"Whether your organism has enough tin: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

"Whether your organism has enough tin: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

Health Hits: 146

Tin in small quantities contains in an organism of each person, however not all know about influence of this element on people. In our article we will tell about functions which are performed by this microcell, about consequences of its shortcoming and a surplus for our health.

Description and characteristic

Sn is light metal of silvery color with slightly bluish shade. This microcell influences growth and the correct formation of a bone tissue and also influences activity of some enzymes.

This metal was known to people several millennia ago — it was used for receiving alloys, for production of various objects of use. Its use was purely necessary to do ware and jewelry.

Now pure tin or its alloys use in various fields of activity. With its help corrosion-proof coverings are created, electronics is manufactured. This element is necessary for white tin which is used for production of cans.

Whether you know? Tin is applied to production of musical instruments: bells and bodies.

It is used for the alloys with titanium and zirconium applied to construction of jet planes and rockets. Alloy of this metal with lead and antimony is necessary for production of a typographical font, thanks to durability of tin and resistance to fatigue one set it is possible to use a long time.

Functions and role in an organism

Concentration of this element at the person occurs in a bone tissue, heart, lungs, a small intestine and kidneys. This microcell is brought out of an organism with urine and bile.

Its role on the processes happening in an organism is not studied in full, but it is already clear that this microcell:

What contains tin: products sources

The main source of hit of tin in an organism — food. The largest content of a microcell in fats, but the person receives it also from packing of products among which the main sources are the foil and cans. It reacts with food owing to what its concentration increases.

We recommend to esteem in what products contain and than are useful to a human body such micro and macrocells as magnesium, zinc, selenium, silicon, potassium, a pine forest, cobalt, germany, rubidium, chlorine, bromine, iodine and silicon.

At storage of products in cans every month the amount of the tin which is contained in them increases by 2 mg. The opened jar with canned food transfers a microcell to the products which are contained in it even more promptly: in several days the quantity of this microcell increases by 5-6 times.

Important! When opening cans, contents need to be shifted in capacity from glass and to place in the fridge. It will save you from the use of excessive tin.

Also this element gets to an organism when toothbrushing by the paste containing fluorine. A large number of this element contains in sunflower seeds of a sunflower and nuts, in small quantities it is in dairy products and is practically absent in cheeses.

It is possible to distinguish from the products containing tin:

Product (100 g)

Maintenance of Sn (mkg)

Cod liver








Barley grains


Wheat groats




Wheaten flakes






Oat grains




Green peas




Baked milk




Daily requirement and norms

Norm in day for the adult 2-10 mg of tin are considered, a toxic dose are 20 mg. Every day 50 mg of this element come to an organism with food on average, but only 5% of this quantity are acquired, the rest is removed in the natural way with urine.

Whether you know? Plants can absorb tin from air. Consumption of the berries growing near the road can exceed the maintenance of this microcell, admissible for an organism, by 20 times.

Deficiency and surplus: reasons and symptoms

The shortcoming and surplus of this microcell can do to human health harm therefore it is necessary to monitor its presence at an organism. It has to contain only in necessary quantities.

For certain will interestingly read you about advantage of minerals for a human body.


Generally this element comes to an organism with food therefore its shortcoming meets at the person extremely seldom. However, if it does not come to an organism in sufficient volume, it is fraught with certain complications.

Signs of a lack of this microcell are:


This microcell is not especially toxic, but nevertheless at its surplus in an organism of people can have unpleasant feelings. In this case tin will collect in muscles, bones, a liver and kidneys.

The main symptoms of excess quantity of this element are:

At women more expressed sensitivity to a surplus of this element, than at men is observed. The excess amount of tin can destroy nervous cages owing to what at women the depression can develop. Getting in large numbers to an organism, this element can cause food poisonings.

Important! At the use of juice in cans it is necessary to check the term of its production carefully. The walls of a container collapsing over time and the nitrates which are contained in drink can be pernicious for an organism.

At arrangement of houses near the carriageway (not further than on 500 meters) there is an accumulation in them excess amount of tin in the form of dust and vapors. At the same time at the person malignant tumors can develop, in particular at the weakened immunity.

Inhabitants of such houses have to use more magnesium which is responsible for prevention of division and development of cancer cells in a diet. With age the activity of removal of this element from an organism decreases therefore at people of old age it collects, provoking diseases of lungs and reducing years of life.

At the chronic nature of poisoning with tin, for its treatment use diets and also means protecting a liver and medicines with high content of copper and zinc. At especially serious poisoning to the person enter substances which have properties of neutralization in an organism of various metals.

Interaction with other substances

The tin which is a part of fatty acids has positive impact on an organism while stay in mineral connections influences it negatively.

At tin the special activity at chemical reactions is not shown therefore from this point of view the element does not do special harm or advantage. The only interaction known now — the reaction of this element with zinc interfering their assimilation. Copper and zinc render the same neutralized action on tin.

Thus, tin brings essential benefit for an organism; the main thing is not to allow both its surplus, and a shortcoming. Knowing quantity of this microcell in food and also features of its receipt in an organism, it is possible to control its quantity that impact was exclusively positive.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
