In the nature there are a lot of plants which through leaves receive all necessary for the development, moisture and power supply, for example, pineappele family. Fertilizing on leaves is used long ago by the professionals who are engaged in cultivation of plants. Advanced summer residents know about extra root fertilizing. And fertilizing of plants through leaves, in comparison with the main application of fertilizers to the soil, has number of advantages.
1. Selectivity of processing. When entering fertilizer into the soil it, being dissolved, feeds not only those plants which we want to feed up. Weeds get the most part of such fertilizers. And they quickly begin ""to fatten"", oppressing and forcing out useful. Extra root fertilizing works precisely. Where we bring it what culture we feed up - that and receives the necessary power supply.
2. Quickly it is also brought effectively to by extra root fertilizing the cultural plants when they need this help. It is possible to determine the shortage of any given element (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron) by exterior of plants. At short notice we eliminate the shortage of the power supply, necessary at this stage of life. Such fertilizing begins to work already in a day after introduction.
3. The profitability of extra root power supply is higher many times in comparison with application of fertilizers to the soil. If dose of introduction of dry fertilizer on average 20-40 g on 1 sq.m, then 20-30 g, having dissolved in 10 l of water, it is possible to feed up on leaves almost whole hundred part with cultural plants.
4. The combined fertilizing with protective performance-enhancing drugs. For one such fertilizing it is possible both to feed up and to process plants, for example, against diseases fungicide or energeny - stimulator. ""We kill with one processing two hares"".