What vitamins it is better for children to accept for immunity

What vitamins it is better for children to accept for immunity

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Children, but as for their immunity know about importance of protective functions of an organism, probably, even, this question concerns parents more. Frequent diseases of the kid and sleepless nights near it set thinking: why so occurs also what with it to do? On these questions we now will also try to find the answer.

Under the standard concept immunity the natural ability of an organism to resist to the virus and infectious attacks which trap the person nearly continually disappears. Formation of this immunity — not fast process therefore there is nothing surprising that the small child is more subject to various illnesses, than the adult and completely created person. It is possible to carry the following factors to the main reasons for decrease in natural protection of an organism of children:

Besides, do not forget that any problem it is easier to warn, so, it is worth being engaged in strengthening of immunity even then, when there is no strong indications of its decrease, especially, if in life of the child one of the listed factors took place at least.

Whether you know? The immunity directly depends on that how many we sleep. At a lack of a dream, process of cell fission of immune protection slows down, and the system begins to collapse, doing an organism vulnerable to various illnesses.

Failures in work of the immune system are noticeable practically at once, and responsible parents will surely pay attention to the following signs of an immunodeficiency:

Today many parents face a problem of frequent diseases at the children. Examine how to strengthen immunity why children are ill and how to make that the child was ill less.

All specified symptoms very seldom are shown independently and, most often, they unite with each other. Therefore if you noticed such combination or just were tired to struggle with constant diseases, then it is worth visiting the immunologist and together with it to develop the scheme of elimination of a problem.

Vitamins B our organism are simply irreplaceable for its normal working capacity and if it is about children, then importance of these elements increases many times. Vitamin A, the making groups B and also C, E, D and others, undoubtedly, influence growth and development of all bodies and the systems of the growing kid and to be convinced of it, rather attentively to understand purpose of each of them.

Whether you know? The concept vitamins arose in 1912 when the Polish scientist Kazimir Funk called them витамайн (Vitamine is life amines). A bit later, in 1920 Jack Drummond suggested to remove the letter e as the vitamin C which is already discovered at that time did not contain an amine component from the name.

The oil-soluble vitamin capable to be acquired only together with food at which there is a high content of fat. As well as other components of fat-soluble group, it can collect in an organism, so, it is necessary to be sure of its shortcoming for 100% that additional application not to cause overdose.

It is difficult to overestimate value of vitamin A in a children's organism, it is considered growth vitamin which plays not the last role in creation of bone and muscle tissue, tooth enamel. Its enough guarantees good sight and perception of light, but strengthening of the immune system and protection against flu, catarrhal, viral infections, illnesses of a system of digestion and urinary channels was and remains one of the most important arguments in protection of vitamin A for many parents.

Distinguish from other merits of Retinolum:

At the shortage of vitamin A in an organism of the child the deterioration in sight, the slowed-down growth, increase in susceptibility to pain and temperature, frequent infections of airways, dryness mucous an eye, disorder of digestive system, anemia, insomnia is observed.

As the main sources of so important component yellow and green vegetables, bean, watermelon, grapes, a dogrose, a sea-buckthorn, sweet cherry and herbs act (for example, a lucerne, parsley, mint, a sorrel and some other). Among animal products it is worth paying attention to beef liver, cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream, an egg yolk and butter as at them there is a large amount of Retinolum.

Important! With extra care it should be used to children with frequent allergic manifestations.

Thiamine is well dissolved in water and easily collapses at thermal influence. In a children's organism carry to its main functions:

Thiamine will be especially useful to those children whose main diet consists of boiled dishes and the refined flour or grain products, during the recovery period after the postponed diseases or during treatment of an illness. In addition, there is also a number of the symptoms testifying to need of replenishment of reserves of B1 vitamin. Refer disorder of work of nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems which often is expressed in irritability, capriciousness, problems with a dream, a loss of appetite, locks, anorexia, appearance of short wind, and even at insignificant loadings to them.

Vitamins are substances which are necessary for an organism for normal activity. Consider in more detail about advantage of vitamins A, B, C, D, PP, E, N, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, F, U, P, T, K, F, N.

To normalize a condition of the child, it is possible to include in his menu bakery products of a rough grinding, peas, an asparagus, broccoli, raisin, prunes, hips, a wild strawberry, blackcurrant and other seasonal berries. It is necessary to distinguish meat of cattle, a liver, fish and egg yolks from sources of thiamine of animal origin, however at the serious shortage of vitamin one normalization of a diet you will not help business, and the kid should accept special vitamin supplements.

Riboflavinum is badly dissolved in water and alcohol, but completely collapses on bright light. As well as in a case with the previous vitamins, it is difficult to underestimate its role in a children's organism, it differs in high activity in exchange processes, transforming fats, proteins and carbohydrates to net energy. In addition he acts as one of producers of erythrocytes and provides growth of a bone tissue. Distinguish from the main symptoms of deficiency of Riboflavinum:

Suppliers of B2 vitamin are sheet vegetables, grain (in particular buckwheat and oat), peas, bread, grain crops, meat, a beef liver and kidneys, cheese, milk, egg white, the pressed cottage cheese.

Pantothenic acid starts a number of oxidation-reduction processes for full power exchange. Distinguish creation of antibodies, participation in digestion of other vitamins, successful opposition to such illnesses from other abilities of B5 vitamin as colitis, arthritis, cardiac illnesses and allergies.

Important! During heat treatment of products with pantothenic acid in structure about 50% of this vitamin are lost.

The main food at which there is this useful component are peas, yeast, grain (mainly buckwheat and oat), a cauliflower and sheet vegetables. Also food of animal origin in the form of meat, a liver, an egg yolk, milk and fish roe will be healthy.

The deficiency of B5 vitamin, most often, is a consequence of the insufficient use of the products containing proteins, fats, vitamin C and the making groups B though you should not exclude a possibility of development of some diseases, for example, of a small intestine. The lack of pantothenic acid is expressed in chronic fatigue, depressions, insomnia, pain in muscles, burning and pricking of fingers standing. Discovery of an ulcer of a duodenum, nausea and a headache are not excluded reddening of skin on feet.

The pyridoxine is directly involved in normal activity of nervous system, production of protein, hemoglobin and enzymes. He is also capable to reduce the level of cholesterol and lipids in blood. At children's age B6 vitamin is irreplaceable at vigorous physical activity of the kid, enuresis and autism though it is quite often appointed also at epilepsy. It is also worth paying attention to a possibility of application as a part of complex therapy at treatment of shingles, dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis and some other problems of dermatological character.

The main signs of deficiency of a pyridoxine are in many respects similar to symptoms of shortage of vitamins, other, not less useful to an organism. First of all, it is block, sleep disorder and anemia though you should not forget also about such specific manifestations as dispepsichesky frustration, stomatitis, glossit also dermatitis of the person which can be also shown in the absence of enough B6 vitamin.

For completion of the lost quantity of a pyridoxine it is necessary to stock up with buckwheat and wheat grain, sheet vegetables, yeast, bean, with carrot, bananas, walnuts and treacle. Besides, there is a lot of it in potatoes, soy, corn, fish, oysters, cod liver and a large livestock.

Together with some other vitamins, B9 participates in various exchange processes, functioning of the haematogenic bodies, activity of intestines and a liver, maintenance of immunity. In combination with B12 vitamin, it helps to struggle with a disease of an acne which is especially relevant for teenagers.

Important! Long intake of B9 vitamin, especially in large numbers, can lead to decrease in level of B12 vitamin.

Doctors can appoint additional reception of this component at enteritis, illnesses of the haematogenic bodies, intoxication, problems with a liver and psoriasis though not less useful it will be at the increased uneasiness and excitability.

The following signs act as deficiency symptoms of vitamin:

It is possible to fill up B9 stocks by constant consumption of carrots, sheet vegetables, cereal cultures, grain (in particular oat and buckwheat), bananas, nuts, a melon, root crops and mushrooms. Among animal raw materials special attention should be paid to beef meat, mutton, chicken meat and dairy products.

Belongs to group of water-soluble elements and it is inclined to accumulation in an organism, remaining rather stable at influence of light and high temperatures. In terms of physiological processes, cyanocobalamine is irreplaceable at hydrogen transfer, plays not the last role in regulation of activity of bodies of blood formation and increases protective functions of a children's organism. The optimum quantity of B12 in a human body prevents development of depressions and problems with thinking in addition to what helps to cope with insomnia and normalizes reduced pressure. Intake of the specified vitamin will also not be superfluous at fight against asthma and urticaria.

It is known that his health directly depends on immunity of the child. To strengthen immunity it is possible to accept in different ways, for example, vitamins, to become tempered, work out and feel joy.

The deficiency of cyanocobalamine, first of all, causes problems in nervous system and activity of a brain, and the regular use of a sea cabbage, soy (and products from it), fowl, milk, eggs, a herring and a mackerel will help to prevent all consequences connected with it.

Niatsin is responsible for regulation of oxidation-reduction activity in an organism, at the same time acting as good means for normalization of level of cholesterol. Sometimes B3 vitamin is prescribed for the purpose of treatment or prevention of a pellagra, diseases of bodies of a GIT, a liver (especially at cirrhoses and hepatitis), kidneys and also some infectious illnesses. The main symptoms of a lack of nicotinic acid are expressed in frequent headaches, problems with a stomach, leg pains, decrease in level of sugar in blood, dizziness and a diarrhea. Besides, many children test muscle weakness and quickly are tired, and in certain cases on a body even cracks and inflammatory processes can appear.

Not to allow manifestations of a severe form of deficiency, already at initial stages it is necessary to take certain measures if not medicamentous then food. It is useful to add a diet of the child with such components as yeast, peanut, tomatoes, potatoes, parsley, beef liver, fish, cheese and carrot. The kid can also make tea from crimson leaves, a peppermint or dogrose.

Ascorbic acid by right can be considered the most recognizable vitamin, many parents connect immune protection of a children's organism with it. Actually he has also essential antioxidant properties, takes part in synthesis of steroid hormones and controls processes of blood clotting, though it is still not the complete list of all merits. Also such functions of vitamin as increase in comprehensibility of calcium and iron and also a conclusion from an organism of toxic elements are not less useful: copper, lead and mercury.

Important! The standard daily rate of ascorbic acid should be divided into several parts as the organism very quickly spends this vitamin. The quantity is not recommended and to reduce or increase sharply though even at the increased values it well is acquired.

As for manifestations of deficiency of ascorbic acid, first of all, it is possible to refer increase in frequency and weight of course of catarrhal diseases and illnesses of a GIT, emergence of bleeding of gums, ease of formation of bruises, loss of hair, dryness of skin to them. At the same time the child can look pale and tired, feeling joint pains and suffering from depressions.

Rich sources of useful vitamin C is all citrus (especially lemons and oranges), blackcurrant, a wild strawberry, persimmon, a sea-buckthorn, a peppermint, fennel, hips, peaches, apples and apricots. It can also be received together with cabbage, paprika, pork and chicken liver, kidneys and adrenal glands.

This vitamin is produced in a human body thanks to active influence of ultraviolet though can arrive also together with some types of food (for example, parsley, an egg yolk, dairy products, cod-liver oil and caviar).

The main function of a calciferol is in ensuring normal development of a bone tissue, prevention of rickets and osteoporosis that it is especially important at children's age. Vitamin D also promotes absorption of phosphates, calcium and magnesium from intestines, prevents development of dermatological problems, cardiac illnesses and oncology. Coming to a children's organism, he provides normal functioning of a thyroid gland, participates in processes of blood clotting and regulates arterial blood pressure.

It is possible to assume a possibility of serious deficiency of a calciferol on development of rickets and softening of bones, and in easier forms its shortcoming is shown in loss of appetite, weight reduction, feeling of burning in a mouth, appearance of insomnia and decrease in visual acuity.

Important! The main quantity of a calciferol is developed in an organism under the influence of sunlight therefore completely to compensate it nekhvatkulit some food it will not turn out.

As well as all previous vitamins, tocopherol plays a part in functioning of our organism. He improves transportation of blood between bodies and fabrics, promotes regenerative processes, reduces pressure, prevents development of a cataract and spasms, prevents development of anemia. Nevertheless, you should not lay great hopes on it too as the specified substance can be used only in the preventive purposes and will not help to cope with already available problem if it is about serious illnesses.

Main symptoms of deficiency of vitamin E: dystrophy of muscle tissues, liver necrosis, violation of warm activity and to normalize tocopherol level in an organism, it is necessary to increase amount of the used oil (vegetable), apples (together with sunflower seeds), nuts, bean and cereals, soy, porridge, dairy products and a liver of cattle.

If you want the organism of your child correctly to function, read as avitaminosis is shown and what to do at a lack of vitamins.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
