Correct care for kalanchoe

Correct care for kalanchoe

Kalanchoe - rather unpretentious flower therefore many decide to bring him on the windowsills. Besides, it is useful plant. He was nicknamed the doctor from different diseases.

At plant fleshy and thick leaves. Kalanchoe has got to us from subtropics and tropics. Two types of kalanchoe are suitable for cultivation in house conditions: plumose and degremona.

This flower loves bright light so it is better to have it at the southern window. The plant does not need constant observance of temperature, differences in 17-25 degrees to it will not be terrible. In the winter of kalanchoe perfectly experiences dryness of air, for it it is not hindrance. The house flower of kalanchoe has huge number of types of inflorescences of different color: from bright orange, red or lilac to gentle white.

In order that kalanchoe has blossomed, it is necessary to create certain conditions:

1. The daylight hours has to go at least 12 hours. At the same time temperature has to be maintained in 15-18 degrees. Without enough light you do not receive large flowers with bright coloring.

2. Even in the winter the flower should not be sprayed. As fertilizing take complex mineral fertilizers. Fertilize in the summer of times a week, in the winter - once a month.

3. If you want to achieve active development and growth of kalanchoe, then take close pot. The soil has to consist of part of the sheet earth and cespitose, at it there has to be sand and humus. Availability of wood ashes for growth activation is allowed.

Reproduction of plant happens children, seeds, cherenkovaniye.

In case with children it is necessary to take the little child from adult plant. To put her bottom side up and to powder with the paved way layer about 1 cm. It is required to water every day in the small portions. After a while it is possible to receive from each child on several plants. Change of children is carried out together with earth lump.

Shanks the plant breeds in the similar way. Take when undercutting plant from the cut-off stalks several shanks, plant them in damp sand, wind with film to accelerate rooting. Before replacing shanks on separate pots, prepare qualitative drainage.

For reproduction use even fallen leaves! They are enough to be planted in sand, to water, draw capacity film. It is better to carry out such manipulation in June. Same concerns also seeds.

When the plant ceases to blossom, make cutting. Remove the withered branches, create krone. After cutting of kalanchoe the dormant period is required. Reduce the number of waterings, pick up more dark place.

Leaves can begin to dry up, become yellow. If the lower foliage has turned yellow - it is normal process. The turned yellow average tier is sign of violation of the rules of leaving. Pay then special attention to watering: give to the earth between waterings completely to dry up. Sustain week – for kalanchoe the drought is not terrible, and here overwetting can badly affect.

It is worth noticing that periodically the plant needs to be updated, eternally green it will not be.

Change of the blossoming kalanchoe is very undesirable, such procedure should be made only after the end of blossoming.

Replace kalanchoe every spring. For this purpose pave the "correct" way: Mix part of the cespitose earth with part of the sheet and peat earth, add part of sand and crushed brick.

Pull out old plant together with the earth. Act accurately – do not damage root system! Replace flower in pot more.

Though the plant and unpretentious, but plant can begin to suffer from the wrong leaving. There are several signs by which it is possible to determine that care for kalanchoe wrong:

  • fallen leaves sign that the plant lacks power supply;
  • at juicy and healthy leaves there is no blossoming – the reason is in lack of lighting;
  • black spots on foliage sign that the plant is influenced by excess of moisture and low temperature.

If you have taken the responsibility of care for such house plant, then remember possible appearance of wreckers. The kalanchoe can suffer from mold if it is in too damp and cold room. At heat of heat and moisture on plant mealy dew appears.

It is easy to avoid all this, just create to plant the specified conditions!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
