Care for grapes in the spring and in the summer: main recommendations

Care for grapes in the spring and in the summer: main recommendations

It is impossible to call care for grapes lung, but the result which manages to be reached at the same time inspires gardeners on acquisition all of new productive grades. Over the years also experience of successful wine growing comes.

Care for grapes in the spring

In spite of the fact that each grade has the features, there are general recommendations about care for vineyard. As a rule, grapes are grown up on lanes from which in the fall it needs to be removed and covered rod with fir twigs. After snow descent it is necessary to examine lanes in the spring and if necessary to repair them. At this time it is important not to be late with removal of fir twigs not to allow vymokaniye and perishing of rod. It is necessary to remove shelters at rise of temperature to - 5 wasps. Special attention should be paid to the soil around bushes as stagnation of water in roots is inadmissible. That to avoid it, it is necessary to plant plants on hillocks or sublime places at once. After removal of the shelter it is necessary to examine attentively bushes, to remove the damaged escapes and to tie up rod.

The next stage – processing of landings of grapes from diseases and wreckers. If on escapes outgrowths of irregular shape are found, they need to be cut and burned, and to treat the wounds 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or 5% solution of permanganate of potassium then to cover with the garden thief. Then it is necessary to reduce watering of sick plant and to temporarily cancel all fertilizing.

Also at the same time it is necessary to process bushes from fungal diseases: gray decay, anthracnose and mildew solution of copper or iron vitriol. In total such processings has to be two. The second is carried out in the middle of July. After the beginning of vegetation it is necessary to introduce under bushes plain complex fertilizer on 5-7 g/sq.m. and to loosen the surface of the soil. The medicine "Epin" will help to save plants from spring frosts. It needs to be dissolved in water according to the instruction on packing and to spray bushes. This medicine works within 10-12 days, protecting plant from damage by frost.

Care for grapes during the summer

Care for grapevine during filling in of brushes is not less important. Important stage – forming of rod. The stepsons appearing during the summer it is necessary to break out in time, leaving 2 leaves on each of them. It needs to be done not to weaken plant and to give to harvest the chance to ripen. Also it is necessary to limit growth of rod at the level of 160-170 cm. If not to do it, it is possible to lose part of harvest and rod will go to winter of unprepared. During this period the bushes need the strengthened fertilizing: to infuse solution of mullein 1:5, to add to it superphosphate (30 g), nitrophoska (20 g), 50-80 g of wood ashes on 10 l of water. All fertilizing has to be complete to the middle of July. Further they can do harm to maturing of rod. During severe drought the bushes need watering, but in the second half of summer all waterings stop. During the whole season it is necessary to examine attentively leaves on bushes. At the first emergence of white or gray fungal raid it is necessary to carry out urgently the second processing by copper or iron vitriol. During the whole spring and summer season it is necessary to weed and loosen the soil under bushes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
