Air and bubble washing machine: pluses and minuses

Air and bubble washing machine: pluses and minuses

The principle of operation of air and bubble washing machines is simple: by means of the pump the set of small bubbles which, bursting, "push out" dirt from things is created. This feature gives to such devices both advantages, and shortcomings.

Pluses of air and bubble machines

The most important advantage of such products is their profitability. They do not need hot water, and the heating coil in them is absent at all. It means that electric power expenses when using these devices considerably decrease. Besides, they work without heavy expenses of powder that also allows to save.

You should not forget that in normal washing machines heating coil most often breaks, besides its replacement runs into money. Air and bubble models allow to avoid such expenditure.

During "washing" in air and bubble machines of thing do not rub the friend about the friend and are not crumpled that considerably facilitates care for them and prolongs the term of their service. Such devices do not depend on water pressure in pipes in any way – they are not connected to water supply system at all. It is rather simple to fill in cold water in special capacity, and the machine will make all the rest.

Remember that if necessary you can connect the equipment even to tapping cock, without calling the plumber for installation.

At last, it is worth mentioning two more important advantages of air and bubble machines. First, their drum becomes covered by thin layer of silver from within that allows to achieve strong antibacterial effect and even helps to fight against unpleasant smells. Secondly, such devices work almost silently therefore they will not disturb either you, or your members of household.

Shortcomings of air and bubble machines

One of the most serious minuses of such devices is that they are not always capable to cope with pollution well. Unfortunately, there are cases when after washing it is necessary to boil in addition linen or to independently purify fabric from spots. Certainly, the machine is more qualitative and more reliable, the better it erases, however such characteristics influence also the product price. Most often the poor quality of operation of the air and bubble machine is connected with use of improper water, and one more important minus of such devices consists in it. The hard water, the linen will be worse to be cleaned. It means that before use of the equipment, perhaps, it is necessary to use special filters for water quality improvement, and it is connected with additional expenses of money and time and also with efforts. At last, it is necessary to pay special attention to set of functions. He can be strongly limited: for example, in some models there is no linen extraction option.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
