As in the spring to process raspberry brake from wreckers and diseases

As in the spring to process raspberry brake from wreckers and diseases

Various wreckers are capable to interfere with normal development and fructification of crimson bushes. But in due time taken measures will help to cope with them and to provide to bush good conditions for development. It is the most convenient to process bushes for the purpose of pest control in spring time.

The stem fly or crimson bug, weevil strawberry malinny, midge pobegovy can cause the main damage to crimson bushes. Without the correct processing of bushes the fight will not be successful.

The first of stages of fight can be begun immediately after the first cleaning in raspberry brake is executed. For a start the earth is dug over. In it larvae of harmful insects can winter, and at digging up it is possible to see them and to remove from soil. On the same the reason should clear raspberry brake of last year's foliage. It is not used in compost, as well as the infected branches which are cut off from raspberry – everything that is struck by wreckers, it is burned.

Fight against crimson bug

To get rid of may-bug, nitrohair dryer solution – 200 gr on 10 l of water is used. As soon as cutting of bushes is made, they together with the surrounding earth are sprayed with this solution.  

If owners of raspberry brake are drawn towards use of natural medicines, it is possible to prepare grass infusion. The crushed collecting flowers of barkhatets – 200 gr – fill in with water in number of 10 l and within ten days keep for insisting in the quiet place. Using the same proportions, prepare solution of bitter wormwood, insisting requires only about two hours. Solutions to filter, mix in different parts then it is possible to use the received mix.

Malinny midge

This insect postpones the damaging escapes of larva. Having looked narrowly at escapes, on them it is possible to notice outgrowths in which larvae have hidden. The branches struck thus need to be removed and burned.

In the spring for prevention of emergence of new parasites the land after digging up is cultivated solution of fufanon – 15 ml of medicine on 10 liters of water. Repeated spraying is carried out after tie of buds on plants, the solution prepared at the rate of 10 ml on 10 l of water is used. At the same time about 200 ml of solution are spent for one bush.

Processing against fly stem

The fly constitutes danger to bushes – it damages young escapes, brings infection and causes rotting of greens. When carrying out mulching to the hatching larvae the exit to surface will be complicated.

Before blossoming it is desirable to carry out processing of raspberry by one of such medicines as Fitoverm, Agravertin, Aktellik. They are more effective, than folk remedies.

Diseases of crimson bushes

The anthracnose and gray decay are most dangerous to raspberry. To prevent emergence of decay, spraying of bushes by the Bordeaux liquid is carried out in the early spring (3% solution). For protection against anthracnose solution of nitrafen – 200 gr on 10 l to which bushes are processed is prepared.

That wreckers and diseases have not ruined harvest, to carry out processing of the earth it is necessary to begin as soon as snow descends and will thaw top layer. The correct use of chemicals helps to save raspberry brake and positively influences development of plants, as promotes receiving rich harvest.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
