Hardy flowers for garden

Hardy flowers for garden

Hardy flowers are the real find for gardeners. They are unpretentious as they do not demand special care except watering and weeding, are resistant to diseases, frosts and wreckers.

Long-term flowers for garden

It is possible to carry to hardy perennials: long-term asters, gold sphere, iris, daylily, delphinium.

Asters long-term differ in abundant and long blossoming. They are well adapted for different soil conditions, well expand and blossom even at bad leaving. Make multiple copies them seeds or division of bush.

That asters well blossomed, it is necessary to plant them on the open solar place.

The gold sphere (coneflower) – frost-resistant and unpretentious plant which is abundant blossoms since August to the most late fall. Stalks of gold sphere reach two meters in height, flowers at it large, yellow color. Make multiple copies plant division of bushes. Iris – plant which well transfers winter. At irises large flowers which sit on thick peduncles on 5-8 pieces. Color they can the most various: white, yellow, blue, pink, violet, brown-red. Make multiple copies iris division of rhizomes and seeds. The blossoming iris has gentle pleasant smell. Daylily – winter-hardy and low-exacting plant with large orange or yellow flowers which are located on several pieces on long peduncle. All daylily reaches height to 1.5 meters. Make multiple copies plant division of bush. Use for landings along paths and fences. Delphinium – frost-resistant perennial which reaches in height of 2.5 meters. The delphinium blossoms in lilac, blue, blue and white colors. Make multiple copies it seeds, division of bushes and shanks.

That the delphinium blossomed as long as possible, cut off deflowered stalk on ¾ lengths.

Annual flowers for garden

Annual plants decorate the with flowers and decorative greens of bed since spring, all summer and till late fall. Make multiple copies them seeds which need to be planted very much early because of the long vegetative period. Many annual plants have very strong pleasant aroma therefore they are often planted near terraces, near lodges at the dacha, paths on each side. Treat hardy annual flowers which enjoy wide popularity at gardeners: calendula, marigold, petunia. Calendula (marigold) are plant, unpretentious, resistant to frosts. Blossoms on extent of all summer in small yellow or orange colors. Well looks in group landings, single plants are lost against the background of other flowers. Marigold have strong upright stalk which height can vary from 20 to 80 centimeters. Very fragrant plant with yellow or orange colors which can be simple or terry. The petunia is grassy plant with beautiful large flowers of different shades. They can simple or terry, usually blossom odinochno.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
