Disinfecting of seeds: dry and damp way

The known saying ""What seed, such is and the tribe"" will be always relevant. Seeds can be surprised bacteria, viruses, fungi. And such harmful infections can lead even to death not only seedlings, but also adult plants. Disinfecting of seeds - the most available way to grow up healthy and kind harvest.

Domestic manufacturers deliver the cleaned high-quality seeds which can bear invisible infections in trade. It is more reasonable to disinfect such sowing material. There are two ways - dry and damp disinfecting.

Dry disinfecting (warming up)

Especially members of pumpkin family like ""to be heated"". Cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, bush pumpkins place on warm batteries (furnaces) or suspend near them. The onion sets, pumpkin seeds, beet are displayed thin layer and warmed up in the spring in the sun, from time to time mixing. Seeds of family of cruciferae family (cabbage, turnip, radish, garden radish, mustard) warm up in water with temperature about 50 wasps within half an hour, using thermos. It is also possible to fill seeds in small jars and to lower in warm water. Some seeds need hotter processing. For example, carrot seeds should be warmed up at temperature about 54 wasps.

Damp disinfecting

- use of 1% of solution of potassium permanganate for soaking of dry seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers. After 20...30 minute disinfectings they are washed out surely in flowing not cold water.

 - use of juice of aloe. In advance cut off old leaf and maintain it in the fridge (t of 1 wasps) of about a week. Then wring out juice and day maintains in it seeds, then dries.

- disinfecting and power supply in garlic juice. One tablespoon of juice is parted in 1/3 glasses with water, lower seeds there for hour and washed out in water, later dried.

- processing in infusion of seeds of calendula. One tablespoon of seeds (it is possible together with flowers) is drawn in water 2 liter... 3 days. In infusion for 30 minutes lower the seeds demanding disinfecting. Processings of seeds of aster from fusariosis, cabbage from bacteriosis are especially effective.

- use of ashes for disinfecting and power supply of seeds. One tablespoon of ashes is filled in with 1 liter of water. Insist day, carrying out frequent agitations of solution. Merge infusion without cindery thick and lower in it seeds for three hours. Then they are washed with water and dried.

It is possible to use microfertilizers (pine forest, molybdenum, copper, etc.) too. At the correct application they will do good to seeds. But in house conditions it is difficult to observe exact dosage.

It is possible to apply in some cases fungicides (fitosporin, maxims, vitaros), in advance having studied the instruction on these medicines.

Several processings do not follow from damp ways of disinfecting to combine at once. It can do much harm to seeds.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
