Women's vitamins for skin, hair and nails

Women's vitamins for skin, hair and nails

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The vitamins and minerals which are present at a human body not only maintain his health, but also help to keep beauty that is especially important for women. In this article we will pay attention to the most known components of beauty, we learn about their influence on a condition of nails, hair and skin, we will define possible symptoms of deficiency and sources with the largest content of useful substances.

Vitamins for beauty and health of hair, nails and skin

Among a set of the vitamins taking the significant place in a human body only some have direct impact on a condition of integuments, hair and nails. About them the speech will also go further.

Vitamin E

This antioxidant (called also tocopherol) — the active fighter against natural processes of aging and malignant new growths in a female body. It supports normal functioning of female gonads by increase in amount of estrogen. A lack of vitamin E, so, and the deficiency of female sex hormones, is led to loss of a habitual hair shine, coarsening of an integument and even increase in vegetation on some parts of the body.

Learn what possibilities of vitamin E, what role it plays when planning conception and pregnancy and also what features of use of vitamin E of dl of the face and hair and how to define a surplus in a vitamin E organism.

For maintenance of optimum amount of vitamin E, first of all, it is necessary to include the following products in the diet:

Also considerable content of tocopherol is noted also in spinach, peas, siliculose haricot, and apples, peaches, fruits of a kiwi and mango are distinguished from fruit in this plan. It is remarkable that less often than other people vegetarians suffer from deficiency of vitamin E.

Important! For enrichment of the organism with missing vitamins it is not obligatory to use them together with food. Many vegetables and fruit can serve as excellent ingredients for preparation of nutritious face packs and body creams.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is considered not for nothing guarantee of beauty and health, it not only by powerful antioxidant, but also the regulator of synthesis and splitting of melanin. The shortage of this component leads to emergence of a large number of pigmentary spots, birthmarks and freckles, and the integument can become flabby and dim (manifestation of the vascular drawing on a face is not excluded).

The real well of vitamin C are blackcurrant, red sweet pepper (but only fresh), a dry dogrose and a sea-buckthorn. It is slightly less than antiscorbutic vitamin in apples, green parsley and broccoli.

Vitamin A

Retinolum (second name of the specified vitamin) protects mucous membranes and an integument of the person from negative external factors, supporting their natural state.

Certainly, at reduced quantity of this component, it is impossible to exclude drying and peeling of skin which will be exposed to more and more various inflammatory processes (emergence of cracks on the feet and palms doing skin pergament is often connected with deficiency of vitamin A).

To avoid not palatable consequences of lack of vitamin A, it is desirable to include in the diet apricots, carrots, pumpkin, fish, and butter and if the vitamin deficiency is already diagnosed, then it is better to stock up with cod-liver oil, a liver of a turkey and also sweet paprika if the season allows to receive a natural product. In this food the greatest reserves of such Retinolum, important for an organism, are hidden.

Vitamin H

Biotin (one more name of this component) — an important component at maintenance of health of an integument and mucous membranes. As well as in a case with vitamin A, at its reduced quantity, problems with skin which can be expressed in development of seboreyny dermatitis, loss of hair, inflammation, pallor of a body and a face are observed.

Besides, at the shortage of vitamin H the inflammation of language, dryness of an integument, loss of appetite and anemia is possible.

It is possible to fill biotin reserves in an organism by means of peanut, green beans, dry peas (both yellow, and green), champignons, cabbage and spinach. A small amount of this important element also contains in a melon, oranges, peaches, corn, apples, a wild strawberry.

Vitamin D

We got used to consider that this vitamin is more necessary to children, than adults, but actually it in both cases plays a considerable role in normal functioning of an organism and good health. So, exactly the hardness of our bones, beauty of nails and hair depends on it, and in addition it also is directly involved in strengthening of immunity and can help to lose excess weight. At deficiency of vitamin D not only bones will weaken, but also the appearance of skin which will become more dim and not such elastic will worsen.

Not to allow it, it is important to spend more time in the sun and also to include in the habitual menu butter, cheese, milk, beef liver, fat fish and an egg yolk though at the serious shortage of solar vitamin one food will not possible to fill loss.

Important! Vitamin D can be bought in capsules, and adults are recommended to accept on 600 ME daily, and to people 70 years are more senior — on 800 ME. At serious deficiency the doctor can appoint and 4000 ME, and put here not only in beauty.

Group B vitamins

All vitamins of this group anyway affect our appearance, at their shortcoming signs of fatigue are shown (bags under eyes and puffiness of the person) and also there is a drowsiness, nervous breakdowns and depressions are observed that not in the best way affects appearance. Quite often the deficiency is expressed in reddening of eyes, their burning, a hair loss and failures in work of a reproductive system, and more exact consequences of deficiency of vitamins need to be considered in terms of a concrete look.

So, Riboflavinum (B2) takes part in exchange processes and cellular respiration therefore at decrease in its concentration the development of dermatitis and emergence of cracks on lips is possible. Biotin (B7) is responsible for regenerative processes in cells of skin, hair and nails therefore it is no wonder that its shortage leads to peeling of an integument, its pallor and bad restoration after the received mechanical injuries.

It is possible to fill up the stocks with group B vitamins by the regular use of the following products:

Certainly, not all types of vitamin B will be most concentrated in one product, but the various balanced food precisely will help to exclude any shortage.

Learn what vitamins are useful to an immunity raising to adults, to heart and vessels and what role for a human body is played by oil-soluble vitamins.

PP vitamin

Nicotinic acid (same RR vitamin) is directly involved in production of enzymes which regulate cellular respiration of skin. At decrease in its concentration the pobledneniye of integuments, dryness of lips and their cyanosis is observed. However, if you regularly consume some products, then and chances to face such problem will be minimum.

Carry beef liver, dairy products to the most popular sources of RR vitamin (in particular cheese, milk), light meat and eggs and also potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, beans, dates and peanut. Slightly less it contains in a dogrose, a camomile, a peppermint, parsley, a sorrel.

Whether you know? In Ancient China length of nails indicated communication with divine forces therefore any person who was able to afford not to be engaged in manual work tried to grow nails more long.

Minerals for skin, hair and nails

Not less important factor for appearance the hair, nails and skin is enough minerals among which a specific place is held by calcium, copper, selenium, sulfur, magnesium, zinc and manganese.


The macrocell is responsible for normal permeability of cellular membranes and consolidation of a bone tissue, however if the last does not manage to be found with the naked eye, then violation of impact on cages of an organism will be noticeable externally. So, the shortage of calcium is expressed in dryness and loss of elasticity of an integument, thinning and fragility of hair, stratification of nail plates.

For maintenance of calcic balance necessary for an organism it is desirable to consume daily dairy and fermented milk products (most known source of mineral), green sheet vegetables, a dogrose, nuts, seeds and beans.

Learn how to protect hair from the sun how to struggle with a hair loss and whether massage of places of a hair loss how to treat the injured hair and what products is effective it is necessary to use for appearance a hair.


This element provides cells of epidermis with energy necessary for them, thereby guaranteeing full proteinaceous, carbohydrate and fat exchange, collagen synthesis. The shortage of magnesium will surely provoke appearance of wrinkles, increase in puffiness, change of normal complexion and stratification of nail plates.

It is possible to notice its deficiency and on appearance of hair: they become more dim and more slowly grow.

Ideal sources of magnesium for the person are pumpkin and sunflower sunflower seeds, seeds of sesame, avocado, bananas, dried apricots, mango, prunes, practically all green sheet vegetables.


One of the main objectives of manganese is fight against free radicals, maintenance of normal structure of cell membranes, control of full muscular activity and development of bone and muscle tissue. Certainly, at its shortage both the hair, and nails will slow down the growth, and on skin the unpleasant rash and pigmentary spots can develop.

The greatest number of manganese is concentrated in such products as meat (any kind, except pork), a meat offal (kidneys), fish, seafood, cheese. Among sources of plant origin it is worth paying attention to olive oil, grapes, cabbage, radish, fennel, parsley, haricot, grain (in particular wheat, buckwheat, rice), honey, cocoa, nuts.

Read also what role manganese in an organism


Enough copper in an organism prevents collagen destruction as it is an active component superoxide dismutases (is directly involved in production of this substance). The first symptom of shortage of this mineral — early emergence of a gray hair, in addition, significantly increases the probability of allergodermatoz, vitiligo (extensive pigmentary spots on all body).

Leading products on the content of copper are beef liver and a liver of poultry, peanut, shrimps, fat grades of a salmon, beer yeast, buckwheat cereal, beans and crude potatoes (after heat treatment of copper in it practically does not remain).

Whether you know? In Latin copper is designated as Cuprum — from the name of the island of Cyprus where it was got in the 3rd century BC.


Selenium is included into the list of minerals-antioxidants which protect cellular membranes from damage by free radicals. The deficiency of mineral threatens with appearance of pimples on the face and a back, development of a focal hair loss, diseases of nails (at least they will lose the hardness and will begin to exfoliate).

One of the richest sources of selenium are quite exotic products: meat of shrimps, octopus, squid, lobster and spiny lobster. However even in our corner of the world there is a good alternative to them which will be able to fill up its stocks, let and for a bigger period. For this purpose it is useful to use cepes and oyster mushrooms, the crude cereals, corn flakes, bran, peanut, almonds, a liver of a turkey.

Learn why the organism needs selenium and as it influences the woman's organism


At our skin, hair and nails there is a large amount of the amino acids containing sulfur. For example, in a large number this mineral can be found in melanin which protects an integument from negative impact of ultraviolet rays. Its deficiency sometimes becomes the main reason for flabbiness of an integument, appearance of a rash, itch and reddening. At the same time quickly nails exfoliate and break, and hair lose the natural gloss, can become fatter, and sometimes drop out the whole bunches.

It is necessary to distinguish chicken, pork and rabbit meat and also chicken meat, goat's meat and the majority of species of fish from sulfur-containing products. In the field of dairy products in this direction milk, cottage cheese and sour cream are most of all appreciated, among fruit with sulfur bananas, pineapples and watermelon are rich. Also at deficiency of this mineral it is useful to use almonds, cashew, cocoes and walnuts.

In cosmetology often also use oil such plants as rosemary, a sea-buckthorn, unab, hemp, a sandalwood, a linden and also a peach, jojoba, walnut, orange and a lemon.


Zinc is directly involved in growth and cell fission (it is very important for regeneration) and also in all types of power exchange and even is a genetic component of a cage. The deficiency of zinc in terms of deterioration in appearance is shown in strips on a nail plate and a hair loss and also can be characterized by formation of the centers of seboreyny dermatitis on skin and increase in its dryness.

If for recovery of normal balance of this mineral there is no wish to accept synthetic vitamin complexes, then it is possible to pay attention not separate food. Carry chicken meat to leaders in the content of zinc (especially an offal in the form of hearts), a mutton liver, oysters, beef tongue, wheat bran, pine nuts, poppy, sesame, yeast.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
