What is bloodletting: in what advantage and harm of the procedure

What is bloodletting: in what advantage and harm of the procedure

In medicine a lot of receptions which reached us from antiquity is used. Of course, they were improved and as a result took a form familiar to all. But there are techniques which former popularity was replaced by long drowsiness, and now they cause rough discussions among physicians. Let's consider one of such procedures, having learned that such bloodletting and what it is necessary for.

Main essence, or That it

As follows from the name, bloodletting (scientifically a flebotomiya) is a method which essence comes down to removal from the blood system of a certain amount of blood. For this purpose do a puncture or a superficial section of a vein. Also bloodsuckers can be used (this way is known as a girudoterapiya). Distinguish two types of a flebotomiiya — local and the general.

Local provides application of the same bloodsuckers or small notches. The general works with big parts of the body, and punctures become deeper. Now krovososny banks in the form of glass caps are widely used. They are put to the place of a cut, tanks due to air depression keep. Blood, continuing to come to vessels, fills to bank (for time there can be 10-15 g).

Important! All devices and devices are surely disinfected.

The official medicine is extremely careful in estimates of this reception. However, in it periodically there is a requirement (for example, at sharp or medical emergencies when 200-300 g of liquid are taken from an organism).

Read also, than increase or depreciation in triglycerides in blood is dangerous.

Classification of bloodletting as bleeding

In its basis — separation on the nature of a cut and volume of an exit of blood. It allows to say about the following types of procedures:

  • capillary for which the cut on skin is inherent small. Over this site it is put bank which creates a vacuum and stimulates an exit. This approach is used by the Islamic and Chinese equipment;
  • venous. The wall of a small vein is cut, small bleeding as a result turns out. Reception is characteristic of the Tibetan school;
  • big, focused on processing of large veins as elbow. Such notches are used at a flebotomiya of the European type.

As you can see, classification is extremely simple. The question — looks logical and that else for types their distinctions are mentioned in the list and in what.

Types of bloodletting and their short characteristic

Historically it developed so that this procedure was used by doctors of the different countries independently of each other. They were guided by traditions and receptions of the medical schools. As a result four main directions of a flebotomiya which deserve the separate description were created.

Donorship - harm or advantage.

The Chinese

Strictly speaking, such bloodletting is very close to acupuncture — removal of blood is carried out in certain points. Thus development of a disease is blocked (and each point on a body has the indications).

Whether you know? Indians of pre-Columbian America often replaced human sacrifices with ritual bloodletting.

This practice is connected with ancient ideas of energy in an organism. In the Chinese tradition it is considered that corporal energy ци passes on the meridians allocated for it which penetrate all bodies and systems. At its surplus there are diseases which are treated just by piercing in a certain place. Blood losses at the same time insignificant.

The Tibetan

It is in many respects similar to Chinese. But the difference is, and very essential. First, venous bleeding practices. But most important: points of influence are laid not along an energy passing route, and around the veins tied by anastomoza with different groups of bodies. So all points have accurately certain zone of influence. In the Tibetan practice apply also background impact on separate segments of a spinal cord: the nervous terminations, reacting to irritation, immediately send signals to the bodies, and those, responding, are capable to change nature of work.

The European

Uses big bleeding in this connection it is recognized as the most dangerous. There are also other reasons: in particular, the fact that cuts traditionally become that is called in the place therefore the provision of points can be displaced.

Important! With the lowered pain threshold of such procedures it is better for people to avoid.

It was popular in the Middle Ages, but it is now applied in exceptional cases — only doctors of the highest qualification can carry out such procedures.

Islamic (hidzhama)

In its basis — small capillary cuts in the field of which the vacuum can is immediately put. A blood exit insignificant, and before the procedure is carried out massage which helps to probe skin regarding internal consolidations. But there is an essential lack of a type of lack of powerful theoretical base. Hidzhama relies on work with points which part is taken from the Chinese tradition, and still a part is put with orientation to the Quran (the religious moment is strong here). Add adjustment for these diagnostics here — and will leave that this equipment is dangerous in some sort too.

About advantage of the procedure

Despite risk, many people nevertheless practice similar procedures. On that is good reasons. Let's begin with the fact that at a rupture of capillaries or a superficial section of veins there passes drop bleeding — the hemostasis is activated. Later 2-3 second after a puncture the fibrillation which will mobilize huge number of substances and enzymes and also located in this area of fabrics and the nervous terminations of a spinal cord begins (the organism shake-up is available).

Study indications and contraindications to blood transfusion.

The stagnant blood which is often accumulating toxins is removed by the same way, and its absence improves microcirculation of liquid and supply of cages with nutrients and air. At the same time the nervous terminations which were pressed owing to excess of blood unload (that is long pains and hypostases are killed).

Whether you know? At the person at rest most of all blood contains in the vessels penetrating muscles and kidneys — in the sum it is a half of total amount. Only 8% fall to the share of a brain

When using the Chinese, Tibetan and also Islamic techniques, clinical effects it seems are observed:

  • improvements of composition of blood and its viscosity;
  • splittings of atherosclerotic and fat plaques;
  • decrease in level of glucose;
  • removals of extensive inflammations;
  • hypotonic effect — pressure decreases;
  • elimination of stagnation in vessels;
  • improvement and activization of work of cages (including brain);
  • prevention of diseases of heart (his muscles begin to work without overloads).

As for the European equipment, it has no such set of useful properties and is used, mainly, to a conclusion of large volume of blood without binding to the systems of regulation of an organism. It occurs in cases when a condition of the patient too heavy (for example, at the acute pulmonary edema against the background of a blood congestion).

When appoint the procedure: indications

As it was told above, all techniques, behind an exception unless European, are guided by work with the points which are responsible for communication with various bodies. Respectively, they have also indications to application which are very much.

It is important! If the doctor did not agree to manipulation, to him it is worth listening: the address to various paramedics or that is worse — independent carrying out conceals huge number of the most serious risks.

So, the Chinese flebotomiya is applied to treatment:

  • any sharp pains (especially head with the pulsing character);
  • hypertensions;
  • failures in work of a GIT (weight in a stomach, diarrhea or a lock);
  • cough and rhinitis, meningitis and fever;
  • polytypic pharyngitises;
  • skin itch and pustulous defeats terms;
  • acne rash;
  • sciatica;
  • sciatica and frequent spasms;
  • furuncles;
  • deteriorations in hearing;
  • problems with sight (in particular, conjunctivitis);
  • adynamy and epilepsy;
  • paresteziya (the running goosebumps against the background of numbness of extremities);
  • shingles;
  • lyumbalgiya.

Also by the Chinese technique the infectious diseases proceeding with temperature increase and inflammations treat.

Learn that such acupuncture, acupuncture and what their efficiency.

The Tibetan system as regards indications duplicates Chinese, but with important additions in a look:

  • diseases of all bodies of the face and head;
  • epidemic infectious defeats;
  • difficult cases of recovering from the injuries or wounds connected with temperature increase;
  • gouts;
  • various consolidations and hypostases in soft fabrics;
  • diseases of lymphatic highways (limfangit, a limfangioma, etc.).

Whether you know? Our marrow weighs on average 2.5-2.6 kg.

Scope of the Islamic equipment of a hidzhama is much wider — influence of religion affects. If to put mystical illnesses outside brackets, then it will turn out that this method will be very useful at:

  • allergies;
  • to ateroksleroza;
  • hypertensions;
  • weak blood circulation;
  • leg and back, shoulders and stomach pains and also the residual pains arising after the undergone operations;
  • varicosity;
  • problems of the reproductive sphere (to the varikotsela of an urinogenital system at men and vaginal bleedings or violations of a menotsikl at women);
  • prostatitis or impotence;
  • diseases practically all bodies: from heart and eyes to a thyroid gland and a bladder;
  • LOR-group diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, etc.);
  • sleep disorders and depression;
  • various neuritis;
  • problems with hearing;
  • gout and rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and spasms of muscles;
  • limited mobility of joints;
  • indigestions — a diarrhea and a chronic lock;
  • hemorrhoids and fistulas.

Supporters of a hidzhama assure that it, in addition, helps to fight against the excess weight, dumbness, amnesia and even an immunodeficiency. But doctors prefer not to draw so significant conclusions, limiting bloodletting application to fight against the diseases listed in the list.

What carry out bloodletting (tools) by

The procedure is carried out by means of simple devices. For a cut thick needles or knives which form changes depending on traditions of the concrete equipment undertake. For example, in the Tibetan flebotomiya the small hatchet is usually used (it hanuur). It resembles an open razor on the rigid handle superficially.

Important! Buying tools, surely estimate their integrity and packing. Even the small crack on a cloth or the handle of a knife can start metal destruction process (in interaction with blood such material does not clean it, and on the contrary, saturates with harmful oxides).

In Islamic and Chinese tradition thick needles (often with the trihedral cutting edge) or knives — trihedral peak or a slanting lancet are applied.

It will be interesting to learn about advantage of traditional medicine, Kuznetsov's Applicator and Stone therapy.

Banks are the integral attribute of a hidzhama though the place and in the Chinese technique was them. These are small plastic cylinders of different diameter (often 2-7 cm) which go complete with the pump-porshenkom for air pumping. All these devices can be bought in drugstores or Network (the whole sets are offered). It is recommended to take the Chinese or Korean sets — in terms of the price and quality it is the best option. Having found out when also by what do bloodletting, we will consider, how exactly there is this procedure.

Features and description of the Chinese technique

Two approaches — traditional, with use of a needle, and with stimulation of an exit of blood by means of cans practice. Let's begin with the first.

By means of a needle

Algorithm of carrying out is as follows:

  • The patient accepts the most comfortable position.
  • The expert, having taken in the right hand a sterile needle (on 3 sides or thick), probes working points.
  • Having found necessary, presses on skin around it a forefinger, having quickly punctured the site on 1-2 mm deep into.
  • The place of a puncture is massed by fingers — so cause a blood exit (there will be several droplets).
  • Then also injections in other points are given. Blood will flow down before emergence of a clot.
  • When it dries up, punctures are processed by an anti-septic tank. It is only possible to rise 15-20 minutes later. The next 2 hours it is worth refraining from food and strong loadings.

Whether you know? The mosquitoes living in conditions of a humid climate — still those gourmets. They prefer blood of the first group, though too do not refuse another.

There are no other restrictions. A standard course — from 3 to 5 procedures which become not more often than 2 times a week.

Get acquainted with such types of east massage as: The yoni, Lingama, Tantric, Guasha, Stone, Bali, Tibetan, Can, Guasha, Spanish hiromassazh, also learn what is Ayurveda.

By means of cans

Everything begins also — the patient has to settle more conveniently. Further manipulations become in a strict order:

  • On skin impose antiseptics.
  • By the same needle in the right place do punctures, but is deeper — 2-3 mm (for the corpulent person take 4-5 at all).
  • Then shit it is oiled vegetable, and on the processed site put cups. They will involve a layer on 2-3 cm.
  • When bleeding stopped, banks are removed, and to the place of a puncture apply a sterile bandage. Now it is necessary to lie down minutes 20, at the next 2 o'clock having refused food.

In a case with tanks the course is reduced to 3 approaches with an interval at least in 5 days (week usually undertakes). As necessary in a year do 2 series. For such purposes special banks undertake. If those near at hand did not appear — also Soviet will fit. Only from them before installation it is necessary to burn out air. It is simple to make it: reel up vatu on a pencil or big tweezers and moisten with alcohol then set fire and enter in capacity for 5-6 seconds (after fire is taken away, at once it is put bank). Some go further, using the usual clean banks processed in such a way. However, doctors not too approve similar extreme.

Points and technique of the Tibetan bloodletting

This procedure is often preceded by intake of grass broths and infusions.

Important! Keep in mind that many structures on the basis of herbs possess hypotonic action. Their reception on the eve of manipulation is excluded.

The Tibetan technique is simpler Chinese meaning that in it much less points — work comes down to processing of 8 vessels. Among them:

  • the temporal, responsible for diseases eye and heads, ears and teeth and also problem with parasites;
  • nasal (reddening, rhinitis, congestion and other local complications);
  • ear (diseases of an ear and deafness of different degree);
  • liver (a problem with this body and a spleen, the plentiful or speeded-up allocations of genitals);
  • hollow bodies (violation in work of a GIT and lungs, partial dysfunction of a liver);
  • big vessel of a leg (intestines, poisonings and wounds, hemorrhoids and also diseases of a uterus or ovaries, up to tumors);
  • calves (leg and waist pains, injuries of kidneys, endometriosis);
  • vessels of genitals (problems with work of kidneys and uterus).

The technology of process comes down to:

  • to acceptance of a comfortable position, purification of leather and its processing with an anti-septic tank;
  • on the necessary vessel a little above places of future cut impose a dense plait. When the patient feels numbness and later couple of seconds the vein will bulk up, it is pounded with circular motions, clamped a thumb and slightly stretched down;
  • then hanuury the cut becomes — skin and a wall of a vessel are cut on 3 fingers from a plait down;
  • blood will descend until brown-pink liquid appears (we will note that the plait is not removed at the same time);
  • during this time about 50 ml of blood will manage to leave then the wound is processed (at proper handling the bleeding stops in itself at all);
  • the plait is removed, the cut is massed and processed an anti-septic tank, having put from above cold. The bandage is surely applied. 15-20 minutes of rest, 2 hours without food — and further return to a habitual rhythm. But there is one nuance: it is necessary to refrain from alcohol within a week (and even 10 days) after the procedure.

Whether you know? In the African clinics as substitute of plasma use … the liquid which is squeezed out of green cocoes.

Such manipulations try to carry out in the forenoon, paying special attention to composition of blood: if it oily and too dense, everything immediately stops - it is a sure sign of the fact that this way will not bring benefit.

Bloodsuckers - one of the most ancient ways of treatment.

Rules of the European method

Technically it is similar to blood sampling from a vein:

  • The patient accepts a convenient pose, lying on a back. The hand is unbent and located on a firm surface, under an elbow put an oilcloth and a pillow.
  • After rubbing the anti-septic tank imposes a plait.
  • The needle, big on diameter, which is previously washed with 5% solution sterile citrate sodium is entered into an elbow bend (he will not allow blood to curl up quickly). On a reverse side of adaptation the rubber tube which edge is removed in capacity for collecting fastens.
  • The intake of liquid is carried out slowly, for time from 100 to 300 ml can be taken (depending on the state of health and reaction of the patient).
  • After that the needle is taken out, and to the place of a prick apply a bandage.
  • Within 15-20 minutes it is necessary to lie down, avoiding sharp movements.

Generally, business reaches cuts, habitual on east practicians, extremely seldom — everything is limited to a usual prick. The section can be necessary unless in the urgent case connected with accumulation of blood in an inconvenient location.

Basic rules and points of a technique of a hidzham

Carrying out an Islamic flebotomiya is regulated not only medical norms, but also religious rules. To start people has to believe sincerely that this way will give treatment, asking about it Allah. The procedure is carried out only 17, 19 and 21 numbers (it is desirable that they fell on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday). Wednesday is considered in the forbidden afternoon (as well as Friday with Saturday).

Important! It is desirable to include vegetables, fruit and boiled grain in the menu of meals, the first after bloodlettings, avoiding some meat, heavy for a stomach. These recommendations are relevant only 1-2 days.

The doctor hajjs has to have wide experience. There is also a strict sexual division: to do bloodletting to the man the man having the right only, and the woman — the woman. In 3 hours prior to abstain from meal. The ban does not raspostranyatsya on water or juice which allow to drink directly during the procedure. Manipulation begins with sterilization of the tool, skin washings warm water with further drawing antiseptics. Further everything goes on the scenario fulfilled for centuries:

  • The person conveniently takes seat or lays down.
  • Banks for 40 seconds put to the region of a cut (so stimulate rush of blood).
  • Having removed tanks, on the reddened sites by a lancet do cuts (to 4 mm in length and on 2-3 mm deep into). Cups are put on new and maintained until blood turns.
  • After that one more drawing antiseptics and imposing of a bandage follows.

The course of treatment can come down to repetition of a cut every 5 days, but now manage generally single procedure. Often it is repeated in 5-6 months. 2 hours after manipulation are a refusal of food (it is necessary to forget about spice or a pickles at all three o'clock). The next day avoids strong loadings, consumption of cold and carbonated drinks, and also smoking.

Whether you know? The question of payment of a hidzhama is regulated by the Quran too.

The point, important for Islam — after the procedure it is necessary to thank Allah. There are also subtleties like that that 2 days later at the person temperature can rise for a while. It is normal reaction of an organism to the postponed microstress. Only the pro of high qualification can cope with points of a hidzham — them there are 143. But as the most important of them are considered:

  • Al-kyakhal (in atlases it is designated at number 1). Is located in in

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