As it is correct to wash the floor from laminate

As it is correct to wash the floor from laminate

The laminated floors gain the increasing popularity, they look very expensive, but are made of various materials. As well as any other types of floor coverings, laminate demands leaving of a certain type.

It is required to you

  • - vacuum cleaner;
  • - clean rag;
  • - tissues;
  • - water;
  • - vinegar;
  • - bucket.


1. Before starting mopping, put away all large garbage, then vacuum them. Take out furniture and other things which can interfere with cleaning from the room.

2. Prepare solution which you will wash the floor. For this purpose mix water with the distilled vinegar from calculation ½ glasses of vinegar on each liter of water. Instead of vinegar it is possible to use ammonia, but vinegar concedes nothing to it in efficiency, besides, the sting does less harm to the sealant used when mounting of the laminated floors. Other advantage of vinegar is its ability to neutralize negative impact of water on wooden covers, without vinegar it can leave damages to type of spots. For prevention of stains on floor surface water can also be diluted 1/3 glasses of alcohol.

3. Moisten rag in water, then as much as possible squeeze out it, getting rid of residues of moisture. Wipe with it floors along the laid laminate levels. If you wash by means of mop, try to use the normal tools which do not have function of extraction. The independent extraction of rag is more effective, than sponge extraction at similar devices which can lead to emergence on floor of excess moisture. Having finished mopping, give them time to dry. Try not to use for this purpose dry rags, just open windows and doors and air the room.

4. If you want to clean the small site of laminate, to wash it completely preparing similar solution optional. You can use special cleansers for this covering which usually are on sale in the form of sprays. Apply this means on the polluted site of floor and wipe it by means of tissue. Be careful, some similar means contain ammonia which can lead to floor sealant destruction in the structure. Use similar cleansers every time when you find small sites of pollution on floor, it will save you from need of frequent washing of dirty floor in the normal way.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
