What is a musculoskeletal system: how to keep health of bones and joints

What is a musculoskeletal system: how to keep health of bones and joints

Statistically, every 100-th person has any given inflammations of a backbone or joints, approximately every twentieth — osteoarthrosis, every tenth — regularly shown back pains, and from time to time or is single them tests more than 70% of the population. Problems with the musculoskeletal device are so frequent generally because of the irresponsible attitude towards this aspect of health while prevention measures almost do not demand special efforts.

Whether your organism has enough iron: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

Whether your organism has enough iron: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

The healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition become more and more popular every day, and it is simply remarkable, such aspiration leads to longevity and life practically without diseases and indispositions. For this purpose first of all the balanced diet in which there will be at the necessary quantities all vitamins, minerals and minerals is necessary for the person.

Advantage and value of a lysine for a human body

Advantage and value of a lysine for a human body

Amino acids which are necessary for the person for the vital processes happening in an organism are divided into replaceable — they can independently be synthesized, and irreplaceable — they have to arrive with food.

Advantage and value of aliphatic amino acid valine for a human body

Advantage and value of aliphatic amino acid valine for a human body

Valine belongs to one of the few amino acids which our organism does not reproduce. This substance has to come to an organism only from the outside, together with food. About this substance the speech in article will also go.

Vitamins for cheerfulness and energy

Vitamins for cheerfulness and energy

Many, apparently, absolutely healthy people in the medical plan complain of breakdown. At the same time it is necessary to force itself to do something, to fight against drowsiness, apathy alternates with irritability, concentration of attention decreases, thinking is at a loss. Usually these symptoms speak about lack of enough the vitamins B an organism increasing working capacity and giving energy.