Crocus "Romance": description, cultivation

Crocus "Romance": description, cultivation

Housekeeping Hits: 117

Crocus – delicate flower which begins the blossoming early in the spring. Flowers are undemanding and easy in leaving. Even the beginning gardener will be able to grow up them on the site. They perfectly are suitable for registration of the Alpine hills, lawns and beds. One of the most beautiful grades of crocus is the grade "Romance".



The crocus, or saffron, belongs to klubnelukovichny plants. It is widespread to the Mediterranean, in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. About 80 types of crocus are known.

The grade "Romance" is received from saffron of a wild-growing type golden. This grassy plant grows no more than 10-12 cm. Flowers have the form of glass and diameter about 3 cm, are painted in yellow color. Leaves narrow with white pro-vein in the center. The bulb of rounded shape has scales and fibrillose backs. Blossoming begins in March and about 10 days proceed.

Now boarding

That flowers have pleased with the blossoming in the spring, begin to plant them in the fall. "Romance" it is better to make multiple copies grade affiliated bulbs. For landing it is recommended to choose the solar site with the nutritious and easy soil. Bulbs should be chosen as dense, without damages and the grown escapes.

Landing of bulbs. The soil before landing is fertilized by humus, manure or peat. For drainage it is necessary to add fine gravel or coarse sand to the soil and to dig over on depth about 25-30 cm. Before landing of bulb lower in potassium permanganate solution for 1 hour, for disinfecting and prevention of development of diseases. Small bulbs put on depth no more than 5 cm, depth of 10-12 cm is suitable for large. About 5-7 cm, less than a distance you should not do interval between plants. Flowers can grow on one place up to 5 years, and around bulbous tuber affiliated bulbs are formed.

In house conditions the crocuses can be landed at all seasons of the year. For landing it is better to use the grades with large flowers removed in Holland. Bulbs land in low containers with garden soil. Upon termination of blossoming, bulbs get from capacity, delete the earth and stack on storage to the dark dry place before autumn landing.

Care for crocuses

Care for crocuses not difficult. They do not need abundant watering. The first watering should be done if the winter was low-snow, and the spring passes without rains. Watering is obligatory during emergence of buds. After watering loosen the earth and delete weeds.

During growth the crocuses feed up potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. The first fertilizing becomes during growth of sprouts, following – when forming buds, the last after full withering of flowers.

Change of crocuses. Each 3-5 years flowers are recommended to be replaced to the new place. Change becomes during rest phase. In July the bulbs dig out, examine, separate affiliated lukovichka and infected, and stack on storage to the dry dark place at temperature of +18-20 degrees.

Diseases and wreckers

At the correct leaving and storage, plants are not surprised diseases and wreckers. Field mice – the main enemy of bulbs. Therefore it is necessary to store them in special boxes or boxes with cells and not to leave unguarded.

Slugs, caterpillars, the wireworm and plant louse can do harm to flowers. Caterpillars and slugs collect by hands. In fight against other insects use insecticides.

And deformation of leaves indicates white spots on flowers viral disease. The struck flowers are liable to obligatory destruction, and the soil needs to be disinfected potassium permanganate solution, in order to avoid infection of other flowers.

The agrotechnology of grade "Romance" does not differ from agrotechnology of other spring grades.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
