What is organism dehydration dangerous by?

What is organism dehydration dangerous by?

Health Hits: 211

In everyday life of people constantly meets some difficulties, they arise for various reasons and in various time. One of troubles which can happen both to the adult, and to the child is organism dehydration (dehydration). And today we as it is possible we will consider this pathology concealing in itself a life-threatening problem in more detail.

What is it?

At first we will understand with the term dehydration and we will understand that such dehydration of an organism at children (and at adults) is the actually serious disease state of an organism which arose owing to a lack of the liquid necessary for usual activity of all systems and bodies.

Since the childhood we know that the person for 80% consists of water and also the fact that it is possible to live without liquid only 3-7 days (depends on circumstances) for this reason it is necessary to treat a subject of dehydration with special gravity not to allow in the future this menacing state.

Whether you know? Water – the main organic component at all living (and growing) on Earth of beings. At the elderly person the balance of liquid is equal in an organism to a half of its weight, at babies – more than 4/5. At animals and fishes the water balance is equal to three quarters (at jellyfishes in general without one percent one hundred), at plants the dispersion is from 95-96% at cucumbers and watermelons up to 76-85% at potatoes and apples.

Causes of dehydration

The strong shortage of water in a human body can occur for such reasons:

  1. The raised office of moisture through the surface of skin caused by the excessive physical tension, active sport and exhausting, because of the increased heat, weather.
  2. Thermal (including solar) blow.
  3. Food poisoning which is followed by plentiful vomiting and a diarrhea.
  4. Frequent urination.
  5. Some (including alcoholic) drinks.

Learn why it is necessary to drink a lot of water.

Types and degrees

In medicine dehydration is classified, proceeding from the nature of losses and term which passed after manifestation of the first symptomatology of an associated disease. Allocate 3 views:

  1. Hypertensive dehydration (intracellular) is the shortage of liquid in an organism proceeding with a molyalnost its (concentration) in fabrics of high degree. The reasons are in deficiency of the consumed water through all possible organic entrances (a gastrointestinal system, easy and others).
  2. Hypotonic (extracellular) – the deficiency of liquid arising because of its excess loss through kidneys and digestive tract.
  3. Isotonic dehydration – according to doctors, is the most widespread type of loss of liquid an organism through skin, a GIT, with blood, as a result of burns and also through accumulation (without participation in organic processes) in the third space (dropsy).

Dehydration degrees:

  1. Easy when the shortage of water does not exceed 2 liters or 5-6%).
  2. Average up to 4 l (from 6 to 10%).
  3. Heavy (over 5 liters or already 10% are lost).
  4. Sharp dehydration which is fraught with a lethal outcome (more than 10 liters of water).

Important! Hypotonic dehydration threatens human life as can lead to a pulmonary edema.


In time to prevent the most dangerous development of this pathology in an organism, it is necessary to consider the very first symptoms of dehydration, both at the adult, and at the child.

Learn more about advantage of water.

Easy and average

If to speak about dehydration of easy degree, then at children and adults the symptoms look thus:

Average degree:


Leaning on researches in different age groups, it is established that some symptoms of severe dehydration at children and adults can differ from each other. At the adult:

  1. Increased feeling of alarm and fear, carelessness.
  2. The speeded-up pulse, but at the same time weak.
  3. The preunconscious state which is not passing even in lying situation.
  4. Integuments can be cold and sticky or opposite, hot and very dry.
  5. Rapid breathing.
  6. Lack of urination more than 12 hours.

At the child:

Important! Unfortunately, it happens and so that liquid begins to be removed from an organism with very high speed: such state has pronounced negative symptomatology and goes hand in hand with a serious disease. In that case it is necessary to call immediately the ambulance, the account goes to such sharp period for minutes.


The help at organism dehydration directly depends on its degree and expressiveness above the described symptoms at the adult or the small child therefore treatment in house conditions should be carried out only at initial and easy stages. The main task at treatment of slight dehydration is the maximum providing the injured person with liquid, and even in this case it is necessary to adhere to some medical recommendations:

Examine the correct use of water.

If the sick person did not manage to fill an amount of water in house conditions, then treatment is already appointed by the qualified medics in the conditions of a hospital.

The purpose is restoration of the correct volume of blood and other liquids of an organism.

Further such manipulations are carried out:

Possible complications

Such dangerous state as sharp dehydration of an organism, it is capable to create to the person irreversible complications:

Whether you know? Water both helps life, and selects her: over 4/5 diseases on the planet extend by means of water therefore more than 25 million people annually perish.


It is much easier to think of the health in advance and not to forget about the preventive measures preventing water and scarce diseases than then to be treated and cope with consequences of dangerous dehydration.

For this purpose it is necessary to understand some simple rules, for example:

It is also important to remember that dehydration is not terrible to either you, or your child if you the supporter of healthy and fresh food, and you know that quality products should be bought only from the checked producers and conscientious sellers. Adhering to the above preventive actions, it is possible to avoid any unhealthy conditions of an organism with ease.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
