Sliding wardrobes became irreplaceable piece of furniture for millions of people for a long time. Functionality, stylishness, reliability, economy of the place – some of many advantages which the sliding wardrobe before normal cabinet or wardrobe gives. About these advantages – below.
1. Economy of the place. Normal oar cabinets have so-called "dead zone", i.e. space which is necessary for cabinet doors to open. With sliding wardrobes about this zone it is possible to forget. The sliding doors located like compartment doors (from here and the name), have solved this problem once and for all.
2. Big capacity. No cabinet, even made to order, can be compared to the sliding wardrobe capacity as the sliding wardrobe occupies all space "offered" it both in depth, and in width, and in height. And everything has put …
3. … in rational use of the place. Upward you can put not often used things, and footwear or office with kidswear below will accurately be located. By the way, if you make out sliding wardrobe to order, we can design what offices and shelves will be in yours to sliding wardrobe.
4. Esthetics. Sliding wardrobes, as a rule, are produced to order. Experienced designers (if, of course, you have not addressed to some shady business establishment) will design for you beautiful doors and shelves which optimum will fit into your interior.
5. Reliability. The rusted loops, the dangling body, the unscrewed fastenings – all this will disappear as bad dream. Sliding wardrobes it is much more reliable than normal cabinets. The main thing is to watch wheels and in time to clean runners from dust and dirt.
6. Safety. Door of sliding wardrobe it is much safer than doors of oar cabinets. Forget about the clamped fingers of children! Of course, and when using sliding wardrobe it is worth to remember about safety. But your children will have no temptation to put fingers in the purpose between door and jamb or to dangle, as on carousel, having hung on the cabinet handle.
7. Financial question. Until recently quite wealthy people were able to afford sliding wardrobes. But everything changes. Once and plastic windows were luxury, and now stand practically in every second apartment. Now sliding wardrobes are not more expensive than "traditional cabinets", and advantages before them have much. And them it is much bigger, than it is described in this article.