What is shungit and than it is useful"

What is shungit and than it is useful"

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We extract substances, usually useful to an organism, from products of plant or animal origin. Meanwhile objects of inanimate nature sometimes conceal in themselves simply amazing curative properties. Shungit — one of the brightest to that proofs.

What is it?

For those who for the first time hear this word, we will explain what shungit - it is the mineral for 99% consisting of carbon. Externally it is very similar to anthracite, however, unlike this valuable type of coal, shungit in usual conditions does not burn. For this reason this mineral long time did not find the practical application and was not considered as great value.

Around the world today only one large-scale deposit of the shungit is known. It is in Karelia (by the way, the stone is obliged by the name to the settlement of Shunga where its deposits were for the first time found). In addition, in small amounts this mineral is found also in Kazakhstan and in the North Caucasus.

Whether you know? Most of scientists attribute to a shungit organic origin, considering that it was formed of ground precipitation, deposits of plankton, seaweed and the simplest organisms which for millions of years were pressed, dehydrated and left under the earth. But this point of view is not indisputable as, according to her opponents, the breed is so ancient that in the period of the beginning of its education the life on Earth still was practically not. Some attribute to a shungit volcanic origin, and some even claim that the stone got to us from space (possibly, as a result of falling of a meteorite).

Shungit (it in Russia was called "a flaky stone") usually black, is more rare than gray or brown color. It can very easily be split into parts. To tell about what shungit does not burn, it would be wrong, just for this process special conditions are necessary. The slag which is dissolved in the course of burning envelops a stone surface, and burning without access of oxygen stops. At the same time mineral has property to inhibit oxidizing reactions thanks to what it is excellent antioxidant.

Shungit as the natural filter of water

Useful properties of a flaky stone are used by the person by means of preparation of shungitovy water.

It is known that there are several types of filters for water — mechanical, ion-exchange, biological, electric, physical and chemical. In particular, action of the last is based on the process called "sorption". Its essence consists in ability of some solid materials (adsorbents) to absorb various impurity which are in liquid. As adsorbents peat, ashes, clay, sawdust can be used, however the most popular among them is activated carbon.

Important! Shungit as adsorbent does not concede to activated carbon, and concerning some harmful compounds surpasses it ten times! This mineral is capable to purify usual tap water from various impurity hazardous to health (salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, nitrates, pesticides, acids, alcohols, phenols, pitches, acetone, humic connections, oils, gases, etc.), foreign smells and unpleasant smack almost for 95%.

After cleaning with a flaky stone, water becomes transparent and clean. It is interesting that by means of this adsorbent it is possible to filter not only drinking water. It is used also for disinfection of contents of pools in which a huge number of pathogenic bacteria, mushrooms, eggs of helminths and an other organic muck collects. With the same purpose mineral is just thrown sometimes into wells.

It is considered that shungit not just purifies water, but also structures it. Unlike "man-made" filters, natural sorption by means of a flaky stone does not bring out of water the useful minerals (salt of potassium, magnesium, calcium) which are contained in it and also allocates it with additional curative qualities.

As a result of such cleaning we receive not "dead" (as after rigid chlorination), and really vivifying and very tasty water. This effect is reached due to maintenance in a shungita of so-called fullerenes — the special molecules consisting of 60 atoms of carbon closed in one chain. The water purified by shungit possesses:

The unconditional advantage of the shungit as natural filter is also its ability long time to keep the bactericidal, adsorbing and catalytic properties.

Sushchechtvuyet is a lot of technician and ways to clean an organism, we recommend will study rules of starvation, a panchakarma, shank prakshalana.

How to distinguish the original from a fake

Externally shungit looks not too priglyadno therefore very often under the guise of valuable mineral it is possible to get a piece of ordinary coal or, it is worse than that, the cobble-stone of a suitable coloring which is picked up in the next gate.

There are several ways of authentication of a flaky stone. Everything them can be divided into two groups:

It is necessary to use both of these methods in total. So, it is necessary to buy mineral from the checked suppliers and at the price not below average (too low cost — the first sign of a fake). Compare prices, read responses, collect more information on firm with which you deal, and only after that make purchase.

Important! The seller of the shungit can be registered anywhere, but the address of the producer has to be in Karelia, in this case the probability face swindlers much less.

Strangely enough, with objective ways of quality check of the shungit the situation is much more difficult.

Natural mineral almost does not shine and has a rough surface. Owing to its high fragility it is impossible to polish it therefore the smooth and sparkling in the sun stone — it definitely does not shungit.

If to put a flaky stone in water, nothing will happen to it except that on its surface the smallest bubbles are formed. If the subject is dissolved or scattered — before you a fake.

Rather in favor of the real flaky stone greenish streaks on a cut will demonstrate though their existence and is not obligatory. Also good sign — existence at least a small amount of coal dust in packing (mineral very fragile is also easily erased).

Classical way to distinguish a fake from the true shungit is check on conductivity. We take a small bulb (9 volts), the ordinary battery and we connect them a wire. Two more conducting we connect, respectively, to a bulb and the battery, and we put the free ends to an estimated shungit. The bulb has to light up.

Important! In fact check allows to distinguish by conductivity shungit from other minerals, but does not confirm curative qualities of a stone in any way. The fact is that the high conductivity demonstrates only that the corresponding mineral contains a certain amount of carbon. However, besides carbon, shungit may contain various impurity which, having got to water, will allocate it not with useful, but harmful properties.

To find a way out, some sellers suggest "to listen" to a stone: to take over it a hand and to track the feelings, to try water in which mineral lay down, to put it "to a sore point" and to wait for effect, etc.

Perhaps, such tips will seem to someone useful, but, in our opinion, curative properties of a flaky stone cannot be shown so brightly that they could "be felt hands". Therefore it is the best of all to use all above-mentioned recommendations in total, without neglecting any of them.

How independently to make shungitovy water

It is very simple to prepare "live" water by means of the shungit. On a bottom of the glass or enameled ware (material of which capacity is made has to be neutral) carefully washed up stones of any sizes at the rate of 100 g on water liter give all the best.

In 30 minutes water will be purified, however it will receive all complex of useful properties in 72 hours.

Later the put time water needs to be merged carefully, and it is even better — to remove from a deposit, using a soft tubule. Remained at the bottom shungit and the lower water layer it is whenever possible best of all not to "disturb".

The water merged thus can be used for designated purpose, and to wash out stones and to fill in if desired with a new portion of water.

As well as how many it is possible to store water in house conditions

Shungitovy water needs to be used within three days, at the same time it has to be stored in the same ware in which prepared (best of all in glass). The cool room (the fridge it is not obligatory, it is possible to be limited to room temperature) will be suitable for storage, however nearby there should not be electric and other radiating devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc.).

Important! Shungitovy water can be boiled (for example if to use it for preparation of various dishes and hot drinks), from it it does not lose the useful properties.

Mineral is subject to reusable use, however approximately time in half a year it needs to be replaced with another, as well as ordinary filters.

Application: national recipes

Shungitovy water is rather widely used both in national, and in official medicine (mainly in sanatorium institutions). It is interesting that useful properties of liquid are shown both at internal, and at external application, besides, on its basis ointments become, and sometimes use a stone in various massage procedures.

Shungitovy water treat joints, skin and a stomach, it helps to heal wounds and to remove burns, well influences gums and is shown at diabetes.

Whether you know? Many believe that the water infused on a flaky stone neutralizes so-called geopathogenic zones — the sites filled with "evil energy" and therefore possessing not explainable science harmful effects on all live.

It is also possible to refer to unchecked properties of shungitovy water its ability to protect the person from harmful effects of electromagnetic radiations.


So, the prepared "with own hand" shungitovy water can be drunk, on it it is possible to prepare (the last, by the way, is more preferable as whatever spoke about salutary properties of purified water, in practice it usually nevertheless is advised to boil before the use, here such paradox).

And here to wash similar water absolutely safely and precisely more usefully, than what flows from a water tap. After such procedure, skin becomes fresh, soft and gentle, small wrinkles are smoothed, and eels and other similar troubles pass. For improvement of effect it is recommended not to wipe a face after washing, having allowed it to dry a natural way. By the way, besides washing, the water received after cleaning shungity can be used, having brought it to gaseous state and having breathed over such steam, as at usual inhalation.

It is not obligatory to use such procedure as treatment of cold (children, by the way, are not recommended to do inhalations in house conditions without direct medical prescription categorically, it is possible to burn a mucous membrane of airways). Just allocate free minute, boil water, let's it cool down a little and steam the person, having covered the head with a towel.

Then wipe face skin with the ice pieces prepared from the same shungitovy water and again breathe over steam. Repeat such alternation of contrasts several times, then put favourite nutritious cream on a face and have a little a rest. You will be simply struck how fresh and gentle will be your face at the minimum expenses of time and means.


As external cure on rendering the emergency help for burns, callosities, hematomas, inflammations on skin, hypostases, bruises, other injuries or pain syndromes of various nature it is possible to use cold compresses from shungitovy water.

Learn how to make a compress for a waist, a stomach, a trunk.

One of options of a compress is wetting in the water of a towel or a gauze purified by means of a flaky stone and applying to a sore point, another, more effective — use of the frozen shungitovy water (chipped or a la carte the frozen ice).

Important! For use of ice compresses it is necessary to know the basic rules of treatment by cold and heat as these procedures have the return action. For example, not cold, but heat needs to be put to a sore point: for prevention of a trauma to relax the held-down joints; at later stages of treatment of injuries (cold is put the first minutes, and the it is rather, the better), at neck injuries, especially ahead and on each side. Warmly, ice can be put to open wounds, in the presence of an infection, at diabetes, at problems with blood circulation!

For preparation of a compress, depending on its appointment, it is possible to use not only cold, but also hot shungitovy water, except cases when treatment demands dry heat.

You remember: if this is not about first-aid treatment, and the cause of the arisen pain is not clear before putting a compress to a sore point, anyway it is necessary to consult to the doctor and to establish the exact diagnosis!


Excellent means of removal of fatigue and raising of mood are shungitovy bathtubs. This pleasant procedure allows salutary liquid to contact to all surface of skin, warming an organism and saturating it with useful minerals and good power. And if to plunge into such bathtub for several seconds, then it is possible to achieve also noticeable improvement of a condition of hair.

Learn more about treatment by bathtubs and how to make a bomb for a bathtub.

Gather a hot bathtub (water temperature has to be not lower than 45 degrees as preparation of process will take some time, and water has to manage to cool down exactly so to become comfortable for a body). Put in it 0.3-0.5 kg of shungitovy stones, previously having rolled up them in a gauze, and leave a minimum on a quarter of hour. When water cools down up to the suitable temperature, take shungit and plunge into salutary liquid. Time of reception of such bathtub on average has to be 15-20 minutes, however it is always necessary to be guided on the feelings.

Important! Even not the really hot bathtub can lead to additional load of heart, besides, there are still some situations when it is necessary to treat the similar procedure with extra care (pregnancy, alcoholic or drug intoxication, etc.).

But if without fanaticism, the shungitovy bathtub is a remarkable way to recover quickly after serious physical activity or overcooling.

Massage of feet

In this case, unlike previous, shungit it is used in a "clean" look. It is necessary to tell that massage of feet, including by means of stones, is an ancient invention of Chinese. With its help in Celestial Empire treated a headache, throat diseases, sexual frustration and a set of other illnesses.

Learn in more detail what indications and subtleties stone of massage, Ayurveda, massage of a guash, visceral, Bali, Tantric, Tibetan, Spanish, can massage.

The idea is that on foot of the person there is a huge number of various nervous terminations, each of which is somehow connected with any given body or a system. Thus, massing a certain point on foot, we influence a certain body and we transmit to it the "correct" signal (installation).

We already know that about any shungit the ancient Chinese did not know, for the procedures they used other "useful" stones, in particular, marble, plaster, a jasper, volcanic basalt and … coal slate.

Today the stone therapy — very fashionable direction of nonconventional medicine, also shungit in it is used rather widely. It is considered that procedures with application of a flaky stone help "pulling" of pain and as salutary mineral has property to absorb negative energy, a disease after the similar procedure by itself recedes.

Whether you know? According to fundamentals of east medicine, some minerals bear a machismo (Yan), others — women's, the third are neutral. All opaque stones, including shungit, possess a feminine. They are most preferable to medical massage as their touch to a sore point already takes away bad energy.

For massage of feet small or average stones and also a shungitovy crumb (crushed stone) are usually used. In the first case the patient is in horizontal position, and between toes to it place hot stones.

In the second circulation on small crushed stone from the shungit is used (as option, it is possible to sit, having put legs on a stone crumb, but in this case procedure time for achievement of similar effect increases since five minutes till two o'clock).

Similar therapy normalizes arterial blood pressure, improves a dream and takes off fatigue, helps from a headache and also fills a body and soul with rest and a pacification.

Contraindications and harm

The flaky stone in itself has no and cannot have direct contraindications (though usually from the use of shungitovy water advise to refrain to the people inclined to formation of blood clots and also in the presence of tumors, heart troubles in a sharp phase and serious inflammatory process in an organism).

Nevertheless, fanatical and illiterate treatment by nonconventional methods can be hazardous to health. In particular, can lead to unpleasant consequences:

Shungit - it is surprising mineral which properties were opened by the person relatively recently. Clarification of water by means of this stone — the evidence-based fact, as for structuring and absorption negative energy, it is possible to trust or not to trust in it. It is anyway important to understand: shungitovy water can make your skin more gentle, and the general health is better, but it will not replace official medicine neither in respect of diagnostics, nor in respect of treatment. Gifts of the nature should use carefully and intelligently, only then they will go for the good!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
