As in the summer to fight against pincers on the site

As in the summer to fight against pincers on the site

With arrival of spring on the parcel absolutely unexpected guests - pincers appear. It is necessary to get rid of them at once not to receive dangerous sting, they have serious diseases: encephalitis, Lyme's disease, monocyte-derived erlikhioz and many others.

National methods of fight against pincers

The most frequent and effective method is scaring away of pincers by means of specific smells of plants. The sage, pink geranium, rosemary, mint marsh and cat's mint, garlic, marigold – will help to get rid of parasites in quite short terms. It is necessary to spread out plants in places of big congestion of wreckers. The pungent smell will frighten off ticks in couple of hours. Also essential oil will help to get rid of them. It it is enough to drip on the earth about tick.

Not less good means from wreckers - mix which consists of 14-16 drops of oil of geranium and 2 tablespoons of almond oil. Oil of geranium can be replaced palmarozy. This mix is stored very long in the cool place therefore it is possible to prepare poison for all season at once. Place traps on your site, day of pincers later you will not see any more. For surgical strike on tick it is possible to use similar components. It is necessary to mix glass of water, small amount of pure alcohol and 3 tsps of oil of geranium. To fill in mix in normal bottle with the spray and to hold it always near at hand.

Chemical means from pincers

Chemical means for fight against pincers are divided into several groups: acaricidal, repellent, acaricidal and repellent. Acaricidal means have toxic effect, that is break behavior of tick. He cannot bite the person or animal and, eventually, perishes. Among such means the most popular – Permanon which is on sale in the form of aerosol can, and "Pretix" - pieces of chalk. At hit of these funds for tick and near it, the insect gets poisoning, coordination of its movements is broken and there occurs death. Repellent means frighten off parasites. Akrozol, "Gal-ret", Biban which meet in the form of aerosols treat them. These means are intended for processing of surface of body from pincers, but also are good also for application on the site. It is possible to put on the site near congestion of pincers the fabric impregnated with repellent, it will frighten off them the next minutes. Such matter can lie within 3-5 days then ceases to affect parasites. Acaricidal and repellent means can at the same time both frighten off and break behavior of parasite. "KRA-turnips" - the best medicine among acaricidal repellentykh of acaricides.

Other councils

That pincers did not appear on your site, it is necessary to cut as often as possible lawns, to rake up fallen leaves, to remove the remains of plants and food from the earth. It is also possible to make small barrier to scaring away of pincers of gravel. Mice – prokormitel of larvae of ixodic pincers. From them tick-borne encephalitis therefore not to allow emergence of pincers, it is necessary to use mousetraps and traps is transmitted to larvae.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
