can be received from such products as milk, sour cream, cream, yogurts, beer and grain yeast, nuts. At preparation of hot dairy dishes, nicotinic acid does not collapse.
  2. B6 vitamin (pyridoxine) — is a source of a positive emotional background, activates work of cells of a brain. If the organism lacks a pyridoxine, there can be such unpleasant phenomena as apathy and insomnia, inability to work and study, forgetfulness, block. It is necessary to accept a pyridoxine carefully, excess of the recommended dosage can cause nervous overexcitation.

The pyridoxine is in such products: grain crops, cabbage, white bread, nuts, sunflower seeds (sunflower, pumpkin) and prunes.

  1. B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) — has antioxidant properties, protects nervous cages from undesirable influences, helps neurons to be restored after damages, is responsible for the periodical press of a dream and wakefulness. The shortage of cyanocobalamine causes disorder of memory, dizziness and nervousness.

There can be insomnia, and sometimes and hallucinogenic states. Cyanocobalamine is in such products: any meat, fish and other seafood, all products from milk, quail and eggs.

  1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) — raises an immune background of an organism, resilience to stressful situations (producing the necessary hormones), serves as an obstacle for destructive activity of free radicals. Ascorbic acid can be found in such products: berries of strawberry, wild strawberry, hips, apples, oranges, kiwi, lemons and sweet pepper.
  2. Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) — interferes with degradation of intellectual development and is good prevention of a disease of Alzheimer. The shortcoming causes sharp differences of mood (from feverish fun to tears), the forgetfulness or even development of a sclerosis, the person becomes excessively irritable. Vitamin E can be found in such products: liver of cattle, nuts, egg yolks, spinach.
  3. Vitamin D (calciferol) — the defender of cells of a brain from oxygen starvation. The sufficient maintenance of a calciferol in an organism serves as an obstacle for emergence of atherosclerotic manifestations (plaques) in vessels. At its shortage there can be a forgetfulness, the person begins to sweat, be nervous excessively much, at him teeth as the organism badly acquires phosphorus and potassium begin to spoil. The calciferol can be found in such products: in cream and butter, red and black caviar, cod-liver oil and bird's eggs.

All above-mentioned vitamins have extremely important influence on process of a metabolism in nervous cages.

Important! Using useful products, it is necessary to remember that many substances do not transfer temperature increase (heat treatment) and collapse in the course of cooking. The most healthy food turns out after its preparation in the sparing conditions: on couple or a water bath.

The woman Vitamina for strengthening of nervous system it is possible not only to take from food, but also to get in drugstores in a clean look. Before their use it is desirable to consult with the doctor and to accept, without exceeding the dosage recommended by the expert. Especially accurately the women who are in situation need to accept vitamins.

Whether you know? To data of a strong half of mankind: receiving solar bathtubs, the human body produces vitamin D which participates in production by testosterone organism. And the level of testosterone is responsible for the level of sexual desire. Want to increase potency — sunbathe!

For the women bearing the child, feeding mummies and ladies on a threshold of climacteric age the reception of B12 — vitamin from a stress is recommended. It protects from fast fatigue, dejectedness and regulates exchange processes in cells of nervous system.

Vitamin complexes by which drawing up features of female health and age problems were considered are specially developed for women. Each such complex is calculated on certain age of women. For pregnant women and the feeding mothers it significantly differs: all risks are provided in it not to do much harm to the kid at all.

Vitamin complexes for women:

Children and teenagers Nervous system of the child demands support by vitamin complexes too. Children very quickly grow, they have big emotional, physical and intellectual activities. Every day kids and teenagers learn a lot of new (good memory is necessary), run, jump, contact to different people.

The main load in growth of the child is placed on the central nervous system therefore it needs to be helped vitamins, receiving which at the child the attentiveness, assiduity will increase, memory will become stronger, the mood and appetite will improve, the fatigue and capriciousness will go down. In children's medicines amplifiers of taste or chemical dyes are not used. For children vitamins are developed for nervous system:

Men huge load is placed On nervous system of men, the man is a defender and the getter, his task to bring a mammoth and to feed family. Men are physically stronger than women and, perhaps, their nervous system not iron is more resistant emotionally to some stressful situations, but also, so, it needs to be helped.

Working hard physically or intellectually, the person is tired, his nervous system is exhausted. What is shown in chronic fatigue, insomnia and disturbing conditions, headaches and migraines, jumps of arterial blood pressure and changes of body weight (weight loss or a fast set of weight).

Failure of work of nervous system can cause malfunctions in the sexual sphere: sexual desire can be gone and weaken an erection, nervous system is closely tied with a hormonal background. The vitamins from a stress are developed for men:

Sources of vitamins for nervous system

The stressful state forces an organism to spend quickly useful substances from which 80% are the share of group B vitamins. Can seem that it is easy to fill such loss, having included in a diet the products rich with these vitamins (grain and bread of a rough grinding, cottage cheese, beans). Unfortunately, not everything is so simple — vitamins of this group collapse in the course of heat treatment or being on light; unlike other fellows they do not tend to accumulation in an organism gradually as are fat-insoluble.

In stressful situations many people immediately reach for alcohol, coffee or cigarettes that allows vitamins of group B to break up even quicker. For this reason the people smoking or having alcoholism have absolutely upset nervous system and the diseases accompanying it.

Sometimes the state of health of the person does not allow to be acquired fully to vitamins; their partial assimilation happens at diseases of a stomach, digestive tract, thromboses and other violations of blood circulation.

The problem can be solved with the help of healthy nutrition, medications or the folk remedies allocated for strengthening and healing of nervous system.

Medications for calm of nervous system:

Folk remedies have Effective sedative properties herbs: the thyme, a melissa, nutmeg, a carnation, devyasit, hop cones. These herbs use for production of sedative spirit tinctures with additions of honey.

According to the national recipe it is possible to prepare the remarkable calming medicine which at the same time will be simply a vitamin bomb for an organism. Ten lemons of average size to wash and pass via the meat grinder together with a peel.

To add to fruit weight the shell crushed in the blender from five eggs, to add vodka half of liter then carefully to mix the turned-out weight. It is dense to close the container with medicine a cover and to put to the warm and dark place for insisting within five days.

The turned-out medicine will have soothing property, it is necessary to accept it three times a day, on two tablespoons after a meal. If the person leads the correct life, nevertheless it is worth trying to receive everything or the majority of vitamins, necessary for functioning of an organism, of food. Some of them can be found only in animal products, and some are in products and animal and plant origin.

To derive all benefit which is in products it is necessary not to subject whenever possible them to long-term preparation at high temperatures. Greens, vegetables and fruit need to try to be eaten fresh (crude). Fresh juices are a well of vitamins too.

It is better to carry out necessary heat treatment of meat, fish or root crops on couple — in this case in them will remain more useful veshches

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
