How and when to plant grapes in the spring

Grapes always enjoyed wide popularity at gardeners for the pleasant taste and decorative look. Cultivation of grapes begins with its correct landing. How to plant grapes in the spring and when it is the best of all to do it?

Grapes need to be grown up on the most lit places which have equal relief. It badly transfers open norths therefore it will be better if from this party of landing are fenced off by fence or some building.

In the spring grapes are planted on personal plot from the middle of March and until the end of April. This time depends on weather patterns.

In general, this culture loves all soils except for boggy places. Grapes are landed ranks from the North on the South.

Before landing at saplings renew secateurs root system. It is cut to living tissue which has light color on cut. Further saplings place on couple of days in the clay talker.

Very important stage in landing of saplings of grapes is preparation of landing hole in the spring. First, the distance between them has to be about 2 meters. It is better to dig out hole in the diameter of 70-80 cm, with the same depth. Such sizes of landing hole allow plant grow better and quicker to enter fructification.

In this hole fill the whole bucket of wood ashes and 2-3 buckets of humus with addition of fertile soil. During all development the sapling will eat these fertilizers through root system. The top soil has to consist only of prime quality land. It is filled cone. Then in hole lower sapling and straighten its roots in different directions on this cone. At the same time, roots have to be lowered down.

Depth of landing reaches from 30 to 50 cm depending on view of the soil. At what, this distance undertakes from the most lower part of sapling from where roots, to the top level of the earth are formed. Sandy soils freeze through more deeply, therefore, and depth of landing will be more. From above the sapling is powdered with the earth layer of 10-15 cm such number of the earth allows to develop to deep roots which will not die in frosts.

From above the landing hole is covered with dark film which will protect plants from weeds, for longer time will keep moisture in the soil and will allow saplings grow quicker. Full fructification at grapes after spring landing occurs for 4-5 year.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
