10 councils for gardeners

10 councils for gardeners

There will come the long-awaited summer soon. Time of the sun, heat and kitchen garden. Everything who have small allotment, will sow greens, to plant potato, carrots, cabbage and other vegetables.

It is required to you

  • Simple advice which will help to grow up good harvest will be useful to you.


1. If you use organic chemistry as fertilizer, then your vegetables will grow more feeder.

2. Any cabbage loves earthing up. The exception makes kohlrabi. As a result of earthing up there are new roots, and the power supply condition improves.

3. If on the street droughty weather, leaves at cauliflower lift and bind on the top.

4. Broccoli is very exacting to watering. If it lacks moisture, it becomes withdrawal pains. Also does not love shadow.

5. Tomatoes need to be loosened accurately not to damage roots. If it has occurred, the plant perishes.

6. It is necessary to water tomatoes on furrows. And if on the street the weather cool, then such watering is the most ideal for plant. Such receptions will save tomatoes from diseases, and ovaries will not be showered.

7. When eggplants have not enough moisture, power supply or changeable temperature on the street, they can dump buds, flowers and ovaries.

8. In hot weather at pepper it is necessary to delete stepsons and part of the top flowers.

9. If hot and dry summer, then stepsons at pepper do not need to be deleted. Leaves will protect plants from moisture evaporation.

10. Tomatoes will longer lie if to pick them since morning and to put in box in a row, fruit stem above.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
