As it is correct to sterilize the jars

As it is correct to sterilize the jars

Preservation of products is reliable way to keep products long time in qualitative look. At preservation the products are exposed to processing which excludes development of activity of various microorganisms and dispute. Important point in this process is the correct sterilization of cans.

It is required to you

  • - banks for sterilization;
  • - big pan;
  • - special cover;
  • - capture for hot cans;
  • - steam juicer;
  • - microwave oven;
  • - oven;
  • - water;
  • - baking soda or mustard powder.


1. Well wash up banks before sterilization. Apply baking soda or mustard powder to washing. Steam banks over boiled water. For this purpose pour water to half of volume into pan and bring it to boiling. Over pan establish special cover for sterilization. Establish on cover to bank, having placed its neck in cut, sterilize for 15 minutes.

2. Sterilize the small jars in big pan, boiling method. In big pan establish banks of small volume, fill it with water that banks have been covered 2-3 centimeters above neck and put on fire. Sterilize the jars within 20 minutes, after the beginning of boiling of water. Being careful, take out banks by means of special capture.

3. Fry thoroughly banks in hot oven. It is convenient to use this way if you need several sterile cans of large volume at once. Establish banks in cold oven by neck down. Include oven on maximum, in 5 minutes lower fire half. In 15-20 minutes switch off oven. Use banks after such sterilization only after partial cooling, otherwise they can burst.

4. Use the steam juicer for sterilization. In standard pan 5-6 small cans from 0.5 to 1 liter can be located. Remove middle part of the steam juicer which is between pallet and grid for berries. Fill capacity for water on 2/3 volumes and put it on fire. After boiling, establish grid with banks and close cover. Sterilization time of 15 minutes. Banks can be got on one while the others continue to be sterilized.

5. Sterilize the jars of small volume in the microwave oven. Pour into clean banks on 50 g of water, put them on microwave pallet. Establish the maximum power. After water in banks begins to boil, wait 3 minutes and switch off the furnace. Take out banks, pour out the remained water and at once use for filling by preservation products.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
