Brick tile — universal construction material which was used only for facing of socles and facades of constructions earlier. Now it is applied to interior finish of rooms, fireplaces, ladders, registration of interior elements. Quality dense clinker always has uniform structure.
The brick tile is not the innovation material in the modern construction market. The technology of its production has been mastered in the nineteenth century in Europe when clay began to be subjected to high-temperature roasting. The received bricks were durable, waterproof, very strong and maintained extreme loadings. Trimmed with them walls of any buildings (inhabited and commercial) and paved roads.
Features of production of exclusive brick tile
All positive utilization properties of these construction materials are caused by specifics of their production. As raw materials the producers take eco-friendly natural clay. It is extracted in several pits in different countries and specially let on production of clinker. The first method assumes roasting of the prepared product after preliminary drying. In the second case the drying is not required. Process of roasting takes away about 48 hours. At the same time particular temperature condition to 1200 wasps is supported. This production technique does clinker durable and serviceable in different conditions.
All advantages of finishing material
Due to set of positive characteristics the brick tile is used for different finishing work, including difficult. Material favourably differs from analogs:
- resistance to temperature differences;
- environmental friendliness — by its production does not use toxic chemical compounds;
- frost resistance — maintains more than 150 cycles of defrosting and deep freezing;
- low level of water absorption (does not exceed 3%) — therefore material can be used for finishing work in bathrooms, facings of pools;
- not susceptibility to ultra-violet influence;
- fire resistance — at emergence of flame the tile does not emit gaseous substances hazardous to health of the person;
- simplicity of leaving and operation;
- long terms of use;
- — easily decorates with excellent decorative properties and changes any interior regardless of style of its registration.
The popularity of application of brick tile in apartments and houses is caused also it by universality. This material is suitable for laying on any bases, including concrete, metal, gypsum cardboard.
Types of brick tile
Before inside lining purchase of products it is necessary to decide on its type, characteristics. The brick tile is classified on finishings of rooms, waterproof, technical and traditional depending on options, from within. The first is suitable for facing of indoor pools, saunas and bathrooms. The second is applied to arrangement of sidewalks and road surfacings, Classical facing clinker is universal and is suitable for finishing work in different parts of constructions. Also emit complex architectural material which has various style decisions and the design features. The "made old" tile which is easily imitating unevenness of roasting of brick and insignificant erosion is popular. Often get also original products with the fragments of minerals and pieces of coal entered into structure. This unusual accessory materials gives to designer clinker special charm.
For application in rooms with the high level of humidity the tile is carefully covered with transparent or multi-colored glaze. In the market of construction materials popular products which surface "plays" different shades of palette — from white and dairy to dark beige and black are widespread. Wide choice of color schemes allows designers to create fancy compositions to taste of customers. Products of red-brown and yellow shades are widespread.
The surface of traditional brick tile can be uneven or smooth. The rough top layer resembles the texture of natural stone, and equal — standard noble brick. Therefore by means of clinker it is possible to finish interestingly walls in rooms, to create special interior design with the minimum expenses of time and physical forces. Its moderate price is considered indisputable advantage of this facing tile.
Use options in interior: where durable and esthetic clinker is useful?
This strong material with the first-class decorative properties is often applied fragmentary, that is decorates separate walls in rooms or their specific sites. It is possible to allocate several interesting design receptions which are easy for realizing without the professional help:
- emphasis on one of walls — facing of surface at bed headboard in the bedroom;
- effective finishing of kitchen "apron";
- visual division of the room into different zones when using unequal models of clinker;
- facing of the furnace or fireplace;
- finishing of lower faces of walls in halls because of their susceptibility to mechanical influences;
- processing of perimeters of window and door openings, columns, corners, various interior parts and compositions.
The owner of the apartment or house can easily modify each option according to the esthetic taste, replace parts or build other technology of finishing of internal walls.
What will be required for competent facing indoors: parent materials and tools
Correctly and qualitatively it is possible to finish walls or home decoration in the presence of special materials, devices for work. Treat them:
- nozzle on drill or the mixer, net capacity for mix preparation;
- toothed palette, rubber hammer;
- brushes and roller;
- the laser construction level for alignment, marker, plumb;
- grinder;
- the syringe for filling of seams;
- brush with metal pile for cleaning of surface of clinker of residues of solution;
- quality tiled glue, primer;
- finish on cement basis.
Experts recommend to use all structures in a dry form that then parts them in the proportions recommended by producers. Instructions usually are present at packings.
Preparatory work
For interior finish of walls tile of brick type it is necessary to prepare surface if on it there are defects. It has to be smooth, dry and strong. In the presence of cracks they extend and filled with putty. Also oily, bituminous spots, friable consistence are not allowed. All this is accurately cleaned off to the basis and closed up by construction mix. Brick, fibrotsementny, gas-silicate, plasterboard walls will not require special notches before clinker laying. It is possible to leave these manipulations for smooth concrete or to replace with putting quality primer. It is desirable not to save on material and at once to lay 2-3 layers.
At the next stage of preparation the marking becomes. At first the basic horizontal line is noted. From it there are basic lines which are fixed taking into account necessary width between tiles. For laying of starting lower row it is recommended to establish wooden rail or metal section. It will simplify task and will help to create equal row. After glue skhvatyvaniye you will be able to remove unnecessary guide part.
Features of mounting
At the first stage it is necessary to prepare glue structure in small amount. It is necessary to calculate how many tile you will be able to lay in 30 minutes. After this time the structure will be considered as overdone and will not be able reliably to fix clinker on surface of walls. Material will quickly harden and will lose the opportunities. At the same time it is senseless to dilute glue with water. Some masters try to ret tile before mounting for better adhesion. But it has no practical loading. Laying of tile should be begun from corner and further message on ranks from below up.
Glue is applied on surface and then distributed by the toothed palette. It is not necessary to occupy the area more than 6 tiles for one approach. The structure will begin to harden earlier, than you lay clinker. Especially it concerns inexperienced people who did not face facing works in or outside of rooms earlier. After installation each tile densely takes root to wall and for additional adjustment is taped by rubber hammer. The acting surplus of glue cleans up the palette. Professionals do not advise in the course of laying to cause structure and N clinker rear side to minimize pollution.
During operating time "Bulgarian" with disk on stone can be required. If it is necessary to give to tile certain form, protect eyes special glasses. Clinker splinters very sharp can also put damages to mucous membrane. It is desirable to provide use of working clothes with dense gloves in advance.
After finishing of walls it is possible to start registration of intertiled seams. This work requires special attention and accuracy. It is necessary to close up gleams between separate elements by means of "gun" or the special construction syringe. But some people hands rub clean seams and do not use the additional tool that does work as more labor-consuming. It is possible to condense with narrow blade of concave or convex form finish. It is necessary for giving to accuracy gleams, and completeness interior. The structure for finish can be used only in a day after clinker laying that he has managed to grapple with surface. Surplus of material from face side of tile easily cleans up abrasive brushes completion of works.