As it is correct to put tile

As it is correct to put tile

The placement operations of tile demands accuracy and does not stand haste and vanity. If you have decided to execute this operation independently, be patient. Pick up the tile suitable you, glue and the necessary tool.

  • - tile;
  • - tiled glue;
  • - guides;
  • - corners and crosses for laying of tile;
  • - toothed palette;
  • - rubber palette;
  • - finish;
  • - glass-cutter and plitkorez.

1. Prepare the equal basis under tile. Apply the special structure leveling horizontal surface to floor. Process walls putty and progruntuyta. The tile can be wetted in water at several o'clock, but it is done not by all and too are happy with result. If there is opportunity, make as old masters advise, that is take tile in water.

2. Ways of laying of tile various: "seam in seam", on diagonal and "in bandaging". The first option assumes serial vykladyvaniye of tile one after another. If you choose way "in bandaging", stack higher ranks, displacing them on half-tiles across. The middle of tile appears over seam and vice versa. Option with diagonal laying difficult and labor-consuming and if you still the inexperienced master, is better not to begin such work.

3. Prepare the basis under the first horizontal row of tile. Take long equal direct boards, rails or guides, attach them self-tapping screws to wall. Do not forget to level them, using level. If all room gives all the best tile, make the basis on all perimeter.

4. Begin work with corner. Look at obstacles if they are. Calculate with what corner it is better to begin to cut less tile. Dissolve tiled glue, being guided by the instruction. Do not prepare all bag of means at once if you only test in this work. Glue will quickly dry, and its expense will be too big.

5. Attach special corner by means of which begin to stack tile. Accurately apply with the special toothed palette glue on tile and put material to wall. It is possible to work and applying the gluing structure on surface, but not on tile.

6. Consistently spread the following tiles. Insert between them crosses that gaps were equal. You monitor differences between the tiles standing nearby, for this purpose apply clean tile to joint of two next. If the tile exactly lies on already pasted, so all of you do correctly. If it adjoins leaky, level the second tile, having lowered or having added glue.

7. For cutting of tile use the glass-cutter. Pencil draw shear line. Put tile on plain surface to this line, carry out several times by the glass-cutter, strike piece, groundless with hand. It is better to use special plitkorez, to use it much more simply.

8. For figured cuts it is necessary to take the Bulgarian and circle for tile. You drill holes drill with drill for glass and tile. If it is necessary to break away small piece, draw line the glass-cutter, and separate edge flat-nose pliers or pincers.

9. When the laid tile dries (approximately in a day), remove the basis from boards or rails. Remove crosses and start finish of seams. Choose means under color of tile or on tone - two more dark or is lighter for contrast. Rub the finish divorced water in seams the rubber palette. When it a little dries up, carry out by piece of wire with pressing on seams. The finish will densely be pressed between tiles and will well look.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
