When choosing plaid paramount role is played by material of which it is made, on it depends, how qualitatively it will serve. Made of different materials, plaids will give different feelings, to have various exterior and, respectively, differently fit into your interior.
1. Plaids from synthetic materials. As a rule, it is polyester or acrylic. The plaids made of synthetic fibers, soft and fluffy, nice on the touch. Such plaids differ in the low price and simple leaving: washing at 30 degrees and any stroking. Plaids from synthetics are also preferable to people who have allergy to wool. It is possible to carry to minuses that at such plaids the original form is quickly lost and often material begins to roll down after the first washings. Synthetics attracts to itself dust and accumulates static electricity.
2. Plaids from wool. They are distinguished by the high cost and durability. They perfectly hold heat and will create feeling of cosiness and comfort in any interior. Wool improves blood circulation and allows body "to breathe". The plaids made of woolen fibers do not need frequent washings. As material for such plaids can serve sheep, goat or wool of the alpaca. Plaids from wool in knitted execution look always stylish in any interior. Among woolen the plaids made of cashmere wool are the most expensive. Such plaids perfectly hold heat, but they are short-lived. Therefore it is better to apply them as decoration of the bedroom or the living room.
3. Plaids from cotton. Are ideal for summer season. Cotton plaids easy, thin, soft and also eco-friendly. Are suitable for frequent washings and will long serve. Unless exterior of such plaids too simple-minded.
4. Plaids from bamboo. It is the material of new generation differing in hypoallergenicity and environmental friendliness. The bamboo contains substance which interferes with emergence and reproduction of harmful bacteria. Plaids from bamboo to the touch soft and easy.