The kitchen often is the most favourite and most uncontrollable place in the house. Here things of all family members – textbooks and notebooks of children, working papers of the husband, toy accumulate – and somewhere in this disorder you have to make lunches and dinners. To facilitate to itself life, take 7 steps towards to the rational organization of the working space in kitchen.
1. The first step for the organization of any working situation is cleaning. Examine all kitchen lockers and boxes. Think what is really necessary and that only takes the place. Throw out what is not necessary and also to what in kitchen not the place – papers, toys, etc.
2. Further examine contents of the fridge, freezing chamber and storeroom. Expired products should not be in kitchen. Say goodbye to what you will definitely not eat. Take for the rule to sign storage lives of products in the freezer and preparations in the storeroom. And then in due time use or get rid of already expired products.
3. Divide kitchen into functional zones. For example, you keep the coffee maker, the coffee grinder, coffee and coffee cups in one box. In the same way arrive also with other objects. I.e. break all kitchen utensils on different subjects.
4. When hostesses do attempts to rationally organize kitchen space, they want to get as much as possible containers and boxes for storage at once. It is convenient, but you should not buy them in large numbers in advance. At first sort kitchen accessories, decide on the necessary number of containers, and then get. So you will get what is necessary.
5. Use stickers and labels. It will help all family members the nobility as where is. And it, in turn, will push them to establishing order in kitchen.
6. Create the system of cleaning of kitchen. Hang up on the fridge the schedule of establishing order in kitchen, write down all necessary affairs, the list of weekly purchases there.
7. The most difficult not to bring order – it is regularly much more difficult to support it. Take yourself for the rule: every day to give 15 minutes to cleaning in kitchen.