Very many people like to eat mushrooms therefore they bring together them in the forest, buy in shop or in the market. However all know that it is even possible to get poisoned with edible fungi. Statistically, 4% of total number of poisonings occur at the use of this product. Let's consider what causes of such poisoning and what to undertake in similar cases.
About food poisoning
Food poisoning is meant as a sharp state which arises at the use of the low-quality or spoiled products, is shown in the form of disorder of digestion and is followed by organism intoxication symptoms.
The state can be caused by hit in an organism of pathogenic bacteria, viruses or chemical toxins.
At food poisoning in an organism pathological processes begin to develop: intestinal microflora is broken, and at a heavy course of disease dehydration symptoms appear. At hit in an organism of the toxic substances which are contained in inedible or incorrectly prepared mushrooms, the central nervous system can be affected.
Whether you know? It appears, scientists long argued on what are mushrooms: on the content of proteins they are similar to animal organisms, and on composition of fats and carbohydrates — on vegetable. Only in 1960 they were allocated to the certain kingdom.
Poisoning with mushrooms: symptoms and signs
Poisoning with mushrooms can be deadly therefore as soon as possible to give first aid, it is important to know what signs this state has.
It will be useful for you to esteem about what vegetables and fruit the most dangerous, what products kill heart and vessels as it is correct to wash them what vegetables it is more useful to eat boiled and also why fruit lead to obesity
The first signs are found in 3–4 hours after the use of a poisonous product. The state can develop promptly, being followed by such symptoms:
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- diarrhea with frequent desires (10–20 times a day);
- sharp belly-aches;
- temperature increase of a body up to 38 °C, sometimes above;
- weakness;
- dizziness, consciousness violation.
Mushrooms which were prepared with violation of technology and sanitary standards, especially house conservation can become the cause of botulism. This dangerous disease caused by hit in an organism of pathogenic bacteria. The first symptoms of a disease can be shown during the period from 12 hours to 3 days.
For treatment of diseases of digestive tract use zabrus, a spirulina, a black mountain ash, potato juice, a mushroom of a chag, propolis, a clover meadow, a hyssop medicinal, a thistle
At mushroom botulism, besides the above-stated symptomatology, can appear:
- dryness in a mouth;
- visual impairment;
- spasms;
- breath violation.
Important! At the first suspicion of botulism it is necessary to see urgently a doctor or to call the ambulance.
What to do at poisoning with mushrooms
If after consumption of mushrooms there were symptoms of frustration and intoxication, it is necessary to help as soon as possible the victim to the appeal to medical institution where adequate treatment will be appointed.
First aid at poisoning with mushrooms
At identification of symptoms of poisoning with mushrooms it is necessary to ask as soon as possible for medical care, and before arrival of physicians — to hold the emergency events:
- In the absence of vomiting it is necessary to provoke it to clean a stomach from toxic pieces of a product. For this purpose prepare warm solution of potassium permanganate of light pink color or solution of water and baking soda: 1 teaspoon of soda on 1 liter of water (temperature of 36-37 °C). In the first reception it is necessary to drink 2–5 glasses of solution, then to cause vomiting, pressing on the language basis fingers. It is necessary to wash out a stomach until the food remains cease to leave.
- After washing it is necessary to give to the victim a sorbent: Enterosgel or activated carbon, according to a dosage in the instruction. It will allow to reduce the content of toxins. It is necessary to accept a sorbent 4 times within an hour.
- Hungry diet. The first day after poisoning it is necessary to abstain from food not to provoke resumption of symptoms and reproduction of bacteria.
- Observance of the mode of drink. In order to avoid dehydration at diarrhea and vomiting it is necessary to drink a lot of water to restore balance. Water should not be cold.
- Observance of a bed rest. If feels feverish the victim, it is necessary to wrap up him properly.
Pay attention that intoxication of an organism comes from excess of lead, sulfur and also from a surplus of B6, B17 vitamin and cobalt
Treatment of severe forms of poisoning which are followed by severe intoxication and loss of liquid and also mushroom botulism are carried out only in the conditions of a hospital. Easier forms it is possible to treat under control of the attending physician at home.
As a rule, to the patient appoint the general scheme of symptomatic treatment:
- Enterosorbents for decrease in content of toxins in an organism.
- Regidron, Oralit and other medicines for recovery of electrolytic balance at dehydration.
- At the increased body temperature febrifugal medicines are appointed: Nurofen, Panadol, Paracetamol.
- In the conditions of a hospital in hard cases glucose injections and also a hemodialysis for clarification from toxic substances can be required. Usually such measures are taken at poisoning with poisonous mushrooms.
- At botulism besides a hemodialysis the introduction of anti-toxic serum is made.
Febrifugal action Pamela, honey with propolis, the kalganovy root, lemon oil, rice possess.
Rehabilitation period
This illness is followed by severe intoxication and, respectively, has negative effect on a condition of internals. After the postponed poisoning with mushrooms the important place in treatment is taken by the period of restoration of normal activity of an organism.
The period of rehabilitation can last of couple of days about one month.
- First of all close attention is paid to affected intestines. After a disease it is necessary to occupy anew him useful bacteria to normalize microflora and to restore functions. For this purpose the doctor can appoint a probiotics and prebiotics.
- The stomach assumes the very first blow therefore its walls are irritated and inflame. For reduction of discomfort and the early recovery of walls of a stomach broths of such herbs as a camomile or a calendula can be appointed.
- Recovery of water-salt balance is an important task during rehabilitation: it is necessary to drink much, and better if it is still mineral water or the special structure which is on sale in drugstore.
- The sparing diet. The angry digestive tract after intoxication cannot cope properly with rough food therefore the first weeks after a disease it is better to adhere to an easy diet without fat, sharp, fried, salty and smoked. Preference needs to be given to liquid porridges, weak broths, kissels, soups and fermented milk products.
- The person who had poisoning often tests weakness, slackness and dizziness. The day regimen has to be organized so that to provide full night sleep and reduced loadings during the day. In the first few days after poisoning it is necessary to observe a bed rest.
Important! At serious food poisoning of any origin the liver as it assumes the main blow on removal of toxins often suffers. At treatment surely appoint gepatoprotektor for cell regeneration of body.
How to secure itself against poisoning with mushrooms: preventive methods
The best ways of protection against mushroom poisoning are prevention, respect for hygiene and care:
- if you do not understand grades of mushrooms, do not bring together them independently and do not buy them from individuals in unchecked places;
- avoid collecting a product near highways, railway tracks and in the polluted areas;
- pick only mature mushrooms — young people it is possible to confuse on appearance with poisonous fellows;
Read also what mushrooms grow in September, October and November, March, April and May
- the picked mushrooms need careful to be washed out in flowing water and to subject to full heat treatment;
- the first broth when cooking a product needs to be merged;
- at preservation of mushrooms choose recipes with obligatory sterilization of a product, carefully wash and sterilize the dishes intended for preservation;
- if on house preparation the cover was blown up or there was an unpleasant smell, do not eat it.
Whether you know? Mushrooms are capable to synthesize independently vitamin D, being in the sun. As a result of it the intensity of coloring of a hat can change.
So, we considered features and the causes of poisoning with mushrooms, learned what symptoms of a disease. It is important to remember that observance of rules of hygiene, reasonable approach to the choice of a product and timely first-aid treatment in case of symptoms of poisoning will significantly reduce risk of emergence of similar troubles.