Whether your organism has enough cobalt: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

Whether your organism has enough cobalt: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

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For certain each of us owns enough information on advantage and importance for a human body of such substances as minerals. But very few people thought of what role among them is played by compounds of cobalt, and this chemical element takes part in many processes of activity. However most of people neglects importance of this substance for our health. Therefore today we will find out what represents this microcell and also we will define the main dangers caused by its shortcoming or a surplus of bodies and tissues of the person.

Description and characteristic

Co represents the chemical element which is in Mendeleyev's table at number 27. This simple connection from group of metals which has silver-white color with a subtle shade of yellow; besides this metal differs in a pink or blue outflow. Main chemical and physical properties of this metal in pure form:

Whether you know? Kobaltsoderzhashchy substances are known to mankind not one century. In Ancient Egypt with its help made glass products and enamels with a characteristic blue shade which is a consequence of interaction of metal with other connections.

The amount of cobalt of rather other chemical elements is not high and is about 0.004% of total number of connections known to mankind. Mainly this metal is in composition of such minerals as karolit, linnaeite, kobaltit, sferokobaltit, smaltine, skuterrudit, etc. And in earth crust iron, nickel, manganese, copper and chrome are considered as its traditional satellites.

It gets into a human body generally with B12 group vitamins, so-called kobalamina and other organic compounds. Concentration of molecules of metal in various departments of an organism is not uniform. Its greatest number contains in blood (about 60 mg), a spleen (3.5 mg), muscles and a liver (on 2.5 mg respectively). Also metal in hair, bones and fatty tissue meets.

The pioneer of this microcell the Swedish scientist George Brandt officially is considered. In 1735 he managed from plain ore to emit metal unknown hitherto. A little later the scientist found out that by means of cobalt already throughout several centuries it is possible to make glass and other products with a unique blue shade. Though earlier was considered that all way of production of materials and products on the basis of kobaltsoderzhashchy ore is mystical and mysterious process.

Whether you know? Cobalt received the name in honor of the Norwegian mountain spirit of Kobold as was considered that this mythical being is a keeper of cobalt minerals and the cause of poisoning of founders when roasting ore.

Functions and role in an organism

The cobalt role in activity of the person is quite big. As it was mentioned above, this microcell is a part of vitamins of B12 group which play the major role in the metabolism and processes connected with natural synthesis of blood, enzymatic reactions, activity of nervous system and functioning of a liver. Let's consider them in more detail.

So, cobalt plays the following role in a human body:

Learn what role in a human body is carried out by magnesium, chlorine, germany, rubidium, sulfur, iodine, silicon and what products are rich with these elements.

Besides, according to the last researches, this microcell is capable:

What contains cobalt: products sources

It is no secret that cobalt belongs to substances which are not synthesized in the natural way. Generally this chemical element gets to an organism in the look connected by organic compounds. Often them are foodstuff of plant or animal origin which meets in a daily diet. Let's consider them in more detail.


The greatest number of cobalt in vegetable food contains in bean and grain crops: first of all it is semolina, wheat, rice, gerkulesovy and yachnevy grain and also peas.

Vegetables and greens are rich with this substance therefore can be a source of cobalt: beet, garden radish, cabbage, potatoes, garlic, salad, carrots, green onions, spinach, corn, parsley, cucumbers.

Organic compounds of this microcell occur among fruit in apricots, grapes, pear, a wild strawberry, a cranberry, blackcurrant. Besides, it is worth not to forgetting also about white bread which is also a quite good source of day norm of cobalt.

Important! With food only 20% of the lump of compounds of cobalt are acquired, it surely should be considered when developing a dietary diet special, rich with a microcell.


The richest with cobalt connections food of animal origin is considered. This results from the fact that this metal has high ability to collect in bodies and fabrics in forms, inaccessible for assimilation.

Its greatest number contains in beef and pork liver and also in chicken hearts. These products are also recommended by many nutritionists at deficiency of metal. Also there is a lot of cobalt and in a veal offal (heart, lungs, a liver), meat of a rabbit, pork, a turkey and mutton.

It is a lot of cobalt and in dairy products: kefir, sour cream, curdled milk, yogurts, cheese

Also, kolbit contains in various sea delicacies: squids, meat and cod liver, jack mackerel, mussels, herring, octopuses.

Daily requirement and norms

Today the uniform figure of rather daily needs of the person for this microcell does not exist. However researches of many authors demonstrate that for maintenance of metabolism and healthy activity of bodies and systems, the adult needs to use daily about 100 mkg of pure cobalt with food. At the same time it is important to remember that this metal in high concentrations can make the oppressing impact on human health.

In that case everyone should control carefully quality and quantity of the diet as the use more than 350 mkg of this microcell on 1 kg of weight harmful affects the general state of health.

Important! Often a natural source of cobalt for many is usual drinking water therefore if in your region the content of salts of cobalt in water — about 0.01 mg/l or above, from a diet it is necessary to withdraw everything products rich with a microcell. Otherwise in an organism its dangerous concentration can collect.

Deficiency and surplus: reasons and symptoms

As well as any other substance, cobalt has the extreme concentration providing healthy functioning of a metabolism and also full activity of many bodies. However there are cases when for some reason processes of exchange of a microcell between an organism and the environment are broken. Many are in that case possible, both sharp, and chronic pathologies of the general health.


The deficiency of cobalt is one of the most widespread violations. In most cases the insufficient number of the use of a microcell with food is the main reason of this pathology. But it does not treat the widespread phenomena as in order that the acute shortage of cobalt in an organism developed, it is necessary to use it with food less than 10 mkg/days throughout quite long time.

Besides, the deficiency of this substance can be caused: gastritises of atrophic character, stomach surgery, stomach ulcers of intestines and also at smokers and elderly people.

In that case there is an acute shortage of a microcell which main symptoms are:

If you want your organism correctly to function, read as avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis and gipervitaminoz is shown

Overdose and harm

The surplus of cobalt belongs to the most rare pathologies and in most cases arises at overdoses by active kobaltsoderzhashchy medicines. It is resulted by sharp conditions of intoxication of bodies and systems which main symptoms are:

It is important! If in case of special dietary food or application of means with the increased cobalt content you had at least one of above-mentioned symptoms, it is necessary to address as soon as possible physicians, otherwise at you severe intoxication of an organism can develop.

Interaction with other substances

In most cases cobalt in the maximum allowed doses described above favorably interacts with all substances and organic compounds of a human body. However in complex interaction with some substances this metal is capable to increase the positive effect on the general course of some physiological processes.

It is about the complex use of this microcell with group of B9, B5 and C vitamins — in the general therapeutic practice it is actively used for normalization of exchange processes and also slowing down of exchange of iodine.

Read also what vitamins are useful to women, men and children; for patients with diabetes; are necessary for cheerfulness and energy, memory and work of a brain; for appearance nails and health of nervous system, joints and ligaments, liver, heart and vessels.

Thus, cobalt and its connections belong to important substances which are capable to accelerate exchange processes in an organism and also at the correct therapy can eliminate a set of various pathologies of bodies and systems. For this reason you should not neglect products with the high content of this microcell, otherwise in an organism serious violations and failures which will begin to overcome with a difficult task, even for experienced physicians can develop.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
