Choice of the electrofret saw

Choice of the electrofret saw

The electric fret saw – one of the most popular hand tools. With its help it is possible to carry out cross, longitudinal and figured cutting of various sheet materials. This device is appreciated by both house masters, and professionals usability and its universal opportunities.

Household or professional

Household electrofret saws have small working resource, low power and quite limited set of additional functions. As a rule, such models are suitable for cutting of steel articles up to 0.4 cm thick, tree - up to 7 cm. The total time recommended for use of the household tool is about 20 hours a month. Certainly, household models in comparison with professional have smaller cost.

Greater demands as they have to maintain serious loadings, to be the most convenient and to have high performance are placed on professional electrofret saws. The professional tool can cut steel up to 1 cm thick, aluminum – to 2 cm and wood – up to 8-14 cm. Its cost in many respects depends on power, availability of additional functions and popularity of brand.

Additional functions

Choosing the electrofret saw, pay attention to the tool handle. It can be fungate or bracket-shaped. It does not affect quality of work in any way, however it is more convenient to work as the tool with the fungate handle at gradient plane, and use of the fret saw with the bracket-shaped handle will make the line of the machine cut well looked through.

Files can fasten the clamping device or screws. The first system is more convenient as it allows to change quickly cloths without use of special purpose tools.

At the majority of modern models of electrofret saws there is pendular mechanism. It reports to file of the movement across and helps to carry out material section only at the movement up. This function prolongs the term of operation of file, does work as more productive, but at the same time not to the best can affect quality of the machine cut. Therefore when there is need to receive the fair machine cut, it is better to turn off this function. Also there is no need to use pendulum movement during the work with strong breeds of wood and sheet steel. One more useful function for work with various materials – adjustment of frequency of the course. In some devices this parameter is set just before inclusion, in others – is regulated by means of the strengthened pressing the start-up button. Increase in frequency of the course increases performance, however promotes fast wear of cloth. If you have to work at weak lighting, it is necessary to pay attention to such function as illumination of work area, and to buy the tool with the built-in lamp.

That the tool well worked, regularly grease mechanisms and you keep it clean. At work follow the instruction of the producer.

For ensuring purity in workplace some models are equipped with branch pipe by means of which the tool is connected to the vacuum cleaner. Small shaving and dust will be extended by the vacuum cleaner, freeing the working area and improving visibility of the machine cut.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
