What is and than macrocells are useful

What is and than macrocells are useful

Today 92 chemical elements are known to science, and 81 of them is present at a human body. Each of them carries out a certain role in processes of activity of the person. All these substances are divided into several groups on a certain sign, and some of such substances are called macrocells. Why they are so called also what they differ from minerals in in what their advantage and where they contain, you learn, having read our article.

Value of the term

All chemical components found in a human body are divided into macro - and minerals. Four macrocells are called main, or organogenic because they form the basis of all our organism. It is carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Remained make other macrocells whose contents is not so big as the main and also minerals.

Macrocells call those substances which percentage in our organism is higher than 0.005% of body mass index, that is they concentrate in themselves the lion's share of mass of cages. These elements are present at all main fabrics — bone, muscular and blood. And if to put percent of organogenic and other macrocells, then as a result we will receive 99% of all mass of a human body.

All macrocells without exception are vital for a human body. Consider some of them: calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl) and phosphorus (P).

List of macrocells

Treat the list of macrocells:

  • calcium;
  • chlorine;
  • fluorine;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur.

Role and value in an organism

Now, knowing what part of an our organism is made by macrocells, it becomes absolutely clear that they are vital for us. If at least there is not enough one element, then it will lead to problems with health and undesirable consequences. However, the surplus also does not conduct to anything good. For this reason it is very important to know standard of the contents of macrocells in a human body what functions they perform and where contain.


At the adult about 1-1.5 kg of this macrocell contain. For many, probably, not a secret that calcium is a basis for our skeletal system and also our teeth and hair. However on it its functions do not come to an end, he participates in various processes, for example, in neural and muscular reactions, is responsible for blood clotting, normalizes indicators of insulin and glucose. Besides, it — the main component of fabric liquid, cellular membranes and a kernel.

Calcium helps with fight against an allergy and inflammation, regulates production of hormones and enzymes, and along with sodium exercises control of passability of membranes at a cage. Also removes dangerous salts of heavy metals from our organism and represents a probiotic and antioxidant. We need this macrocell constantly, and requirement it becomes more in stressful and unforeseen situations, at women in the family way. And that kids were healthy and normally developed, it is simply vital.

Fortress of bones and teeth, density of nails depends on the content of calcium (Ca). Learn what products contain calcium and why it is necessary.

In day of people has to receive 1-1.2 g of calcium. However this indicator depends on age and other individual factors and looks as follows:

  • age up to three years — 0.6 g;
  • age from 4 to 10 years — 0.8 g;
  • age from 10 to 13 years — 1 g;
  • age from 13 to 16 years — 1.2 g;
  • age from 16 to 25 years — 1 g;
  • adult from 25 to 50 years — 0.8-1.2 g;
  • women during pregnancy and feeding by a breast — 1500-2000 mg.

For a normal indicator of content of calcium it is necessary to include in the diet:

  • milk and other dairy products;
  • fish and seafood;
  • meat;
  • nuts;
  • tofu cheese;
  • green part of turnip;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • cabbage;
  • bean.

That calcium was better acquired, along with it it is necessary to use in addition vitamins D and C, lactose and fatty nonsaturated acids are still necessary. When calcium is acquired, magnesium participates in this process and if it is not enough, then calcium is quicker washed away from our bones and gets into muscles. It is remarkable that this macrocell is badly acquired at the use of such medicines and substances as aspirin, oxalic acid, hormone estrogen and its derivatives.

Important! Excessive consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages promotes calcium removal therefore at shortage at you this element it is better to reduce or in general to exclude these drinks from the menu.


Unimportantly the fact that chlorine in gaseous state can lead to a lethal outcome, and in the form of hydrochloric acid can cause the severe burns, all the same this element vitally is necessary for us. He is responsible for maintenance of water balance and still carries out a set of useful cases. In our organism there are no such bodies and fabrics where there would be no chlorine, but its highest concentration in an epithelium. In total the adult has 75-100 g of this macrocell.

Chlorine, potassium and sodium in common provide water and electrolytic balance. Besides, this element helps in a water delay in fabrics, normalizes acid-base balance, it can be found in gastric juice which splits food and normalizes digestive process.

Also chlorine removes puffiness, is responsible for flexibility of our muscles, joints, improves functioning of a liver, promotes increase in appetite and process of splitting of fats. This element plays an essential role in maintenance of the pH level of cages, participates in process of removal of carbon dioxide, toxic substances of a human body, thanks to it erythrocytes are in a stable state.

To maintain good health of all organism, we need only 4-6 g of chlorine a day. Babies receive chlorine with mother's milk therefore she has to watch the level of this element in the organism.

It is important! As chlorine is in composition of table salt, his requirement increases when you plentifully sweat.

Besides rock salt habitual to us, chlorine still can be found in such food as meat, eggs, a humpback salmon, a catfish, a crucian, a capelin, a flounder and other fish. There is it and in grain, bean and olives, but its contents is much less.


Fluorine, like calcium, has influence on a bone tissue, being responsible for its durability and hardness. The correctness of formation of skeletal bones, health and appearance of hair, nails and teeth depends on quantity of this element.

Calcium and fluorine in couple interfere with development of caries, getting into small cracks in tooth enamel. Fluorine — one of participants of difficult process of blood formation, carries out support of the immune system, serves as prophylactic from osteoporosis and in case you have a change, then this macrocell will help to grow together quicker to bones. Iron thanks to it is better acquired by our organism, and salts of heavy metals and radionuclides are quicker removed.

Every day the person has to receive from 0.5 to 4 mg of this element. The best option of its receiving is water which we drink as fluorine is perfectly acquired from it. Though with usual food we use fluorine too. It is in:

  • black and green tea;
  • seafood and fish;
  • walnuts;
  • grain;
  • bran;
  • to coarse flour;
  • meat and eggs;
  • milk;
  • liver;
  • potatoes;
  • green sheet vegetables;
  • apples and grapefruits;
  • to fault.

However, to acquire daily norm of fluorine, we need to eat all this just in large quantities, for example, 700 g of red fish or 20 l of milk. Therefore water is a main source of fluorine for us from which this element is acquired for 70%. For this reason in regions where in natural drinking water there is not enough fluorine, it is added artificially.


Potassium — one more important element for us, and the role it is irreplaceable in the majority of processes of exchange.

As there is a lot of functions at potassium, we will list them in the form of the list:

  • regulates water balance;
  • supports a warm rhythm normal;
  • provides water-salt exchange;
  • normalizes organism PH indicators;
  • removes hypostases;
  • participates in activation of enzymes;
  • helps muscle work, especially hearts;
  • presence of salts of potassium at all soft body tissues (vessels, muscles, capillaries, cells of a brain, kidney, liver and endocrine glands);
  • has antisclerous action, thanks to it salts of sodium do not collect on walls of vessels and in cages;
  • interferes with excessive exhaustion therefore it is necessary for professional athletes and aged people for good health.

The norm of potassium in day for adults is in limits of 1800-5000 mg, and for children — within 600-1700 mg. Such difference in figures is caused by the fact that the need for this element directly depends on your age, weight and what physical activities at you, where you live also other factors. The increased use of potassium is recommended to the people having diarrhea, vomiting if you strongly sweat also in case of the use of diuretics.

To receive a necessary dose of potassium, surely include the following products in the menu:

  • dried fruits;
  • fresh vegetables and fruit;
  • berries;
  • the sprouted grains;
  • different types of nuts;
  • bread;
  • mint greens;
  • various dairy products;
  • fish.

It is important! That potassium was better acquired, accept it along with B6 vitamin, and here alcoholic beverages do not need to be abused, it will worsen its assimilation.


Magnesium is present at more than three hundred reactions of activity of our organism. It helps to be acquired better to calcium and vitamins of group B, stimulates production of vitamin C, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, and enzymes work with it for 50% better. A magnesium share in our muscles — 40%, and in cages — 10%.

This element takes part in carbohydrate and proteinaceous and in intercellular exchange of energy, promotes reduction of muscles of heart, normalizes pulse and level of oxygen in blood, promotes a lowering of arterial pressure, reduction of formation of blood clots, expanding vessels, acts as the regulator of content of sugar in blood. Also this element has beneficial influence on functioning of nervous system, helps to fight fatigue, irritability, insomnia, promotes removal of muscular tension and reduction of quantity of spasms.

Magnesium provides course of various vital processes in a human body. Consider in more detail in what advantage of magnesium and in what products it contains.

For women this element plays even more important role as promotes improvement of development of a fruit during pregnancy and to reduction of risk of premature birth or an abortion. With magnesium intestines and a gall bladder perform the functions better, it protects a stomach from indigestion and smooth muscles of a liver from spasms.

To urinogenital system not to do without it too, he is responsible for an urine conclusion, prevents the spasms arising in the field, especially at PMS at a female. Sufficient level of magnesium helps calcium to be acquired well, but not to be postponed in the form of stones, improves a condition of patients with asthma and bronchitis. Bones and teeth at children in this case grow better, more great and more qualitatively.

Adults in day require 350-500 mg of magnesium. And at women in the family way this norm increases up to 1000-1200 mg. Magnesium is better acquired together by such elements as calcium, phosphorus and vitamins C, D, B1, B6, E. No some substances and products can complicate process of its assimilation. To it belong: calcium in large volumes, fats, phosphates, cobalt, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel and also coffee, alcohol, some medicines and antibiotics.

It is possible to find magnesium in:

  • sheet vegetables and fruit;
  • bean;
  • brown rice;
  • products from soy;
  • dried fruits;
  • wheaten germs;
  • citrus;
  • sesame and sunflower seeds of sunflower;
  • fish and seafood;
  • dairy products.

Whether you know? The shortage of such macrocell as magnesium, is observed at 90% of the human population! Such figure unpleasantly impresses and sets thinking.


Sodium belongs to the macrocells necessary for us too. Its role — ensuring conductivity of nervous impulses, regulation of water balance, still you will find it as a part of blood. Sodium is a basis for intercellular liquids, and it filled all spaces between cages. Potassium and sodium on couple maintain normal balance of liquid at us, thereby do not allow dehydration.

As one of blood components, this element is responsible for expansibility of vessels, normalizes pressure and influences functioning of a myocardium. To digestive system not to do without it too for the reason that it is a participant in formation of gastric juice, helps with glucose transportation to our cages and, in addition, is the activator of the majority of enzymes for digestion.

Still sodium has the impact on functions of a secretory system, keeps at the necessary pH level balance in an organism and assists in preservation and accumulation of many necessary elements in blood.

Sodium actively influences an organism. Read in what food it contains and what its role in a human body.

Sodium in that form to which we got used represents usual salt. Its norm per day for us is 4-6 g, and these are about 10-15 g of kitchen salt. If you distinguish a large amount of sweat, then need for this substance increases.

Table salt is a main supplier of sodium, however it can be found also in usual food. Beet, a sea cabbage, beef, carrots, seafood, kidneys and a celery are such.


The phosphorus share in our body about 1% of lump, at the same time its highest concentration is in bones (about 85%), and another 15% are widespread on all organism.

Phosphorus is irreplaceable in such processes:

  • good work of a brain;
  • formation and development of bones;
  • normal functioning of a cardiovascular system;
  • production of hormones and enzymes;
  • functioning of nervous system;
  • exchange of fats, carbohydrates and proteins;
  • work of heart;
  • oxidation-reduction reactions;
  • formation of the fosforilirovanny connections (phospholipids, nucleotides, nucleinic acids, fosfoproteida, phosphoric air of carbohydrates, vitamins, coenzymes and others) involved in metabolism;
  • at redistribution of energy and genetic information on all systems of an organism through intercellular liquid.

There is an intensive interrelation between phosphorus and calcium. These two macrocells improve assimilation of each other our organism, in common participate in formation of a skeleton and teeth. In addition, it is necessary to have at us such elements as iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, D, F, enzymes and proteins. Without them phosphorus will be badly acquired. And here decrease in level of this element happens because of availability of aluminum, estrogen, magnesium, androgens, corticosteroids and thyroxine.

Every day the adult needs in 1-2 g of phosphorus, and pregnant women and the feeding women — in 3-3.8 g, children and teenagers — in 1.5-2.5 g.

It is important! If you experience big physical activities, then your need in phosphorus considerably will increase, almost by 100%.

Now we will find out what products need to be eaten that the problem of shortage of this important macrocell never concerned you. It is possible to find phosphorus in:

  • grain;
  • bread;
  • in mushrooms;
  • in vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, garlic, cabbage);
  • be green;
  • walnuts and sunflower seeds of sunflower;
  • in bean;
  • to black caviar;
  • beef liver and brains;
  • to fish;
  • meat of a rabbit;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs.


Sulfur is called still beauty mineral for the reason that it is an indispensable component for beautiful hair, nails and skin. However this element affects not only appearance, but also on an organism in general. Sulfur occupies 0.25% of the total amount of a human body, it is one of the making cages and also nervous, bone and cartilaginous fabrics. Sulfur is involved in activity processes, is material of which amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and hormones consist.

Sulfur plays an important role not only for maintenance of beauty, but also for all organism. Learn whether there is enough sulfur for your organism in what advantage of a macrocell how to reveal shortage or a surplus.

The central part is assigned to it in support of balance of acids in blood and harmonious work of nervous system. Cera results in norm sugar level in blood, improves immunity and is strong anti-allergen. Also it effectively heals wounds, removes inflammations, increases opposition of an organism to a radio emission, stimulates a liver to remove bile, brings slags and toxins out of an organism. Sulfur saves from muscular spasms and also from muscle and joints pains.

In day the person needs 500-1200 mg of sulfur. To reach the norm, you will be helped by the use of such products:

  • grain and cereals;
  • bakery products;
  • onions, cabbage, garlic, asparagus;
  • horse-radish and mustard;
  • gooseberry, apples and grapes;
  • eggs;
  • fast beef;
  • fish;
  • dairy products, in particular cheese.

Organogenic elements and their advantage

We already mentioned in the beginning of article about the most essential macrocells which make the most most part of our organism. It is oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. Let's consider each of these elements separately and we learn what role they play for maintenance of our healthy activity.


Oxygen surrounds us everywhere, without it there would be no life on the planet Earth and as we are inhabitants of this planet, the need for oxygen costs at us on the very first place. The human body contains about 65% of oxygen, and it, for a minute, about 40 kilograms! For the person, as well as for other inhabitants of the planet, oxygen is universal chemical oxidizer. Without it ATP synthesis — the main source of energy for almost all inhabitants of the planet is not possible.

Thanks to oxygen we have an opportunity to release energy from the substances consumed by us. Also it removes disintegration products, including the carbon which is in composition of the carbon dioxide exhaled by us. In a free form oxygen is in the atmosphere, and in the connected look almost in all chemical compounds (mainly in water). At rest the person consumes about 2 g of oxygen a minute. Respiratory process at which oxygen gets to an organism from the atmosphere and also through food and water is an oxygen source for the person.


Carbon percentage in a human body is 18%, these are about 12 kg for the adult. As well as other organogenic elements, carbon gets biological value only as a part of various connections:

  • carbon connections are a material of which all body tissues consist;
  • carbon is a structural element of organic compounds;
  • it is a participant of all processes of activity;
  • during oxidation of carbon connections the energy which is necessary to the person daily is released;
  • carbon oxide stimulates work of lungs and controls the pH level in blood.

Carbon is present at all food in the form of organic compounds, his daily requirement for the person is not defined.


Part of hydrogen in a human body occupies 10%, and by amount of atoms — 50%, that is every second atom in our body is a hydrogen. Hydrogen separately does not bear any value, it gets it only as a part of chemical compounds — waters, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other substances. The most valuable connection for people is a hydrogen with oxygen, that is the water which is the environment for life and reproduction of cages.

Whether you know? The person for the whole 60% consists of water! However it is distributed on an organism differently, for example, in fatty tissue the amount of water reaches only 20%, in bones 25%, in a liver 70%, in muscle tissue 75%, in blood 80%, and in a brain there is even more water, than in liquid blood the whole 85%.

Other, not less important significant group of hydrogen connections are acids which develop a hydrogen ion and by that form pH Wednesday. One more problem of hydrogen is that it creates the hydrogen communications forming forms of active proteins and two-chained structure of DNA.

Hydrogen is almost in all products, however most of all people receive it from water.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
